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burnout524 t1_j1fs6pq wrote

They don’t (or at least, Go Netspeed doesn’t) do fiber optic underground.

I’m not 100% sure the Frontier does as well - they installed fiber optic cables on all the main roads in town this summer (all have poles) but none have, that I know of, made it to any of the neighborhoods in town with buried cables (mind included!). This is tough for suburbs like mine that have seem lots of subdivision developments built in the 70’s and newer.

And we still lose power too sometimes. It all depends on what happens to the above ground lines that feed the neighborhood.


Dipsetallover90 OP t1_j1g5ljn wrote

East Hartford is building an underground open fiber network where any provider can join. it will be complete next year.


GOOFCON_1 t1_j1g79tv wrote

That’s really cool, but no amount of fast, underground internet will get me to move to East Hartford.


Alluminatus t1_j1fuu77 wrote

Alright, fair enough. I’m more on the production end of optics, so I stand corrected.


Personal-Ad-7407 t1_j1i14r2 wrote

Frontier has contractors installing fiber in underground neighborhoods. There have been issues with striking other utilities, taking out irrigation systems, etc.


gromit266 t1_j1j87tg wrote

My Frontier fiber service is buried in my neighborhood. It was done about a year and a half ago. I have all underground services...sans street lights, of course.