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Stretchy_Cat t1_iui5pta wrote

Yup, happens on rt 8 all the time. I use adaptive cruise because I'm not a fan of getting speeding tickets. I'll come up on someone quickly with my cruise set to 72mph, I'll pull into the left lane to pass, and then suddenly they're accelerating while I'm pulling alongside them. I'll step on the gas to complete the pass more quickly and these idiots will try to go like 90mph just so I won't pass them- but if you get behind them again they'll just slow back down to 60. It must be exhausting thinking your ego is threatened every time someone wants to go faster than you, pathetic.


Nigel_IncubatorJones t1_iuj3kq7 wrote

It's against the law to speed up while someone is passing you. I happened upon it when I was looking up another law on the DMV website


stingrayrodriguez t1_iuix73c wrote

This just happened to me yesterday on route 8! I just got on and was behind someone going 65. I changed to the left lane to pass them at 70 and they matched me and drove exactly alongside me for a while before I sped up to 80. They matched again! Finally we caught up to traffic in their lane so they got stuck and I got to continue on ahead.


ReluctantVegetarian t1_iujzsi1 wrote

Also: they pass you when you are on the right, pull right in front of you - and then slow down!


Swimming_Area6016 t1_iui4soc wrote

CT is full of passive aggressive drivers, they get kicks out of pissing people off with their cars (speeding up when you try to pass, brake checking people behind them, blocking both lanes so you cannot get around etc)


Joemac_ t1_iuj3siz wrote

Not once have I been brake checked or blocked in both lanes


BigJuicy17 t1_iuji7oc wrote

Where in Connecticut are you? I'm on the eastern side, and this happens at least once a month


Nathund t1_iuj4gpp wrote

Then you haven't lived or driven here very long.

Literally last night I had a dude tailgate me at 65 in a 55 for like half a mile, when I merged right he got in front of me and tried to brake check me.


Joemac_ t1_iuj5ypi wrote

Been living and driving here for 8 years


EggDintwoe t1_iui36wm wrote

I've noticed the same with Mass drivers as well. It's like you've offended their pride or something.


optifreebraun t1_iuiko6f wrote

Hehe, Massholes.


Purple-Blood9669 t1_iuiymd1 wrote

So, I'm originally from MA. I wouldn't say I'm an aggressive driver, just... assertive. When someone passes me to the right, a little Masshole with a pitchfork appears on my shoulder and tells me to speed up. Then a Trooper parked on the side of the road reminds me not to. ( I don't have an angel on my other shoulder. I'm from MA. )


thedorkening t1_iuipv86 wrote

Wait, you mean you found a mass driver in the right lane where you could pass them??? Damn that rare to find then out of the element being the left lane….


murphydcat t1_iuibw0j wrote

I see this all the time on 95 east of East Haven. Driver is blissfully cruising along at 65 in the passing lane. After 10 minutes of waiting, I attempt to pass driver on the right. Driver decides to speed up to 85 and takes off like a shot.

10 minutes later, I catch up to that same driver who is now is back down to 65 mph in the passing lane.


ryanisleet t1_iuijr4a wrote

I find a lot of time this behavior is due to texting as well, I think a lot of the anecdotes in this thread can be explained by hanlon’s razor: “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”


fprintf t1_iujuxcl wrote

Exactly. I think a lot of it comes down to inattention or lazy, bored or sleepy driving. Then when they realize they are going the speed limit and intended to be doing 70+ they speed up, right at the time you are driving past because you trying to pass is what woke them up.


01Zaphod t1_iuipfge wrote

Thanks for that! I’m gonna remember that quote….


Kraz_I t1_iuixbkn wrote

They should at least have the decency to be in the right lane if they’re going to text and drive.


Bossgnom3 t1_iujgop4 wrote

65 is the speed limit on 95 in east haven to exit 74 in niantic.

Edit: CT also increased the limit to 65 a while ago, it was 55 before that.


SnooSongs2714 t1_iujlczu wrote

LOL I can’t count the number of times this has happened to me.


