Submitted by littleA1xo t3_yeh28p in Connecticut
lokitdwn t1_ity1g5a wrote
littleA1xo OP t1_ity1hyq wrote
thank you! I was wondering what kind it was. I didn’t even know we had such big snakes here
virtualchoirboy t1_ity1u04 wrote
I was sooo ready for this to be a picture of a politician.... :-)
Joggingmusic t1_ity2123 wrote
Yea it’s pretty neat to think we actually have some really cool reptiles roaming our woods!
lokitdwn t1_ity2e4o wrote
watervilleokemo t1_ity3rjv wrote
Did you take this today or is this an old pic? I feel it’s unusual to see snakes this late in the year no ?
hatecliff909 t1_ity4dtd wrote
Is that a king snake?
littleA1xo OP t1_ity9cvs wrote
kettletown state park!
SavageWatch t1_ity9h19 wrote
I've seen them climb a cliff once when I was rock climbing. Seen them on trees as well.
KingShortpants t1_itya7ye wrote
I saw a tiny one chillin in the sun on Saturday.
Chaos_Ice t1_ityhlmo wrote
We saw so many since we’ve gone. The funniest part was when my hubby said “it’s amazing we haven’t seen snakes this time” and immediately after jumps out of his skin to a big boi coiled up and facing us.
Milling_Machine t1_ityn0ps wrote
That's what she said!
buried_lede t1_itynv3i wrote
That looks like a rat snake and they can climb too.
raincoatsforrobots t1_itypdmu wrote
I saw one in Fairfield county last weekend! A tiny garter snake, but it was weird seeing one this late.
G3Saint t1_itzb4p3 wrote
No, they're still out. They most likely are hanging around the den site but will come out if it's warm to Sun themselves. Winter is long and cold.
merryone2K t1_itzdmcr wrote
A very TALL politician?
virtualchoirboy t1_itzdy82 wrote
Pretty much any politician. I've long subscribed to that old joke...
Q: How can you tell when a politician is lying?
A: Their lips are moving...
wholepailofwater t1_itzha3w wrote
Get them in my yard every june (I must live on a migration route) watched one slither right up into the undercarriage of my car never to he seen again. Some say it livessss tbere still.
kelovitro t1_itzknxj wrote
Ya, those rat snakes can get pretty big. When they're little they have a diamond pattern and shake their tail in leave litter to scare the everlivinshit out of curious young boys.
ImperialCobalt t1_itzqhe9 wrote
Two weeks ago me and my friends ran into what looked like an adolescent garter snake. First time seeing a snake but then again it's my first year in the countryside.
1o1Smileyface t1_iu04zvo wrote
No the hell it's not!
/s lol
Supercaesarsalad t1_iu08ihy wrote
I know that guy, I almost stepped on him once
bristleboar t1_iu0b37g wrote
Looks like a golden retriever with a ball in its mouth
Jemmy_Bean t1_iu0e6h7 wrote
Black snakes are huge, had one that must’ve been over 5 feet in my back yard once. Thought its was a tree branch
shes-sonit t1_iu0iqmr wrote
So beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
richcoolguy t1_iu3tdlr wrote
I went there one time that there were so many snakes I left. And i’m not even typically scared of them. But I must have seen two dozen by the time I reached the far end of the pond and just had to nope. Not the experience I was seeking that day
tree_hugging_hippie t1_iu5snjo wrote
Not dangerous in the least, unless you're a nest full of birds.
tree_hugging_hippie t1_iu5sspe wrote
Black rat snake. Harmless to humans, great climbers.
hatecliff909 t1_iu5u3ls wrote
Very nice snakes! Found one near my grill last year after a rain storm
tree_hugging_hippie t1_iu5w1e9 wrote
I have one (or probably a few) that work their way through my yard every summer. They like to climb the walls of my garage to go after birdhouses, and I think they live in the garage from time to time. I was big mad this year though because one went after a nest of catbirds.
Joggingmusic t1_iu8r4g3 wrote
Agreed beautiful and harmless, don’t mean to contribute to a narrative about snakes like this being a threat.
davidjl01 t1_iug3515 wrote
interesting, June is about the time I see them the most as well.
Joggingmusic t1_ity18y5 wrote
Wow that’s one heck of a danger noodle. Black rat snake.