Submitted by CaesarSaladin7 t3_zwtg4x in Connecticut
Jawaka99 t1_j1x4u4w wrote
You pretty much need to be driving on the wrong side of the highway to get pulled over nowadays. Hell, the police can't even chase you if you steal a car.
ophelias_tragedy t1_j1x9rsu wrote
I mean, I got pulled over on Rt 6 a couple months ago for going 10 over driving to class. The state police are the ones who pound down on tickets, I’ve never worried about my town police pulling me over unless I drive crazy
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j1z3wb5 wrote
There was a time during the pandemic when the line at traffic court was null. That time is long over.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j1z3ssk wrote
May this be your last dumbest comment of 2022!
What does chase policy have to do with traffic enforcement?
PG-Glasshouse t1_j1xk2oj wrote
There is zero risk of being pulled over if you are within 15 mph of the posted speed limit. If eighteen wheelers were no longer unofficially permitted to cruise at eighty it’d seriously fuck up an economy that has become accustomed to it.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j1z413n wrote
Got me wondering about the extent of this. Has anyone crunched data on this?
BenShelZonah t1_j1zqmwa wrote
It’s 55mph tho.
volanger t1_j1xy6lo wrote
Pretty much. We find our police through taxes; other states find out through tickets, so they're inclined to give out more tickets, even for petty shit. Our cops aren't.
effinx t1_j1z0j7g wrote
Brought you back to a 1 from 0, not sure why you were downvoted.
lizardRD t1_j1xhxr0 wrote
Yes! I was just having this exact conversation with my cop brother in law on Christmas Eve. As someone else said you have to basically be driving on the wrong side of the road for the police to even do anything.
Small_Conference5874 t1_j208lri wrote
I remember my dad specially teaching me that the left lane is fast lane, 10mph over speed limit minimum, i move to a different state and i suddenly get a ticket for doing 5mph over like wtf
crankygeese t1_j24yoyp wrote
I never see state police on the highways anymore. One of the few times I did, someone was going 90, weaving in and out of traffic, went right past the cop and nothing. The cop didn’t pull them over.
KJK998 t1_j1wo1v1 wrote
Then tell them so stop throwing shit outta their cars on the highway.
Whoever was driving the silver Prius on 91 today, tell your passenger to go fuck himself for covering the front of my car in Soda
_343_Guilty_Spark__ t1_j1wv7fn wrote
I’ve been driving on 84 for about two years now and went from never having had someone throw something out of their car at me to having had it happen on 4 separate occasions. It’s always some dipshit camping the passing only lane also
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j1z3nhq wrote
Always someone with a Trump bumper sticker.
_343_Guilty_Spark__ t1_j1zulk8 wrote
Often camping but surprisingly haven’t had any of them pull any aggressive stunts with me yet
bladerunner_203 t1_j21z5jx wrote
No actually maybe one thanking AOC for their “FREE” Tesla 🤣🤣🤣
whateverusayboi t1_j1z9nhb wrote
still under your skin...
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j21hnmw wrote
Still under a rock.
[deleted] t1_j21y8it wrote
Offline219 t1_j1xrylq wrote
People who litter in general are assholes anyway.
buckphifty150150 t1_j1x8r73 wrote
FarcicalArse t1_j1wvfe9 wrote
Having lived & driven in CT and FL for 5 years+, CT drivers drive relatively safely but you can feel the sense of entitlement on the Merritt with people camping in the passing lane and REFUSING to move. Probably my biggest complaint. Oh and CT drivers are clueless to motorcycles. I know this because one ran me over in 2018 😂
silverblaze92 t1_j1x5jkh wrote
Since coming back from Japan a couple years ago, I've actually noticed far fewer lane campers with CT plates than mass or ny
nkw1004 t1_j1xnz0g wrote
It’s always the New Yorkers fucking up the flow near me. I was deep into the boonies of Mass today and I got stuck behind someone from NY I couldn’t believe it
BookOfMakai t1_j1xocb0 wrote
newmoon23 t1_j1zhasz wrote
Agree. Out of state drivers are the biggest problem when it comes to left lane camping in my experience.
noobtuber2887 t1_j1zl49r wrote
Bro out of state NYers are the worse... Always causing problems in RI at our beaches
MV203 t1_j1yy125 wrote
As someone who just had their foot broken on their motorcycle by a guy who didn’t look AT ALL before pulling into a main Avenue, yeah I second that.