SFD8-4-0 t1_iuiix7q wrote

Because "everyone who's drives slower than me is an idiot, ans everyone who drives faster than me is a maniac".


Amity83 t1_iujjkfg wrote

I do get this sentiment, but really what pisses me off is just people’s inability to keep a constant speed. I use my cruise control a lot and it’s really annoying being in minor traffic behind someone who goes from 80mph, to 60, to 75, to 58…

Then someone comes up behind me, rides my ass and when I pull over to let them pass, they don’t pass.


wakinupdrunk t1_iujtla2 wrote

It’s literally just the consistent speed that causes me to ever breach 80. I’d love to keep a solid 75. But the only way to get around people going 70 is by going 80, because they’ll start going 75 when you wanna pass.


SaucyNaughtyBoy t1_iuk7yum wrote

Why do you need to pass them so badly? I like to do the same, but really the 5mph on a typical commute doesn't make a huge difference. It's like 1 minute. Lol


FlyinPurplePartyPony t1_iuju1r7 wrote

Same. All I want to do is calmly camp out in the middle lane with my cruise control on.


Just_Jer t1_iui6h6a wrote

try using your turn signal to switch lanes and see how fast those MF'ers accelerate.


mouthsoundz t1_iuigybg wrote

People here would rather die than let you merge


tssparky t1_iuiwxjv wrote

This is also true when merging onto the highway.


Old_Size9060 t1_iujct61 wrote

To be fair, I have never experienced an entire subset of humans who seem utterly incapable of accelerating to the speed of traffic when merging. This isn’t just “short ramps” and the like - there’s a real problem here with folks wanting to get on the freeway at 45 mph before they suddenly hit the gas. It’s really bad driving and its pretty ubiquitous here in my experience.


ThePermafrost t1_iui4vs6 wrote

It’s because they like to fashion themselves as the speed police, and if you go around them, it circumvents their mission of prohibiting your speeding, so naturally they speed up to prohibit your passing.


HerAirness t1_iuih5w9 wrote

This right here!! Lots of self-righteous drivers who think they're personally going to police the whole road.


D1a1s1 t1_iuiexx9 wrote

It’s combination of poor education and lack of mental health access. It’s a national problem. Americans are becoming narcissistic, passive aggressive, aholes. See also: current political environment.


Old_Size9060 t1_iujd8pt wrote

Well, Americans have been narcissistic, passive aggressive assholes since I was a kid. This was Reagans message to America: “me first, screw everyone else.”


Fearless-Mix4663 t1_iuiisvh wrote

You can do anything you want on the ct highways. There are no cops anymore. Ever since Covid for some reason they just hang out in off the beaten path parking lots and waste taxpayer money. I’m not even joking.


jules13131382 t1_iuiodws wrote

It’s true But I also appreciate the fact that they don’t give a shit and so you can kind of get away with murder


mkt853 t1_iujc345 wrote

Nothing to do with Covid. Been this way ever since we went from 1300 state troopers to less than 900, and that happened several union contracts ago.


Jawaka99 t1_iuj1xy4 wrote

Well you've all told them you don't want them around so...


PMurBoobsDoesntWork t1_iuimofw wrote

This happens everywhere. And while there are assholes out there, it also happens naturally without the driver noticing it sometimes.

Our brain tries to match the speed of cars around us. That’s why sometimes you check the dashboard and you get surprised by how fast you’re going because you’re driving at the same speed of those around you.


Old_Size9060 t1_iujd35c wrote

Go to Vermont - the only drivers I’ve seen driving aggressively there have plates from a different state.


PMurBoobsDoesntWork t1_iujlho7 wrote

TBF, there like 50 people living in Vermont.


Old_Size9060 t1_iujmhme wrote

Definitely, the weird driving thing I’ve encountered in Vermont is that people will yield to me in situations where they clearly have the right of way, when it makes no sense for them to yield. It’s sweet and all, but it is way more dangerous than they really understand. But like you said, there aren’t too many folks up there, so it doesn’t seem to matter as much😅


Darondo t1_iuj3vlt wrote

I lived in NYC (with a car unfortunately) for 3 years and I was relieved that CT drivers do this speed up thing wayyy less frequently from what I became used to.

