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CompasslessPigeon t1_ja6coll wrote

If he needs rehab he's a prohibited person under current gun laws. Plus may have had an illegal large capacity magazine. Doesn't sound law abiding to me...


Blackpugs t1_ja6xonv wrote

That's the statute or law saying if you need rehab you can't have a gun? Just curious


CompasslessPigeon t1_ja7ccwv wrote

Federal law. You are a prohibited person if: >"who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act, codified at 21 U.S.C. § 802);"


AdHistorical7107 t1_ja762kh wrote

Did you miss the "was" part?

Dude probably had it legally. But when he had to turn it in, he didn't. See the problem Here?

Can't trust people with guns
