We purchased a home years ago and one of the big selling points is the attic was spray foamed under the roof decking. It's a bigger house than we're used to, so the utilities cost being quite higher wasn't a huge surprise. However, it took me a few years to notice that there are roof vents in the spaces that are spray foamed. Considering that the attic is essentially conditioned the same as the rest of the house, wouldn't venting be a major heat loss? If so, are there any major issues with caulking them completely shut and insulating the hell out of them?
Roughly 80% of the upper floor is vaulted ceiling, so no attic. This is mostly in knee well "attics"
Edit: attic space example: https://imgur.com/a/U5GcyLP
ZealousidealPickle11 t1_j5pgzqc wrote
You generally want your attic to breath. Trapping all heat inside your attic isn't helping your house to breath. You want your living space well insulated, but do not fill your roof vents. They are there for a reason.