A lot of people don’t even use blinkers in NYC because there is a mentality of “oh no, you’re not getting in front of me” so you gotta just make the lane change without warning. People are terrible.

I agree though that it happens everywhere and it often isn’t malicious. But sometimes it is depending where you are.


TeensyKook t1_iujcyvo wrote

I was gonna say, I’m also originally from NYC and while I have seen some passive aggressive drivers in CT it’s nothing compared to the jackasses in NYC.


KinNortheast t1_iuian60 wrote

“You’re not better than me!”


jules13131382 t1_iuinb6t wrote

People are filled with rage here. you know what I’ve noticed about Connecticut is that people don’t do a lot of self-care, self reflection, self analysis or self improvement here so a lot of people are just surviving…not thriving. and they all come from traumatic backgrounds, I can name five people off the top of my head who come from families where one or more parents was an alcoholic. They don’t go to therapy, they don’t really investigate why they feel the way they do and they don’t parent the next generation very well. It’s sad.


Usedtoknowsomeone46 t1_iuien9o wrote

People are realizing with the information age and the internet that there's no purpose for life and no god and we all die eventually and people don't like this so they take their anger out on others to feel better about the coming oblivion that awaits us all.


TheMoongazer t1_iuifjgh wrote

Jerks on the roads honor no borders


IDoNotDrinkBeer t1_iuiqti7 wrote

People who attempt to pass me on the right with <5 cars of clearance while I am already in the process of passing someone while in the left lane will always get me to accelerate. I am not braking/slowing down in the passing lane to give you a better gap. I will get in the right lane as soon as I am able.


pharaohjack t1_iuie7s6 wrote

I will say i used to do this sometimes before i got diagnosed with ADHD. When I was unmedicated I would space out and slow down and realize as I was being passed and get back up to a safer speed, but I would always let the people passing me go past first.


DarthArtero t1_iuiqeui wrote

Happened to me this morning, person went the extra mile to turn on brights, pass then slow back down again. Tried to pass em again and they sped up, then kept going.

CT drivers are aggressive and aggressively stupid


Main_Extension_3239 t1_iuicshq wrote

This was a lot more prevalent when I lived on Long Island than here.


cascaderade t1_iuim8v6 wrote

i moved here from upstate new york and I've never felt more terrified driving before than in this state. people are absolutely insane.


Illmatic5291 t1_iujqekf wrote

Lol one time I let someone merge in New York and they were blowing me kisses out the window as if I was the first person to ever let them merge


LuntAvenue t1_iuiylvs wrote

Upstate New York? I nearly got run off the road because I didn't merge the way some asshole thought all God's Children needed to. At least they know how to drive in snow up there,


Chaos_Ice t1_iuj38x2 wrote

I’m from the city and folks don’t even drive that wild. Too many street lights to even chance it. Only place close to it is Manhattan and that’s just from too many cars to fit.

Edit: how are folks downvoting me and never lived a day in NY.


LuntAvenue t1_iuj3xlr wrote

Manhattan is part of the city, right? Just want to make sure I was paying taxes to the right entity.


Chaos_Ice t1_iuj535s wrote

Yeah, all 5 boroughs technically you can call the “city” because upstate is vastly different.


LuntAvenue t1_iuk35jq wrote

You can call all five boroughs "the city"because the city is comprised of the five boroughs.


DJ_DD t1_iuir1g8 wrote

Because we’re assholes


ijuanaspearfish t1_iuihurq wrote

Happens to me more in Mass.

Lady this morning, left lane going from 61 to 78 mph because she was looking at her phone. I try to pass and she speeds up to 85, just to slow back down...

Friday leaving work, had a Prius going under 60 and never moved over, makes no sense to me.

And im talking about several miles and plenty of chances to switch lanes.


