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TreeEleben t1_j26f7ey wrote

Siding is low maintenance. Power wash it occasionally and you're good. Natural wood is high maintenance, and expensive to maintain.

I'd rather see vinyl sliding than see houses with faded and peeling paint because the homeowner can't afford to have the house refinished.


JHolm915 t1_j26ftd3 wrote

Not too mention it is also undesirable to bugs and woodpeckers.

What's weird is the OP said it should be made to mimic wood when the majority of it is. There are cedar shake and clapboard imitation variants and those are basically the only two wood siding options other than facades, stone, or brick.


Lcomotive t1_j26ty42 wrote

Don’t agree with OP but vinyl has always resulted in hidden water problems in every home I’ve owned with it. When wood needs fixed you know it pretty quickly.


Adorable-Hedgehog-31 OP t1_j26fk0l wrote

Not me. Faded wood looks infinitely better than vinyl.


Chokeonaween t1_j2a8o5m wrote

Apparently there are a lot of white trash valley folk that disagree with you.


CarefulDiscussion269 t1_j2bftgu wrote

A lot of us find it ridiculous they actually propose an idea that has no tangible benefit besides "aesthetic" for an enormous cost. I'm all for wood siding, who the hell is paying for it and maintaining it? Oh you want me to? Taxpayers? Alright buddy. The siding is vinyl and I've learnt to live with it, you should too. I can barely afford the housing as it is.

I'm pretty sure this is the same guy that shilled for cheap Chinese food brands from Price Rite. It's fascinating hearing what goes through the mind of older generations. Shill for the cheap Chinese food company, yet so snobby about aesthetics...


Van-Daley-Industries t1_j26fmbc wrote

Are you buying? I guess everybody should work a bit harder so princess's eyes aren't offended by the aesthetic choices of The Poors.


Adorable-Hedgehog-31 OP t1_j26gi5o wrote

Why should poor people pride themselves on ugliness? I never understood this mindset.


keepcold t1_j26rve0 wrote

Because your opinion isn’t every other person’s reality. Some people like the clean look of new vinyl siding and thing faded cedar shingles look outdated. I can appreciate either when maintained and the rest of the house matches the look. Wanting the state to mandate such a trivial thing is so stupid.


mischavus618 t1_j27attz wrote

What’s ugly to you might not be ugly to many others.

Are roofs next? Asphalt vs concrete roads and driveways after that?

Come on! I appreciate the fact that I can own a home with walls never mind being mandated to provide you with aesthetically pleasurable sights.


bbpr120 t1_j291897 wrote

hot pink metal roofing for the win!!!!!


with lime green vinyl siding...


TheSpacePopeIX t1_j27l8xh wrote

OP I would encourage you to treat this post and the overwhelmingly negative response to it as the learning experience it should be.

Rather than doubling down, I would suggest you put yourselves in others shoes, and ask yourself why people might be reacting this way.


Ok-Collection-7253 t1_j26kkqg wrote

This is what you’ve deemed the problem with CT.. Siding. Out of everything else wrong in the world, you needed to drop everything, (even your hatred for vinyl) in order to type this.. Siding is why we can’t have an athletically pleasing state. I would like to live in your world.

Hey, did you know that some people can’t even afford to eat, or cloth themselves? They live outside! On the street corners! I bet the state would look a lot better if they just exterminated those unsightly piles of human garbage!

My house has vinyl siding. I think I’ll add another layer of it just to ruin your day. Mandate building materials. Jesus fucking Christ


Adorable-Hedgehog-31 OP t1_j26l10d wrote

Aesthetics is important. It makes places appealing and inviting and elevates the mood of inhabitants. The world is already a dark nasty and horrific place and always will be, what is the point of even existing if we can't at least make things look nice?


Language-Aromatic t1_j26ijpa wrote

Go ahead and pay for my siding because you don’t like it.


stlouisbrowns t1_j26jjbx wrote

Enjoy your feelings. When you're up on a ladder painting your house for the third or fourth time in 20 years, or shelling out thousands for someone else to do it, that party sound you hear will be the rest of Connecticut and the majority of America's home-owning population enjoying the sweet appearance, environmental sanity, and worry-free convenience of well-made siding.


MTGBruhs t1_j26jt4i wrote

this guy worried about the "Aesthetics of the state"

You ever been to torrington/killingly?


CoarsePage t1_j27r3so wrote

Torrington has some bold architectural choices, but I wouldn't call the aesthetics bad.


B6304T4 t1_j277p8a wrote

Jesus christ talk about out of touch. Get bent.


poojokesarefunny t1_j26uusu wrote

You've lived an extremely privileged life, haven't you?


Adorable-Hedgehog-31 OP t1_j26wjcv wrote

Nope, grew up in working class Plainville and always knew there was something wrong about vinyl even as a kid.


