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AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j66hios wrote

What's different about this police killing?

Why isn't CSP and all police doing the usual "hrmm reasonable fear for their lives, isolated incident, internal matter" act?


PoorInCT t1_j66lfai wrote

Because CT cops qualified immunity was taken away?

"If you cant BEAT them, join them"


buried_lede t1_j66oqkd wrote

This is coming from the people who are too timid to arrest their own troopers for shoplifting or running people off the road? Who lobbied for FOI exemptions and softer accountability? What hypocrisy. They can stuff it.

Rovella is a liar who doesn’t keep his word to anyone, including victims


buried_lede t1_j66ow16 wrote

It wasn’t though. They hammered the life out of that bill. And CT tort law lets them do anything.

If anything, the bill created a new category of immunity and more protections, by accident. A lot of tired people got pushed around in a n all night session of the legislature. Connecticut police get away with a lot of corruption because they don’t shoot people as much as they do in, say, Texas or Alabama, or some counties in California, etc

Try holding one accountable. Good luck


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j66s8k3 wrote

Not yet. We've been hearing and reading and seeing and singing about police beating a black body to death while he begged for his mother, it feels like, every year for decades. Just not sure I need more videos to visualize the story, after reading some of tonight's reporting. I'll maybe read the arrest warrant and the ME report, like the others, maybe a judicial order, if something unexpected happens in court, I'll look for the video later to see if any of these piglets cry at their sentencing.

I think it's nice to see some unity in condemning police treatment toward certain men. I also think I know why for some people it's super easy, damn near convenient, to demand justice this time, otherwise I might ask what took so long? Nobody has to trip over themselves or even do one backflip for these five, just lit them up.

Makes me sad.

>Check out the message in a rough stylee The real criminals are the see-O-P You check for undercover and the one PD But just a mere Black man, them want check me Them check out me car for it shine like the sun But them jealous or them vexed cause them can't afford one

>Black people still slaves up 'til today But the Black police officer nah see it that way Him want a salary Him want it So he put on a badge and kill people for it

>My grandfather had to deal with the cops My great-grandfather dealt with the cops My great grandfather had to deal with the cops And then my great, great, great, great, when it's gonna stop?! Woop-woop, That's the sound of da police, that's the sound of the beast

  • KRS One (Knowledge Reins Supreme Over Nearly Everyone).

Smart dude, KRS.


chongo_md t1_j66scl7 wrote

oh thank god for these thoughts and prayers


IWantOneSpatula t1_j66seff wrote

Color me shocked.

More thoughts and prayers from the bad guys.


LordBarvis t1_j66usz7 wrote

surely more training or reform is needed so the cops will know not to beat people to death


Correct-Potential25 t1_j66y3s2 wrote

Cant wait to see the opinions of everyone who are in fairfield county vs actual hartford on here.


SlammySlam712 t1_j6712f9 wrote

I’ll be impressed when they own up to all their shitty murderous actions


PsyrusTheGreat t1_j672fcq wrote

hmmm hm...

We're not good with you yet though, so you all can keep this to yourself.


TheTowerBard t1_j672sbr wrote

So are they bringing charges against the gang of cops in New Haven that paralyzed Randy Cox?…


OpelSmith t1_j672t1c wrote

that's a lot of letters and words to just say ACAB


james_otter t1_j673uov wrote

Maybe they should vet the people who get to be blue thugs and train them more than 3-6 month in other countries you need 3 years before you can be in duty


ewqdsacxziopjklbnm t1_j675a6t wrote

The rest of them are guilty and hiding behind this fucking statement. They created the environment that provided the outcome. They are not innocent. These people honestly believed they would get away with this with body cams. Fucking says something. Fuck the police. And that’s coming from someone who went to police explorers for years and went to Hartford police academy during the summers. Fuck the whole system. It’s broken.


B1NG_P0T t1_j6764up wrote

Fuck off with your thoughts and prayers.


thriftshopmusketeer t1_j677wzr wrote

There is no "oath to protect and serve", as affirmed by the "justice" system. The police have no obligation to protecto OR serve you, only to keep you in line. These guys are getting torched because they made it too obvious and endangered the racket.


TreeEleben t1_j67ax0w wrote

The CT state police have a history of protecting and covering up for their own who commit crimes on and off duty. It happens constantly with officers who get in drunken crashes. This is a hollow statement, but the fact that they felt the need to issue it means they're actually a little worried about the repercussions of what happened in Memphis.

The thin blue line isnt protecting them nearly as much when everything these days is caught on video and can't be denied.


Jenaxu t1_j67d83d wrote

The entire thing needs to be completely overhauled tbh. It requires exactly 0 months of training to know that you don't need to beat to death a guy who can't even fucking defend himself anymore.