AntRedoids t1_iuikndr wrote

Insecure and entitled with smooth brains


SkysTheLimit888888 t1_iuj86oq wrote

And that's why I have a car that can accelerate faster than cars of those who drive 65 until you try to pass them.


EdRedSled t1_iujqbfq wrote

For a good portion of drivers it unconscious …. If you pass them slowly they tend to speed up (not realizing they are doing it), but if it’s more decisive they tend to not speed up.

They are basically asleep at the wheel


daveashaw t1_iuidafk wrote

Classic jerkoff move--annoying on the parkways and really dangerous on two lane roads where you are trying to make it to the end of the passing zone without being killed. Not unique to CT.


Athenas_Return t1_iuim9d9 wrote

23 years of living and driving in South Florida has prepared me for this. That is an everyday occurrence there and I was shocked it didn't happen here when I moved up.


red_purple_red t1_iuj51yk wrote

Cops pull over the fastest car. If another car is going faster then yours, it means you can go faster without worrying about being pulled over.


BeerJunky t1_iujec0t wrote

Trick is get a faster car. By the time they realize I’m passing them I’m 20’ past them.


Mysterious-Example85 t1_iuik6uq wrote

How about when they see you moving and they stop in front of you like why are you trying to hit me omg 😱


Jake3074 t1_iuip7zd wrote

Happens all the time coming home from the casino, or you pass them and they speed up and pass you, then slow down


Athrynne t1_iuiupbq wrote

This isn't just a Connecticut thing, I've seen it everywhere I've driven.


HubcapMotors t1_iuizkul wrote

Hello, I would like to introduce you to Texas, the state with the most fatal road rage shootings.


UptownDonkey t1_iuj3ic5 wrote

I assume it’s as simple as ‘people are passing me I must be going too slow better vroom vroom more’ — don’t assume everything is aggression or malice.


jay_altair t1_iujdnb3 wrote

this is pretty unremarkable driving behavior in Massachusetts and Connecticut


Aaron351 t1_iujio02 wrote

This problem is not unique to CT. I drive all over the northeast for work and across the country at least twice a year. It happens everywhere.


itsallfornaught2 t1_iujxxe5 wrote

It happens in a lot of places and yes it's an ego complex thing.


cakeslapper2 t1_iukaii1 wrote

I'll tell you why I do it. I usually space out somehow and don't realize how slow I'm going. Someone passing me makes me realize that I've been driving too slow. Then I feel bad and try to speed up so I don't force everyone behind me to pass me or get honked at. Though I will say I let the person going around me pass me first, I just try to get up to speed. I'm sorry, though.


neermif t1_iui9kg2 wrote

I agree this happened to me twice just this past weekend on 395


NoResponsibility1837 t1_iuiof4x wrote

one of the main reasons i don’t drive highway is because how people put themselves in danger so no one passes them 😒


jacksparrahh t1_iuiujp6 wrote

I always look over into their car to see the POS in person, and more often than not they’re on their phone. Then, they get passed and realize how slow they’re going and speed way up


thread100 t1_iuixzef wrote

It happens everywhere. I make sure I have plenty of extra room and get a running start before the last car. I’m halfway past them before the have much time to be offended.


confetticake-unicorn t1_iuj37id wrote

What’s with people blowing past you on 2 lane roads with a double yellow line? Sorry I don’t want to go 100 mphs on this 25 mph road.


dirtyMETHOD t1_iuj3k3u wrote

Massachusetts and Rhode Island; same thing just this past Friday. Not that isolated to CT


IBroughtMySoapbox t1_iujcq07 wrote

I’m always stuck behind someone on 91 north doing 60 miles an hour in the left lane, that is until you hit Windsor and the HOV lane ends opening up another left lane. As soon as I put my turn signal on to go into the new left lane they speed right up to 80 mph


Yung_Onions t1_iujo3qn wrote

I’m a fairly assertive driver myself, product of my environment I guess, but I’ve never understood why people do this.