Vness374 t1_j28oik4 wrote

Maybe you should ask yourself why people are assuming this… do you REALLY not see why this post comes off like it was written by a rich, entitled brat that lives in a bubble? Do you like that about yourself?


theplacesyougo t1_j2960mg wrote

OP is sure to come back with a “but I’m not rich nor entitled!” But what OP doesn’t realize is that often times perception is reality whether they like it or not.


[deleted] t1_j26g1d7 wrote

I find tiny brick houses more boring/ugly than houses with siding.


Mr_Smith_411 t1_j26nl6p wrote

I dislike red brick (as I sit next to my red brick fireplace)


TheSpacePopeIX t1_j27km26 wrote

While I agree with the general statement “vinyl siding is uglier than wood or other natural sidings” this statement comes across as “Tell me you’re not a homeowner without telling me”

It’s cheaper, easier to maintain, and more reliable than other sidings. People who own homes in CT got actual problems out here fam, let’s not make up silly new ones.


chair_caner t1_j27m8jq wrote

You can come to my house and paint it every five years then. You buy the paint. I'll lend you a ladder.


BeenBanned69Times t1_j26jm37 wrote

Put even more control in the hands of the government. Great idea


iateyourbees t1_j273jod wrote

mmmkay, cool. Are you gonna pay for me to change my siding just because YOU don't like how it looks?!?!


Vness374 t1_j28nyyb wrote

Jeez. Gatekeeping other people’s aesthetics now? There are many reasons someone would choose vinyl siding, and none of them are your business. Bring this judgey shit over to Nextdoor, we don’t need it here


amp_atx t1_j26twn6 wrote

You would do very well living in Irvine CA where this would be a problem. Irvine has very strict building ordnances so most neighborhoods have the same cookie cutter look to them.


CatsNSquirrels t1_j292g3y wrote

It’s like this in the suburbs of Dallas too. Every suburb built at a certain time period looks like the next one built at the same time period, even if they’re an hour apart. All the buildings and strip malls are the same shades of brown. It’s horribly boring and depressing.


amp_atx t1_j29og20 wrote

Yes, the same beige colors looked depressing after a while. I was also amazed to learn, when I lived in Irvine, that all of the parking spaces in the shopping centers are painted green because the planners thought white parking lines looked ugly.


yeet41 t1_j26hu70 wrote

You people really love the government telling you what you can and can’t do.


razgriz1701 t1_j2742io wrote

I was a kid when the siding was done on my house guess it’s vinyl or plastic… all I know it’s been there for at least 25 years and still going so I’ll keep it… maybe in the next year or so, I inherited the house, I’ll go for a new vinyl


TFA-DF8 t1_j28yawl wrote

OP definitely lives in an apartment or a condo. They vinyl side multi million dollar homes. Its not like vinyl siding is one product. Your assumptions really speak to your ignorance.


RoseCityRolling t1_j272n06 wrote

Yeah, this is clearly what the power of the state should be used for. Official State Aesthetics cannot possibly go wrong.


bbpr120 t1_j291bo5 wrote

Move to an HOA then where that shit is an enforceable option.


Of course you'll be surrounded by Karens freaking out that your trash can sat on the curb for an extra 30 seconds or your flowers don't conform to the palette of approved colors but hey- you won't have to suffer the visual horror of vinyl siding.


megapeptobismol t1_j2946h3 wrote

Greenwich is that way OP. This is Connecticut.


Aaron351 t1_j29cj0y wrote

There’s plenty of vinyl in Greenwich!


ccorbs89 t1_j29erfe wrote

This post has solidified my need to switch from wood siding to vinyl. Thank you, I hope you hate it!


CTLFCFan t1_j2a9ma5 wrote

Why do we fellow residents give a shit what you want our houses to look like?

Complain again and I’ll put a hundred pink plastic flamingos on the lawn.


STODracula t1_j29612i wrote

Seen firsthand what is involved with natural material maintenance and no thanks. Also, there are more colors available than there used to. As it is, want to replace my wood deck also to avoid the maintenance.


draculasbitch t1_j29642x wrote

Can I decide what the OP house color is? Grass height? What flowers they have? That someone came here to post that is mind boggling.


rob1nthehood t1_j2970gd wrote

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you goof.


Aaron351 t1_j29bypp wrote

I would rather be surrounded by houses wrapped in Tyvek and trash bags than live next to some elitist a-hole like you.


CarefulDiscussion269 t1_j2bfdrr wrote

Sounds great! You're paying for the new siding and installment, right?


Chokeonaween t1_j2a8ite wrote

Vinyl siding just SCREAMS white trash. Just look at the ones disagreeing here. Most are pot smoking gamers that do not even own homes.


igetmoneyyuhuurd t1_j26qvrm wrote

Homes in Texas are all made from brick exteriors and look way better