SadiesUncle t1_j67fn9x wrote

this will never happen thanks to the Fraternal Order of Police.

i’ll never get past the irony that the venn diagram of people who defend cops and people who hate unions is usually a circle


TminusTech t1_j67ftsz wrote

Bro the staties are straight up drug traffickers.


shockwave_supernova t1_j67jl3o wrote

What a strong, brave stance. I’m sure those thoughts and prayers will really make a change. You know, as opposed to leading by example and making fundamental changes to the way CT does policing. Or we can keep breaking peoples’ necks in the back of police vans


Kbts87 t1_j67s9yu wrote

Can confirm. A close friend of a family member was run over while riding his bicycle by a drunk cop, and his cop father helped to try and cover it up.


Putting out this kind of press release when CT cops have their own skeletons does nothing but demonstrate a lack of self awareness. And it's in really poor taste in my opinion.


im_intj t1_j6800xq wrote

We need the cops weapons to be restricted just as much as the citizens of the state and country. Let's see what they can do with black powered weapons.


MV203 t1_j685c2o wrote

I was pulled out in front of by a Mercedes while on my motorcycle and broke my foot. The Bridgeport police censored the drivers insurance to protect him from litigation. The Bridgeport police are acting like a criminal gang.


ThemesOfMurderBears t1_j6865qd wrote

I was pretty flagrantly against body cameras for a while. But I have a friend I respect a lot that made some good arguments for them. Between that and seeing how they can be used to expose cop behavior, I am 100% on board. Mandatory body cameras for every officer.

Ideally, an independent company or companies that store and encrypt all footage, that police would have no ability to access — but that is probably a “pie in the sky” idea.


Nyrfan2017 t1_j687ijj wrote

Yeah .. so change is happening these officers are starting to be held responsible .. I think the next change that needs to be made is as someone mentioned there should be a lis to hold the posisition and that lis should have required annual training mental health reviews and stuff ..


Nyrfan2017 t1_j68817j wrote

There is away and it’s by emailing and calling elected officals it’s by when civil rights groups have a plate form now with social media start endorsing candidates and stating what officals are not supporting the cause and getting thousands to vote them up . That’s how change will happen.


bigclams t1_j688se7 wrote

Don't forget officer James Bouley of Bridgeport PD who murdered a fifteen year old boy a few years back and lied about the incident leading to no criminal investigation


silverado-z71 t1_j68gikr wrote

Well, they did offer thoughts and prayers, so that should really make it all better 🙄


roo-ster t1_j68iywg wrote

You’re learning. Individuals can be racist but it can also be reinforced by wealth and class divisions. This happens in part because racism has been incorporated into many societal institutions, as has been throughout our history.

These facts are collectively the boogeyman that right wing lunatics fear, called CRT.


Headstone_Blank t1_j68j9l1 wrote

If they had called for the original three cops who pulled Nichols out of the car to also be charged I might have believed they were sincere. It's insane to me how no one is talking about that.


PewSeaLiquor t1_j68k074 wrote

Did they spend two whole minutes on those few sentences?? Thanks for the complete lack of effort

Fuck the police. They are class traitors at best, hateful racist jack booted thugs at worst. Those whe enforce laws should be held to a much higher standard. They elected to take the responsibility, no one forced them to become a pig.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j68p7d3 wrote

I don't think such a general analogy really fits. It's more like I've witnessed not one car accident, but dozens of the same kind of car accident and hundreds of similar ones, and read the accident reports and autopsy reports, and also have degrees in each driving science and driving law.


bunkerbash t1_j68pd8c wrote

They’ll continue to harass, intimidate, assault, and murder the Connecticut public. And they’ll continue to shut down the state to throw themselves parades. They have all the power and whatever lip service they spew, they know it. The lawmakers support the police because they’re rich and the police only exist to protect the assets of the rich and the anti-worker system that further bloats their bank accounts. ACAB


Unfairly_Banned_ t1_j68q4he wrote

Exactly, this is how these officers behaved knowing they were being recorded.

They are violent monsters who either didn't fear consequences or didn't think they were doing anything wrong.

God only knows what these monsters have done when they thought nobody was looking...


mikemikemikeandike t1_j68q7c3 wrote

“Thoughts and prayers”

When the hell are people going to stop with the platitudes?


RamTuff4bi4 t1_j68yinr wrote

Actually, you made a great point. When you're not arrested or detained, why are cops allowed to put their hands on you? You see it all the time. There was stupid article about guy not wanting to tip a robot operated bar in Vegas and one line that stuck out as a sore thumb was an officer put a hand on his shoulder......they wanted to talk to him outside of the loud bar. Similar situation a witness to something in CT bar fight maybe, similar like an officer put his hand on the witnesses back to move him to a quiet location. Whatever the reason is they seem to be allowed to touch you whenever they want you. You touch them even friendly touch is a crime, or you touch anyone it can be treated as an assault. Makes no sense to me.


numitoke t1_j68yo8n wrote

Why do people who think the police are bad and should be defunded also think the government should disarm the people?

Do you not see the ignorance of your ways yet?