IAmArique t1_iujtucy wrote

Driving on I-84 is absolute hell at night. You can’t go 65 without being afraid someone will ram you from behind because they’re speeding up! It’s infuriating!


OwMyCandle t1_iujz8ug wrote

Similar vein, what’s the deal with people riding you while youre going 85 in the left lane, then when you move over they refuse to pass? They just sit in your blind spot…


190e30 t1_iuk7tq3 wrote

My working theory is that it's people texting/otherwise preoccupied and driving out of their peripherals. They see someone going by and remember that they're supposed to be driving.


exixx t1_iuimouz wrote

Sometimes I can't help it and I move over anyway.


carcadoodledo t1_iuio3u5 wrote

I just moved back to CT after 14 years in Floridah. Was very surprised at the driving here. Still not as bad as Floriduh, but still….yeesh.


HRzNightmare t1_iuit5fb wrote

It's all of New England. We take pride in preventing people from merging into our lane.


tom_echo t1_iuiujfz wrote

I think it might be subconsciously speeding up because they now realize they’re going slow.


djln491 t1_iuj5rr5 wrote

People like to pretend you are cutting them off for some reason


Humbabwe t1_iuj6h95 wrote

I can answer this from a certain situation. If I’m traveling in the left lane and the three cars in front of me are going, say, 70, and I’m leaving the appropriate amount of stopping room should one of the cars decide to stop short, that’s not an invitation for you to cut in front of me and I’m not not interested in going faster just because I’m not weaving in and out of cars. I want to go fast, but I’m going to do it safely and I’ll be damned if someone thinks they’re going to take advantage of my good driving to cut in line. So, in that situation, I will definitely speed up and not let you pass me on the right.


trebor1966 t1_iujnzhx wrote

Was on 691 the other day bunch of idiots blocking left and center guy decides to go up the right lane that was wide open. guy in a utility truck taught him a lesson .pulled Infront no blinker. Totaled the car


Silver_shoots t1_iujq240 wrote

That’s a old New Hampshire trick. More roads to do it on up there. Can’t have any flatlanders beating you.


Much-Act7187 t1_iuk4r9e wrote

I always associated this type of driving behavior with Rhody


stakeout0007 t1_iuk9tr7 wrote

Oh I do this all the time I;m sorry im part of the problem


Phantastic_Elastic t1_iukbemo wrote

I set my cruise control around 78 or so and chuckle at the morons who want to get competitive with my robot driver.


phewgi t1_iukbjei wrote

the cops need to stop doing the random speed traps and start actually going after dangerous drivers.


satansdebtcollector t1_iukbzkw wrote

I’ll admit I do it, but ONLY if they ride my ass without giving me a chance to change lanes. This usually happens when I’m doing 85 in a 65, and I do it to piss off these asshole fuck head kids with their shit box tuner fart can exhaust “race cars” so they can be embarrassed to loose to an old fart driving a NATURALLY ASPIRATED HYBRID 🤣🏁🏆 How about these assholes blinding everyone on RT66 and RT9 with those stupid ass LED light bars like they’re getting chased out of Jurassic Park by a fucking T-Rex? These are the dumbasses that are constantly blocking the trails because they dumped all their money on “It’s a Jeep thing” stickers and light bars instead of spending the money on actual diff lockers and trail gears. Dumb hicks. ⚙️


Desdinova74 t1_iuicccg wrote

Hah. I see you've never driven in Idaho. They will FIGHT you to keep you from passing. No idea why, it makes no logical sense. Honestly, I never noticed this behavior in CT, maybe because by comparison with ID y'all are positively polite about passing.

Edit: I'm talking about passing on the left, where you're supposed to pass.


Kodiak01 t1_iuiuun3 wrote

> Edit: I'm talking about passing on the left, where you're supposed to pass.

In CT it is legal to pass on the right on a divided highway of at least 3 lanes, as long as you remain within a proper lane at all times.

