
ImpossibleParfait t1_jdl305c wrote

Breweries, wineries, really nice hiking, some really great food, two of the largest casinos in the US, a decent shoreline, prime fall foliage, tons of concerts (xfinity theatre is one of the biggest amphitheaters in the US), spitting distance of Boston and NYC. There's a reason why a ton of rich people have homes in Connecticut. Everyone who says Connecticut has nothing to do has never lived in a flyover Midwest state.


ImpossibleParfait t1_j6zae4m wrote

This is kind of a good idea, but 99% of college athletes don't go pro and most of them only play sports because of the scholarships. This wouldn't be a good idea in America unless college became affordable. It's a cart before the horse situation. In the US more people play sports in college to pay for college then they do with an intention of going pro.

College has become so expensive because goverment guaranteed loans allows colleges to charge more.


ImpossibleParfait t1_j160d63 wrote

There was a wooded area at one of the edges of campus that had a footpath that was basically a shortcut. When I was a freshman in 09, it was notorious for robberies by New Britain trash and the occasional sexual assault. By the time I graduated they had turned the dirt path into an actual walk way with cameras and a concrete path. Now the whole piece of land next to the road has been converted into I think a fast food pizza place and dollar store, and the state police barracks is literally right next to where it the trail used to be. CCSU is not far from New Britain ghettos and robbing college drunk college kids is a relatively low risk activity. I know New Britain has improved considerably since then but it used to be pretty sketchy. My friends and I rented a house like 200 yards from campus that got broken into multiple times, I would wake up to bums fighting over cans left on the front porch from last night's party. I got to know many of the local crackheads, there was a road rage shootout right outside our house. It was certainly an experience.


ImpossibleParfait t1_j11ui3f wrote

Even CCSU was pretty lame when I went there. Thursday nights was the party night and that place emptied from Friday to Sunday. I went there recently and was blown away by all the change from 10 years ago. WCSU is still the same. The food was absolutely atrocious when I went to CCSU and that seems to have changed, there's also now a dining option "up the hill," which you would not what that means if you went there, what we called the "rape trail" is gone etc.


ImpossibleParfait t1_iw0t47u wrote

You're fine, buckle down. Nobody cares about your GPA unless you are going for highly competitive jobs. Go get some therapy. No job is gonna give two fucks about your mental health. Its not an excuse. You got another year to turn it around. You might not get into like uconn, but in my time ccsu, wcsu, and scsu aren't very hard to get into. I almost flunked out my freshman year for similar reasons. 10 years later in IT doing fine.