
mythofinadequecy t1_j8s5r2a wrote

I began noticing this 25 years ago on my hour long commute to work with drivers aggressively getting into the left lane after entering the interstate, only to slow to 50-55 mph. There were no left lane exits on my route.

My question then and now is if there is info out there that I missed about the left lane being safer/better?


mythofinadequecy t1_iuny1mr wrote

I'm disappointed you didn't 'convince' me I was in error.

But, I'll give you Just one, as there are too many of them: More than 30 GQP candidates are running on the 'election was stolen' conspiracy. It wasn't. Even with the pillow man's coke addled promises, there is and never was any proof of this. tfg lost, bigly.

And at the risk of ruining your day, JFK Jr won't be running with tfg on the GQP party line in 2024. Bet the house on that one.


Your welcome!


mythofinadequecy t1_iunwauc wrote


So, you didn't provide any argument to change my mind.

Second: I'll provide one proof that your GQP is in fact the GQP: More than thirty candidates support the Q conspiracy pushed by tfg that the election was stolin. If you do your 'research', you will find that the reference Q, 4channel, etc, etc.

I won't bother with all the other GQP insanity, but at the risk of ruining your day, JFK, Jr will not be running with drumph in 2024. Just sayin'