Sec. 14-233. Passing on right. The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass upon the right of another vehicle only when conditions permit such movement in safety and under the following conditions: (1) When the vehicle overtaken is making or has signified the intention to make a left turn; (2) when lines of vehicles traveling in the same direction in adjoining traffic lanes have come to a stop or have reduced their speed; (3) upon a one-way street free from obstructions and of sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles; (4) upon a limited access highway or parkway free from obstructions with three or more lanes provided for traffic in one direction. Such movement shall not be made by driving off the pavement or main-traveled portion of the highway except where lane designations, signs, signals or markings provide for such movement.


Mr_Mi1k t1_iuj00rm wrote

If someone is driving aggressively I do it cuz it’s funny lol. If I see a guy not using turn signals and swerving quickly between lanes I’m 100% going to play around with him


Chaos_Ice t1_iuj0phe wrote

We were in the middle lane (going 80) and some guy drove super fast past us on the right. For some freaking reason, he stuck his ENTIRE HEAD out the window to turn towards us and looked at us angrily. If I had a bat at that moment….


Jawaka99 t1_iuj1ckk wrote

Not saying that it's always the case but it's amazing how many people speed up to pass me so they can then switch back into my lane and slow down.

So you were in a hurry to get in front of me to drive slower than me?

Also, that space between me in the car in front of me if for safety, not another car to cram into.


watravis2 t1_iujzy10 wrote

Probably stoned and don’t realize how slow they are going until you pass them


Nickbabz58 t1_iuk36dj wrote

It’s because there’s nothing good to do in this state so every chance someone passes, it’s a mini race


Equestriaguy t1_iujcmam wrote

I’m probably guilty of this at times, and for that exact reason. I get offended if my 80-85 isn’t fast enough for you, so you’re gonna learn to like staring at my rear bumper.


giant_toad42 t1_iuiaw3o wrote

Read around the angry posts here. Namely, the ones who get angry over seemingly nothing.

Those posters - are the same dicks on the road that get pissed if you pass them. Everything is a slight.


"OMG, what's that mean? I don't need your patronizing greeting leave me alone OMG you're a fascist fuck you"


HighJeanette t1_iuihvbq wrote

Depends, if you were riding my ass, I will slow way down, then speed up as you try to pass me. Yes, I can be an asshole too.


Deadliestmoon t1_iuik7ws wrote

Um, don't do that?


Allinorfold34 t1_iuitpss wrote

Could just move over too. I don’t condone tailgating as it’s definitely unsafe but you’re not helping the situation by slowing down


HighJeanette t1_iuiv6hq wrote

I could, but I won't. I'm doing 75 and someone is riding my ass, fuck them.


Ezio_888 t1_iuixipn wrote

So you’re sitting in the passing only lane, not passing since you said you can move over (which means you shouldn’t have even been in the passing only lane in the first place), and someone comes up behind you, and your reaction is “fuck this person”

I can’t decide if this is more stupid or selfish. Either way, just scoot over


HighJeanette t1_iuj1tg9 wrote

Not that they just come on me, hell I move over all the time, but if you’re riding my ass immediately, no I’m not moving. I will slow down until you back off and then I’ll move over , otherwise yes fuck this guy.

Also I never said I was just in the passing lane. This shit happens in the slow and middle lanes as well.


Ezio_888 t1_iujib2f wrote

Yea but you said you could move over so we’re going to assume it’s the passing only lane, especially considering that a good chunk of our highways are only two lanes. If someone is riding your ass in the travel or slow lanes then yea fuck’em

Also how does someone immediately start riding your ass?


HighJeanette t1_iujvsr6 wrote

I drive 95 daily and it’s three, sometimes four lanes

When you assume you make an ass of yourself.

You’ve never had a car fly up behind you? It’s quite common on 95. Especially Stamford to Fairfield.


Ezio_888 t1_iuk0orj wrote

…It sounds like you just aren’t checking your rear mirror


Illmatic5291 t1_iujqw4j wrote

Yeah but like, you don’t have to take someone else’s stupidity as a personal attack against you. Get in therapy dawg