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sadswirlofme t1_j5tb9q7 wrote

People don't want to live in New Haven? (Not from the area, genuinely asking why this would be the case)


hamhead t1_j5u4903 wrote

He's just straight up wrong. The level of housing shortage in New Haven is insane.


johnsonutah t1_j5vo40z wrote

City can’t get out of its own way


hamhead t1_j5vo6vh wrote

I don’t know what that means (in context)?


johnsonutah t1_j5waudu wrote

New Haven is very bureaucratic (ex: tearing down church st south took forever, and redeveloping around Union Station hasn’t even commenced)


HeadyRoosevelt t1_j670f4f wrote

So much potential around Union Station. City has the opportunity to essentially create a cash cow neighborhood from scratch and that lot still just remains vacant.


DaddyWarBucks26 t1_j5u0ihs wrote

Just moved to Fairfield county in 2022 and I can say that New Haven is a very interesting place.

A couple unique things I noticed living close by:

There are seemingly biker gangs out constantly in New Haven (4 wheeler and motor trikes). Always loud and obnoxious. No city in the USA I've seen has had this many trike riders around. Truly a phenomenon.

New Haven during summer does not feel like a safe place to be at night. And I'm 30 M. (When Yale police are out everywhere it's different.)


CroMag84 t1_j5umoi9 wrote

New Haven is amazing. I lived there for 5 years, and before that most of my life in Fairfield county.

There’s tons of stuff to do in New Haven pretty much anything you want. Ffd county for me was pretty much all the same boring bars, with miserable people trying to live above their tax bracket.

I lived in westville, east shore, and fair haven. Only complaint I ever had was traffic in westville.

I guess most things look scary from the outside, especially when you think the world is unsafe constantly. But New Haven is amazing to me.


beaveristired t1_j5u5zdq wrote

The atv / dirt bike thing is a problem in many east coast cities. Not just New Haven.

Eta: also, it’s safe lol. You clearly haven’t spent much time really exploring the city. But that’s cool, stay in the Yale bubble :)


DaddyWarBucks26 t1_j5upoux wrote

I didn't go to Yale LOL. And exploring the city is exactly what made me make the comment. Safe but menacing if you don't have street smarts. Just being real for people who actually want to know. Not bs.


beaveristired t1_j5usw9n wrote

Menacing? That right there discredits you completely.

Lol I’ve lived here 15 years. Never had a problem. I can’t even remember a time I felt remotely scared here.

You’re fear mongering. You’re not spreading anything but misinformation. Go back to whatever bubble you live in.

Those who want to know what’s New Haven is like should ignore trolls like this guy. Ask someone who legit lives here.

Eta: truly embarrassing, the trolls here acting like New Haven is Chicago in the 80s. Coming up with cherry picked stats, typical. Yes, crime exists. No, it’s not dangerous. Get a grip.

No need to respond to misinformation, I just report it, block, and move on. This sub has an anti-urban bias that isn’t surprising, but it sure is embarrassing for the clowns and their fear mongering, which mostly stems from racism, let’s be honest.


Zreaz t1_j5wcgbh wrote

New Haven is statistically one of the most dangerous cities in CT. It’s great that you haven’t had any issues but you’re just objectively wrong that it’s a “safe” city to live (compared to other CT cities). It’s weird you’re even trying to say otherwise when crime statistics are something that’s super easy to verify.


HeadyRoosevelt t1_j5wt8tb wrote

In 2023? Pass those receipts.


Zreaz t1_j5x3x79 wrote

Well...we're 25 days into 2023 so we're not going to have much data for that. We'll look at 2022. Again, this has to be one of the easiest statistics to verify so it's kinda weird to even question it.

Easy to read list:

Data straight from CT government - look at New Haven lit up like a fucking Christmas tree:

Wikipedia for fun:

And if you REALLY wanna get spicy, take a journey through the FBIs UCR for CT:


HeadyRoosevelt t1_j5x5kt0 wrote

I’ll own my mistake: I initially read that as one of the most dangerous cities in the country. Definitely makes sense that it’s one of the most dangerous cities in a state with otherwise low crime compared to the nation.

Appreciate the info. Thanks.


Zreaz t1_j5xaim1 wrote

I also thought you were the other guy and definitely coulda been less snarky. But yea, exactly. The most dangerous city in CT is still a pretty safe place to be. Just "menacing" seems like a fairly accurate term to me if you're used to the rest of CT lol.


DaddyWarBucks26 t1_j5ysd3i wrote

Thank you I literally looked it up and was thinking I was accurate but happy to have someone validate lol


rewirez5940 t1_j5yrmd3 wrote

That last link shows a big trend downwards for the last ten years.


Zreaz t1_j5zgrc7 wrote

Yea, CT as a whole has been trending downward pretty decently for the last ten years. It also wasn't hit nearly as hard by the Covid crime spike that a lot of rest of the country saw.


Adorable-Hedgehog-31 t1_j5v96dh wrote

Yeah ok buddy. Everyone knows New Haven is a crime-wracked city and many neighborhoods are simply unsafe to be in.


galvinb1 t1_j5vg8bq wrote

Dirt bike gangs are all over the country. Definitely not just a New Haven thing.


DaddyWarBucks26 t1_j5ysl64 wrote

Yea I believe it. Just was new to me. Never seen anything like that in the Midwest.


HeadyRoosevelt t1_j670oct wrote

I’ve lived in DC, New Haven, and Seattle and honestly New Haven has the least problem with ATV/dirt bike groups than the other two cities.


MaoWasaLoser t1_j5yre6u wrote

Downtown, Westville and East Rock are all perfectly safe at night. I lived in New Haven for 15 years and never had a problem.


NewGuyHelloHi t1_j5wx6s3 wrote

There are like 1000 new luxury rental apartments being built in New Haven right now and New Haven definitely isn’t cheap