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BronsonJonas t1_is7hbw8 wrote

And then all these kids fail out or end up as sociology majors because the academic rigor here is a fraction of what you get at a competitive high school.


thesecondfire OP t1_is7j30g wrote

There is one student portrayed at the end who seems to have adjusted to Yale, but it is true that this school is part of a huge problem in America of kids being pushed into college when they're not ready, because they're sold the idea that that's the only correct way. For a lot of schools and districts it's all about graduation rates, regardless of readiness. It's awful what's being done to millions of kids.


TUGrad t1_is7p7qg wrote

Yes, I've read a couple of articles about this that discuss students who are still in ivy leagues.


PartyPorpoise t1_is8zm9p wrote

And for kids who genuinely do want to go to college and have a shot, they get screwed over too. They’re getting a low quality of education that leaves them unprepared for college and thus more likely to drop out. And since many come from households without a lot of education, they don’t realize that they’re not being prepared until it’s (likely) too late.


blackraven36 t1_is8olsm wrote

Ah yes you see obsessing about hitting “the numbers” has worked so incredibly well for everyone! And after no thought or deliberation we put this gloriously successful tactic into our schools!


clem82 t1_iso3vgz wrote

> who seems to have adjusted to Yale

True, I looked up a couple of interviews and they were doing a LOT of self taught curriculum to catch up. Rightfully so, but to do that given the circumstances is a trait that shows they'll be just fine. That type of self starting and adversity is amazing and always wins


primalprincess t1_is8merh wrote

As a sociology major this made me laugh so hard. Because it’s true lol


imakemediocreart t1_is92gr7 wrote

Actually some top schools like Harvard aren’t known for grade deflation; the hardest part is getting in


BronsonJonas t1_is94s51 wrote

If you’re at Harvard Premed because you got straight A’s in your remedial courses from an inner city high school and scored in the 85th percentile on the SAT, you’re going to have a very hard time keeping up with the coursework.


PartyPorpoise t1_isaq2dp wrote

Yeah, even a lower ranking college is too hard for some students.


pleasekillmerightnow t1_is9zvgg wrote

Is being a sociology major a bad thing?


PartyPorpoise t1_isaq7qo wrote

They’re just making a joke about how sociology (maybe humanities in general) is easy.


Likely_Satire t1_isaw0vt wrote

That and people who fail/drop out of harder pursuits such as the BAR exam usually teach this subject (or history) as they have (most) all the credits necessary to transfer majors.
I had a teacher like this; felt so bad for the dude.
Tried to become a lawyer cause his mom pushed him to be like his older brother. Went to one of the top schools in the US; but he quickly found out he didn't have the chops or the will to keep pursuing this major and dropped out. He said his choices of jobs using his current credits and not going back to school; essentially amounted to history/sociology teacher... so that's what he became.
To add insult to injury (at least at the time I had him as a teacher); he was classified as a substitute and got paid 13k a year for a school who has a teacher on tenure who was milking maternity leave for well over a year and a half according to him.
Dude was getting fucked royally and at the expense of the kids too. Man didn't get paid enough so he litterally had 2 additional jobs after school (he was a soccer and MMA coach surprisingly); so he almost never came in with a prepared lesson plan.
I remember just about everyday him googling a lesson plan related to what we were learning and we'd just go along with some video or assignment someone else made. Shit even grading was a joke; he'd have us make our own rubrics and then have us grade ourselves lmao.
God bless that man tho, he was a good dude who was trying his best. Hopefully he's getting paid what he deserves now; but yeah this is how you end up with teachers sometimes 😅🤷‍♂️


thetruthhurts2016 t1_isb3fch wrote

Yes, unless you want to teach. It doesn't open as many doors as Stem or Business majors.A Sociology degree is probably as beneficial as Philosophy or English. Though I'm sure some "woke" companies would hire a sociologist for their diversity and inclusion department/HR.

Sociology is very interesting, and can shed light on important issues, though its much more Marxist these days, at least in California.

Definitely read some sociology books, but don't major in it.


Marchesa-LuisaCasati t1_isnxphm wrote

I had a double major in psych and sociology as an undergrad. I made pitiful money as a social worker in a nursing home and i borrowed money so it was a double whammy. The one thing i told my kid about higher educations was, "Don't get a degree in a field where all you can do is 'think deep thoughts.' You can think deep thoughts at the public library for free."


8bitbebop4 t1_is8iyns wrote

Dont worry, they wont be held responsible for their student loans.


GrittyPrettySitty t1_is8lwfk wrote

Yes... complain about the bandaid.


8bitbebop4 t1_isl1s3l wrote

What an odd analogy. I paid for my bandaid. Which is coincidentally how i paid for both mine, and now tje bandaids of those incapable of paying for their bandaids.


Marchesa-LuisaCasati t1_isny5hu wrote

You must not have got the memo that the elite universities no longer use loans as a part of their financial aid packages. Admission to elite universities are actual golden tickets if you're from a middle or lower income family. My kid graduated from an "elite" university; we paid ZERO dollars.


TotallynottheCCP t1_is8psko wrote

Of course not, they just gotta whine a little louder and the slate will be wiped clean for ESG points.
