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mynameisnotshamus OP t1_iwzfu0s wrote

I found this bit interesting

“Why have we not built additional pipeline capacity? The industry has proposed several pipeline projects to bring natural gas into CT, RI, and MA. Click HERE to see the list of these projects. These projects have been opposed by many in the legislature and administration who are against investing in ANY hydrocarbon related project. These projects would be funded by the private sector and do NOT require any public funds; they require regulatory approvals. Due to the lack of government support, CT consumers will pay $1.5 billion in higher costs this winter; without such projects, spikes will continue for a decade.”

Like most things, there is probably more to the story. I thought it was great that he sent something out addressing concerns though. I haven’t heard much from others.


psu1989 t1_iwzm4le wrote

The real question is why is our power coming from fossil fuels? Why is the nuke plant not running a full capacity? Follow the money.


Synapse82 t1_iwzp4q1 wrote

> The real question is why is our power coming from fossil fuels? Why is the nuke plant not running a full capacity? Follow the money.

Pretty much it right here, clean efficient energy source we keep trying to shut down.


uterinejellyfish t1_ix008mh wrote

Nuclear, solar, wind, etc. All seem to be ignored in the US in general. I don't get it but it seems to be people against it just because it's green and they want to keep burning oil for no good reason.


Synapse82 t1_ix00tam wrote

Unfortunately, it’s the same wind\solar green industry that tries to squash nuclear. Because it isn’t a money maker. So its really an overall poor situation for such a powerful source of energy.


uterinejellyfish t1_ix01amn wrote

It's also unfortunate that we have private energy in the US. If it was state owned and only made enough money to keep it running and a little on top for expansion it would be a lot cheaper because decisions would be made based on what's best for the population


chair_caner t1_ix0xxd7 wrote

Exactly. Follow the money. But it's simpler than you think.

Power costs a certain amount per megawatt, depending on the source. Until recently, natural gas has been the cheapest source. The grid (ISONE) bids for the lowest cost to generate electricity in the day-ahead and real-time market. If it costs more to make the electricity than you earn, plants will not deliver to the grid. When demand, and therefore prices, rise, different fuels turn on to meet the demand. They won't run just because they feel like it. They need to cover their costs. Thank deregulation for that maneuver.

That's what killed coal and half of our nukes. Cheap gas. Also keep in mind that I can burn gas at my house at 80% or 95% efficiency (stove/furnace or condensing gas boiler). A power plant using gas is best case 50% efficient. So tell me how the pipeline wasn't a better environmental option.

Going green: Solar and wind rely on batteries to feed consistently to the grid. There are "virtual power plants" that use the solar batteries in your homes to deliver a controllable amount of power back to the grid, coordinated between the battery supplier (Tesla, etc) and ISO. It's a combination of residential and commercial projects that contribute. So do your part and get panels for your house.


psu1989 t1_ix1axtz wrote

Not sure I follow. If the price of nat gas is up and expected to go up, then why not turn the knob up on nuclear?


6byfour t1_ix20evz wrote

That nob takes 20 years to turn


psu1989 t1_ix283lb wrote

I see Millstone nuke plant runs at about 70% capacity.


NKevros t1_iwzjsx4 wrote

Republicans love to build pipelines and assume they will solve all issues.


mercurywaxing t1_iwzmmii wrote

“Just add another lane to the highway. That will solve it.”


chrisexv6 t1_ix058sw wrote

"Just print more money, that will solve it"


BoomkinBeaks t1_iwzkx08 wrote

And many of those projects are opposed by the people that live in the towns where the pipeline is supposed to go. Nimby


RunnyDischarge t1_iwzl801 wrote

Came here to find the inevitable NIMBY post.


BoomkinBeaks t1_iwzmapt wrote

You know if they tried to run one through your back yard, you’d go full Karen.


RunnyDischarge t1_iwzmqg6 wrote

Rule 109: No Reddit post on politics and public policy shall proceed more than 10 posts without the proclamation of NIMBY.


BoomkinBeaks t1_iwzn2qr wrote

Fine. Both things are annoying, but both are also true.


Spooky2000 t1_ix03hrb wrote

>The decision appears to be a significant setback for Gov. Dannel P. Malloy's push to expand the use of natural gas by Connecticut power generating facilities. Malloy's administration has been touting natural gas as a cleaner, less expensive alternative to other fossil fuels, and a way to insure reliability in New England's energy system.

Yeah, all those evil republicans in Malloy's administration...


Myotherside t1_ix3pwzq wrote

It’s silly to think that having a blue tie keeps one from having red policies


1234nameuser t1_iwzqtq5 wrote

To be fair, a hell of a lot people have been killed needlessly because some hypocrites would rather oil be moved by rail.


GoPikachuGo1 t1_iwzi9ba wrote

I was lead to believe the energy crisis was caused by putin and Trump, not the democrats who refuse to build a pipeline.

I'm shocked, I tell you, SHOCKED!


blumpkinmania t1_ix03ax1 wrote

Imagine a repub from Texas wants to build a pipeline and has zero other proposals.


chrisexv6 t1_ix05gse wrote

Cue the Biden "we aren't disallowing new drilling" quote.

They are just making it outrageously expensive and full of red tape.


Warpedme t1_ix16kvp wrote

As they should for a dirty, outdated, polluting technology that there are MUCH better alternatives for. Hell, just spinning up our nuclear plant past 50% would solve this exact problem without building anything or increasing pollution. Our government should be subsidizing clean energy generation and doing everything in their power to move away from dirty fossil fuels.


chrisexv6 t1_ix16xq7 wrote


But to sit there and claim you aren't getting in the way is a little much.

Much better alternatives? That all use some form of polluting to produce the products that generate the electricity? Wait until we have massive landfills of solar panels that don't biodegrade.

I do agree on nuclear though, and the fact it isn't used more is most likely because it would fix this issue.


Myotherside t1_ix3pi7q wrote

It reads like a Republican screed from (take your pick of any red state).

Shills gonna shill.