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eleyezeeaye4287 t1_j6jzqdf wrote

Omg. Mine was $560 for a 2000 square foot house. We just moved here so it was sticker shock for sure.


thesbaine t1_j6k0psd wrote

You probably have baseboard resistive or, at least, radiant floor. I have radiant ceiling, the most earth 70’s coke driven heating solution.


eleyezeeaye4287 t1_j6k5o28 wrote

We have baseboard to my knowledge (which is very limited lol)


thesbaine t1_j6kwbg1 wrote

All good. We're looking at switching to a heat pump. It isn't cheap, but my god it's better than what we have.


reptarcannabis t1_j6kkbhy wrote

Radiant ceiling ? Like wat


thesbaine t1_j6kvuyf wrote

Again, coke fueled early 70's design.

Twas a silly time.


ImpossibleParfait t1_j6pbbj6 wrote

Literally makes 0 sense. If you own the place I would look into a replacement. Heat rises, bet its nice and toasty up near the ceiling!