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Testarossa2013 t1_iv85zfe wrote

I used to work in the bakery at the Norwalk Stews. I must warn you all, do not get any of the bagels. They cut corners with health standards.

They recycle the corn meal for the bagels and overtime it gets moldy. Their solution is to put more corn meal on top of it.


tequilamockingbird37 t1_iv8r0lf wrote

When it's stews you get celebrated for honesty. When you tell people the chicken at subway isn't real chicken out come the pitchforks


ertebolle t1_iv8uaom wrote

I can totally believe this, pretty much every Stew’s baked good seems to get moldy after like 3 days.


krugo t1_ivbeklp wrote

The bagels are also flat out not great. Very bready.