FarcicalArse t1_j1z5ah5 wrote
It was the “let me look down at my phone while I proceed to make a left across two lanes of moving traffic” that got me. Then the woman called me a liar when I said I scan people’s eyes when I ride. I’m like lady, it’s really not that hard - your windshield is see through and your entire face was pointing down at your lap 😂
MV203 t1_j1z6kza wrote
Bro that’s literally the move this guy pulled. The classic bit is when he said “I don’t know, the guy took off, crazy”, after I asked him if he saw where the driver that caused my wreck went, while I was basically in shock and collapsed on the sidewalk from trying to put pressure on my foot lifting my own bike off of me without help as I was pinned to the ground with my foot bent the other way.. And that’s when an eye witness whispered to me “it was HIM”. About 5 mins later the guy goes “ok yeah it was me I didn’t see you OK?!” Fast forward to 6 months later and even though we have the driver admitting fault on the cops badge cam, Bridgeport PD is withholding the drivers info inexplicably.. Lawyers on it.. Imagine protecting an asshole like that?!
FarcicalArse t1_j1zda69 wrote
Jesus that’s awful what a POS. Wishing only the worst on that guy. Hope your recovery is going well my friend. Stay safe out there.
MV203 t1_j1zjl5c wrote
Thanks man same to you! Stay vigilant.
FarcicalArse t1_j1z5b7r wrote
On the post road
redcapmilk t1_j1wzyvq wrote
These rankings are nonsense and we all know that the worst drivers come from the nearest bordering state, no matter what state you live in.
boneimplosion t1_j1xb1au wrote
Damn those <bordering state> drivers!
kmuz700 t1_j1wqr2m wrote
Man if these morons are #1, that’s a low bar to set.
rwilcox t1_j1wnwp9 wrote
I know the Supreme Court ruled this legal, but isn’t good driving not hitting pedestrians every day in West Hartford?
marooncape t1_j1xawsa wrote
I hate driving in West Hartford. The sheer amount of people jaywalking is ridiculous. They just walk into the road without even looking half the time. Idk if there just isn’t enough crosswalks or if people just don’t care in that town but I avoid it at all costs.
projectwise5 t1_j1xjx1k wrote
work in town, can confirm the people are just super entitled
kesagatame-and-Chill t1_j1wz152 wrote
Somone needs to tell them about Route 8.
New trend is using the median as a third lane. Has been wild to watch this develop.
IrishWithoutPotatoes t1_j1wvq71 wrote
Clearly this person has never driven in CT.
CourtesyofTino t1_j1wxuye wrote
New Haven would like a word
MCFRESH01 t1_j1xo16v wrote
Anything goes in New Haven
At1l t1_j20vmyr wrote
Example right here
abyde t1_j1x4ma3 wrote
Yeah, the best at driving me insane.
IndicationOver t1_j1woevs wrote
How many times is this going to be posted?
CaesarSaladin7 OP t1_j1wqc6l wrote
Idk. How many times has it been posted?
10onthespectrum t1_j1wtbj4 wrote
Last few years influx of New Yorkers will eventually make this go down
IdiotSysadmin t1_j1x0c82 wrote
They must have excluded the Merritt parkway from those statistics and blamed that whole situation on NY.
keepitupxxx t1_j1x7tfh wrote
No comment 🤔
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j1z3l7y wrote
Nobody with a brain in their head in any way cares what Lending Tree has to say about the rank of anything.
CaptainSolo80 t1_j1xqt1r wrote
Who made this? Someone from Connecticut?
secretmadscientist t1_j1xu7di wrote
Whoever decided this cannot point to Connecticut on a map and has never been to the state.
Squirrel698 t1_j1xvtbn wrote
I suspect bribery is influencing these results
Maximum-Mastodon8812 t1_j1ye5ib wrote
This makes me really sad about how bad drivers must be everywhere else then lol
Bigballerway93 t1_j1z6ibo wrote
Whoever made this decision definitely hasn’t driven in CT this year
kurtsdead6794 t1_j1x4d5p wrote
I call BS!!
theesempe t1_j1x7x8c wrote
If you drive 84, 8, 91, 691, 95 or any road in CT, you know this to be a complete lie.
Edit: completely forgot to add 15 in there. Can’t have bad CT drivers without 15
bearcrevier t1_j1yf3j7 wrote
Clearly lendingtree is out of its mind
imschur66 t1_j1z6d00 wrote
Each morning I drive route 8 from Naugatuck to Seymour, it’s an extremely short ride, maybe 10 minutes. There are some mornings it feels like a scene from Mad Max. Cars passing on both shoulders, crossing two lanes of traffic to take an exit. Many incidents of road rage and what appears to be either racing or cars chasing each other. Looks like part of Forza Horizon. I’ve also noticed there’s some asshole regulars that show up on time for whatever their late for. Apparently the police have noticed and started pulling over soccer moms in SUV’s. Probably can’t catch Mr morning lunatic in the racing Acura.
crankygeese t1_j24yzia wrote
Same in Danbury. Just the other day, I went from New Milford to Ridgefield, about a 30 min trip, and the amount of road rage, insane drivers, and near accidents I witnessed was insane. It’s always bad everyday, but that was the worst I’ve seen yet.
mkt853 t1_j1wtpk4 wrote
I love being the best at driving!! Take that poor drivers in other states!
