Submitted by t3_113sv8v in Connecticut

... and not just in Connecticut.

So, I live in CT and yes, we have an issue with left lane campers which we attribute to the ridiculous amount of left lane exits we have. After what I went through over the last couple days, I'm more convinced than ever that it's just a matter of the number of asshole drivers on the road.

A good friend of my wife's is dealing with some stuff so we offered to drive to Florida to help out for a while. We left Tuesday and arrived Wednesday. The rough route we took was 84 to 684 to 287, over the Cuomo bridge, down the Garden State to pick up 95 down to Florida. There wasn't a single state where I didn't get held up by a left lane camper and they were from all over, not just CT/NY/NJ/MA plates hanging out in the left lane as is our right... lol. Had someone from Kentucky while going through White Plains just under the limit. Had someone from Ohio on the Garden State. Even had someone from Ontario in South Carolina. They were literally in every state.

And just like we see in CT, I also saw plenty of the impatient people behind you that can't wait and would change lanes aggressively to get one or two car lengths ahead.

So, despite how bad you may think CT driving can be, I hate to say that it looks like some of our driver issues are somewhat universal.



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t1_j8sdks5 wrote

I think a lot of people just literally dont know how to drive. And their only logic is left lane= fast lane.


t1_j8v700p wrote

Whenever I see people complaining about left lane drivers I assume they’re the kind who pass on the right taking advantage of a driver’s safe driving distance only to go the same exact fucking speed as they were going before, you know, cuz the person they just passed was going that speed because there’s someone in front of them.


t1_j931g5o wrote

I personally generally dont but theres scenarios where its ridiculous. Therell be heavy traffic at times but people dog the shit out of the left lane and want to swerve back and forth without signaling. Amd in these situations both lanes are probably locked at 50-60 if that and shit would move faster if everyone would just drive normal and use all the lanes


t1_j8s0y16 wrote

Why did you think bad driving was a Connecticut only thing?


OP t1_j8s1bnx wrote

It's more that left lane campers are often complained about as being worse in CT than anywhere else because of our left lane exits. My experience over the last two days tell me that the left lane exits don't make a damn bit of difference.

It's not our highways, it's just the people driving.


t1_j8s29d5 wrote

One contributing factor hardly satisfies a simple fact check.


t1_j8s5r2a wrote

I began noticing this 25 years ago on my hour long commute to work with drivers aggressively getting into the left lane after entering the interstate, only to slow to 50-55 mph. There were no left lane exits on my route.

My question then and now is if there is info out there that I missed about the left lane being safer/better?


OP t1_j8sajst wrote

I believe there are a couple things at play. For highways where there are no left lane entrance ramps, you only have to pay attention to traffic that would come from the right. Add that the far left lane is supposed to be the "fast" lane and people that pop over there immediately are assuming it's going to make their trip easier.

And then they screw it all up by not going with the flow of traffic... :-)


t1_j8z3rwh wrote

It’s supposed to be the passing lane; not the fast lane. That’s the problem. Speed is relative and the common nomenclature for the left lane has been “the fast lane” for a long time now. I can’t stand left lane campers and will go around them if it’s safe to do so but I still don’t camp the left lane myself no matter how fast I think I’m traveling.

Honestly, the worse thing to me is that lazy/incompetent/distracted people blast into the left lane immediately after entering the highway just so they can zone out while they’re operating their oversized vehicles.
Why more people aren’t alarmed at how unaware of their surroundings these campers are boggles my little mind. It’s incredibly selfish and unsafe. Just pay attention to the road for the 20 minutes you’re (not you specifically) driving. Sheesh.


t1_j8t06a3 wrote

There are no left exits in my area and plenty of slow cars in the left lane. It’s definitely not the left lanes, although those don’t help.


t1_j8vjkrv wrote

I go between Connecticut and North Carolina frequently. The worst drivers are in Maryland, by far.


t1_j8sayew wrote

you aren't entitled to exceed the speed limit regardless of what lane you are in.


t1_j8t701s wrote

You aren't entitled to cruise in the passing lane, regardless of what speed you drive.


t1_j8ss2sm wrote

Speed limits are too low. Modern cars handle and brake much better than they did decades ago. It's time to raise the limit to 75 in most areas.


t1_j8z3zz8 wrote

Only if they disable people’s screens while driving, which will never happen. The problem is that most can’t manage to focus on actually driving anymore.


t1_j8sh246 wrote

Ok so let's say I am on a 2 lane highway the right lane has cars doing 60 to 65 here and there. I and a stream of cars are going faster at 75. Nobody wants to go right and get locked in at 60 because one guy thinks he is entitled to go 100. He weaves , cuts people off, using truck lane to pass people. I just wish cops did traffic like it was 1980