AdHistorical7107 t1_ja64wp4 wrote
He was Just another law-abiding gun owner....
CompasslessPigeon t1_ja6coll wrote
If he needs rehab he's a prohibited person under current gun laws. Plus may have had an illegal large capacity magazine. Doesn't sound law abiding to me...
Blackpugs t1_ja6xonv wrote
That's the statute or law saying if you need rehab you can't have a gun? Just curious
CompasslessPigeon t1_ja7ccwv wrote
Federal law. You are a prohibited person if: >"who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act, codified at 21 U.S.C. § 802);"
Blackpugs t1_ja7va08 wrote
Makes sense
AdHistorical7107 t1_ja762kh wrote
Did you miss the "was" part?
Dude probably had it legally. But when he had to turn it in, he didn't. See the problem Here?
Can't trust people with guns
Joggingmusic t1_ja7fiyt wrote
You’re merely speculating. See the problem here?
AdHistorical7107 t1_ja8p164 wrote
Am I though?
Joggingmusic t1_ja97tjx wrote you have all of the facts? Or just making assumptions after you read the word 'gun'?
Definitlynotcar t1_ja6mjeu wrote
I’m surprised your being downvoted on this sub since it has a lot of anti gun users on it
AdHistorical7107 t1_ja765kh wrote
Lots of pro gun clowns on here who are lacking some serious intellect. 🤷
Definitlynotcar t1_ja7odgs wrote
Just because someone is pro gun does not make them dumb lol
AdHistorical7107 t1_ja7ose2 wrote
They consistently fail to make the connection that most illegal guns are derived from people who were "law abiding". Case in point, bristol CT and Uvalde. Both legally purchased their guns, then committed heinous crimes
They attempt to justify their illfound logic without any regards to common sense and consideration for others, namely children and minorities, who suffer from it.
They are the epitome of dumb and put us all at risk.
Good day sir.
Definitlynotcar t1_ja7p0d5 wrote
Ok 1 the uvalde shooting could have been prevented by the fact the fbi states they knew he was planning on commuting a shooting yet did nothing about it I don’t see why playing guns will solve anything when for someone to Legally purchase a gun they need to have a fbi background check on them so why is no one blaming the person who did the background check
AdHistorical7107 t1_ja7p8zk wrote
And the justification for the mass murders of children is off! There could have been a very easy way to prevent Uvalde altogether.
Instead you continue to justify the mass murder of children. I don't know how you sleep at night, but I prefer not to interact with folks like you...
Good day sir
Definitlynotcar t1_ja7q1ma wrote
So can you tell me when I said I’m justifying kids dying
AdHistorical7107 t1_ja8fmmp wrote
Stop stalking. Grow some brains. Then we can chat....
Definitlynotcar t1_ja8fs54 wrote
I’m trying to have a polite political argument but instead you won’t I’ve proven you wrong multiple times so you leave instead of admitting your wrong lmao then you say I justify kids dying. Jesus it’s funny how when someone gets proven wrong they break down
Definitlynotcar t1_ja8fzt6 wrote
I do have “some brains lol”
Definitlynotcar t1_ja8gtkb wrote
Like is so funny they get proven wrong and instead of admitting it they double down and leave all you have to do is admit your wrong and was proven wrong but you wrong because that means your believes are not correct
Definitlynotcar t1_ja7pf40 wrote
I sleep on a nice comfy bed knowing if someone breaks into my home I can protect myself and family I’m not justifying kids dying that is not ok but blaming a inanimate object is not the answer again instead of blaming the government for literally not doing anything you blame the only thing citizens have to keep the government in check
AdHistorical7107 t1_ja8kbze wrote
This reply is why I don't talk to people like you. Instead of looking at the core issue of allowing people to be equipped with deadly weapons, while they can't even piece together common sense, is why I don't bother with your kind. Instead of acknowledging the tragedy in Uvalde, and admitting a gun was used, you instead deflect onto finger pointing.
I would say you should be ashamed of yourself, but I know its your kind that feel no shame.
Next mass murder by an "inanimate" object is on you.
good bye
Definitlynotcar t1_ja8l136 wrote
Lmao let’s break this down the cure issue is the gun if that’s the case the us would have way much more mass shootings because of the gun ownership so would he uk and Czech Republic but wanna know some they don’t don’t in the Czech Republic people can conceal carry guns and can even own the” super deadly ar-15” but they don’t commit shootings why? It’s because 1 they don’t have a huge mental mental like the us and 2 they have a better background check system here in the us we have a high mental problem and a not so good background check system
Definitlynotcar t1_ja8l8jn wrote
A gun is inanimate when has a fucking gun gotten up by itself and shot kids and when have I said a gun was not used in uvalde your littlest not acknowledging the fact the FBI said they knew he was planning on commit a shooting but did NOTHING
Definitlynotcar t1_ja8ldpk wrote
Jesus Christ your not educated at all why is it the fact before the 90’s mass shootings were rare in the us but gun were easy to get hell before the 50s I could order a machine gun form the back of the sears catalog and have it sent to my house
Definitlynotcar t1_ja8libr wrote
There is so much evidence the guns not the problem but you won’t accept the fact your wrong because it will prove you have been fighting for the wrong side which h you don’t wanna admit because it means you have wasted your time arguing for something that is not true
Definitlynotcar t1_ja8lo3h wrote
But still if guns are a issue why is places like the Czech Republic,Switzerland or the ok not have more mass shootings if they allow people to own guns hell the Czech Republic has their own second amendment
Definitlynotcar t1_ja8lr4f wrote
So how many times do I need to tell you your wrong before you admit it
Definitlynotcar t1_ja8lx49 wrote
But also yup won’t talk to us because you know that we are gonna prove you wrong and you don’t want to be proven wrong so have fun with you beliefs because I’m gonna continue to build a ar-15 with my dad for our summer home in NH
AdHistorical7107 t1_ja8mr5r wrote
Awww, someone needs mommy's milk......
You really don't take a hint, huh? Your consistent responses show your lack of intellect.
Go ahead. Keep justifying the murder of kids. There's a clear connection here between the inability to think bigger and guns.
[deleted] t1_ja8ng9h wrote
flatdanny t1_ja8318y wrote
You ever hear of punctuation?
Definitlynotcar t1_ja83e3b wrote
I’m on Reddit lmao I don’t really care about punctuation
Definitlynotcar t1_ja7p5l8 wrote
Agustin being pro gun is not illfound guns have a purpose in this world they can be used for many things
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