ZippittyDooBlah t1_j1wubds wrote
Holy shit! I've been gone for 30+ years and can tell you that every time I visit, y'alls' driving gets worse!
I think it was the I-91 expansion that did it! I don't know why, but there it is....
Correct-Potential25 t1_j1xxzne wrote
Uninsured drivers love this one trick
letstry822 t1_j1zhor9 wrote
What was this based on? Lol! Did they actually drive in cities like New Haven, Bridgeport or Hartford? The drivers there are fucking assholes! I've seen so many near hits to cars and pedestrians when stop lights are apparently optional to some people. This is a daily occurrence and I won't even get into what happens on I95 or I91.
[deleted] t1_j1xqog6 wrote
unicornbomb t1_j1z7ttg wrote
As someone from the dmv (dc, Maryland, Virginia), who now is in Fairfield county… while drivers here are aggressive af, folks do at least tend to know what they’re doing and understand the basics like zipper merges without bringing traffic to a complete stop. In the DMV you get insane aggressive driving combined with people with absolutely zero awareness or basic road skills, which is horrifying lmao.
whateverusayboi t1_j1zag5u wrote
I got rear ended at a stop light, broadsided at another, watch highway drivers think they're in a NASCAR race, and listen to idiots accelerating up to stop signs while I'm out walking. Last road trip in my RV, heck, even 84 in NY was fine, got to Danbury, instant idiot tailgating madhouse. Glad my local highway is the northern half of Rt 8, as pre retirement during my commute, it seemed like if it was raining or a Thursday, some idiot would be on his roof on 72.Back when I kept a sailboat in Old Saybrook, I used to laugh at the race car drivers flying down 9, all in the left lane. They'd fly by me in Cromwell, then fly by Essex.
nintendosbitch666 t1_j1x5bqq wrote
I care about nothing else but the dhmis reference and appreciating that someone else in this state knows this series
[deleted] t1_j1x9r7e wrote
TheOrb0fConfusion t1_j1xcmnc wrote
A+ post title tho
[deleted] t1_j1xy3he wrote
riotousviscera t1_j1ydchn wrote
is it possible this statistic could be skewed by the overwhelming prevalence of crazy ass pedestrians here in CT?
JolyGoodShow t1_j1z7v73 wrote
Nahh, i moves here from Texas and I completely disagree
anaqyk t1_j1zbbk0 wrote
people get pretty mad when im only going 5 above the speed limit
One-Yak-6722 t1_j1zbjbf wrote
I like when I get passed up by several cars when there clearly is a red light ahead. . . Or get passed on the right to cut across 2 lanes to STOP before making that left all within 100 yards ! 😳
unskinnyjeans t1_j1zo3ue wrote
i’m from new york(not sure how i even ended up on this sub lol) and we almost died when driving in bridgeport…i’m scared
crankygeese t1_j24zedg wrote
Clearly whoever came up with that has never driven on any of the highways and roads in CT. CT drivers are pretty awful consistently.
imschur66 t1_j25t90x wrote
Im telling you it’s Forza Horizon out there.
sardo34 t1_j1wwqlx wrote
As everyone from NY, NJ, and Mass race through our state.
bobmcrobber t1_j1x8046 wrote
We're blown away by the fact that a lot of 84 and 91 have smooth, banked turns
[deleted] t1_j1wp2yt wrote
CaesarSaladin7 OP t1_j1wqad7 wrote
I agrees with ya squirrely Dan
redcapmilk t1_j1x059x wrote
It's annoying as hell.
number44is171 t1_j1wptna wrote
AdHistorical7107 t1_j1wt0sp wrote
Lamont is on crack
Redsmedsquan t1_j1wzc69 wrote
This isn’t even a Lamont thing
AdHistorical7107 t1_j1wzi21 wrote
He's posting all over his social media pages. Almost like this past month with all the deaths due to bad drivers didn't even happen....
Armsmaster2112 t1_j1wsg33 wrote
Short answer, cops here don't give out as many tickets and that skews the data.
Or at least that's the answer that's said every other time I see this pop up. Sounds reasonable to me though.