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IndicationOver t1_j0r6c6a wrote

Prostitutes and Motels have love affair across the nation.


Sweaty_Conclusion_80 t1_j0r6mh8 wrote

There’s a cluster of similar motels all in the same area. They’re mostly used by drug addicts/dealers. The Google reviews are fantastic though, treat yourself when you have a few minutes.


lbigz t1_j0sp4ww wrote

aids capital of CT. New Haven


sneakpeekbot t1_j0uesey wrote

Here's a sneak peek of /r/googleReviews using the top posts of the year!

#1: I'll Throw These Hands | 42 comments
#2: I’m shocked an owner answered this way | 171 comments
#3: Mexican resturant in Princeton, MN. Dude also did this for four other resturants in MN. | 32 comments

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