L-V-4-2-6 t1_j690uo4 wrote

Things like feature bans, mag capacity limits, the NFA etc? Yeah, those are unconstitutional. Things like taking gun rights away from a convicted murderer, or the laws in place that prohibit a person convicted of domestic violence from legally buying a gun? Not so much.


JoThMa36 t1_j690zix wrote

Lol murdered? That scum bag stole a car and then went on a joy ride through BPT. Then hit Boulay with said stolen car. He didn't lie about the investigation nor did the cameras or witnesses. Thank God he's still employed by the BPTPD..


rollsroyce1961 t1_j691yn1 wrote

They should the maximum penalty just like any other citizen


TreeEleben t1_j6920m8 wrote

The people who want to disarm the population need the police to do the disarming. You need a ton of people with guns to enforce laws against guns. Those against guns ignore how racist and dangerous police are because their belief system relies on police being on their side.


Sassafrass17 t1_j692542 wrote

>The CT state police have a history of protecting and covering up for their own who commit crimes on and off duty.

THANK YOU for posting this. I was just about to say: let's not talk about the cops who abuse their families, do drugs, STEAL EVIDENCE (drugs) and an array of other things..yet you say sorry but let's see how much shit YOU'VE possibly covered up

>This is a hollow statement, but the fact that they felt the need to issue it means they're actually a little worried about the repercussions of what happened in Memphis

This is exactly what's happening. I have a close friend who is a US Marshall and she informed me that individual cops are about to be held accountable for their actions now.. ever since the shit with Floyd and how everything is being recorded, there's about to be a "You're on you're own" abundance about to happen...


AtomicPeacenik t1_j699kqk wrote

Connecticut State Police murdered a teenager I went to GWCC with. Never knew him personally but his name was Mubarak Soulemane. They chased him and shot him under an overpass in West Haven. Until Officer Brian North is behind bars I do not give a damn what CT Troopers think about bad police officers. They are themselves bad police officers.


absurd-bird-turd t1_j69bb2t wrote

My neighbor used to be a cop for a neighboring town. One day on his way home he was drinking and driving and the police in my town pulled him over. Obviously it was all hush hush and word didnt get out. He didnt get into any trouble and he “retired” from the force shortly after. Everyone in the neighborhood knew about it however and we all look at him different. Nowadays hes a security guard


BDMayhem t1_j69heub wrote

I'm definitely in favor of body cams, but there are legitimate privacy concerns, especially if the footage is made public. The citizens with whom they interact have not consented to be recorded and may have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

They have to be implemented in the right way to meet both needs of police accountability and the general public's privacy.


warchiefwilly t1_j6a8ino wrote

Oh good, for a moment I thought we wouldn't get their thoughts and prayers.


EmpireBooks t1_j6ab9qa wrote

When my grandson came of age, i told him the true story that my High School had 2 real trouble makers. As Sophomores they were the only ones with cars, already shaving, 18 years old, multiple suspensions from school for fighting. Both went on to be police in my town. I wanted him to understand that just because someone is a policeman don't assume he's a good guy. I think and hope these kinds of cops are in the minority but the whole blue group takes the hit because even the good ones cover for the bad ones. They bring this on themselves.


SFD8-4-0 t1_j6af8bs wrote

I'm in favor of body cams, but I can see why they aren't always a good thing. Cops interact with people in all kinds of situations. For instance if someone you cared about was hurt or killed in a car wreck, would you want footage of that ending up online? As long as there is a recording, there is a possibility of that recording being made public.


maggot_flavored t1_j6ao4op wrote

I’ll take that risk knowing cops can’t break the law and abuse their power.

The chance of that happening is a lot lower and well worth the possibility of a cop being a complete piece of shit


SFD8-4-0 t1_j6aql84 wrote

You remember when Kobe Bryant died in that helicopter crash, and assholes posted pics of the victims online? It's shit like that I don't want family members to have to deal with. Any it's pretty obvious that cops ARE breaking the law even with the cameras.

Like I said, on the whole cameras are a good thing, point is that they might not always be a good thing.


maggot_flavored t1_j6atbyn wrote

Im still not going to budge on that opinion that no matter what all cops should have body cams, and they should not be controlled by the cops. Can’t turn them off or tamper with them. Third party controlled.

After all, it’s my tax dollars paying these clowns


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j6d2sk8 wrote

Yes this is fantastic news. It was a gang unit in name, in practice it was a street crime unit.

I'm sure beating people like this is routine work for a unit named SCORPION.

Neither approach to law enforcement prevents crime, actually causes more.


buried_lede t1_j6ebmvc wrote

They really know how to game their body cameras now. They say if not for the street camera, they might not have been able to piece this together.

They turn away, they use audio to make it sound like they are struggling when they’re not (“stop resisting!” when they’re actually lying there unconscious. ) It’s ridiculous. Sure didn’t take police long to figure that out


buried_lede t1_j6ecyg4 wrote

Well there could be some applications of the new law. What do you mean the officer was given immunity, though, do you mean he was denied immunity and the case against him can go forward?