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thesecondfire OP t1_is7j30g wrote

There is one student portrayed at the end who seems to have adjusted to Yale, but it is true that this school is part of a huge problem in America of kids being pushed into college when they're not ready, because they're sold the idea that that's the only correct way. For a lot of schools and districts it's all about graduation rates, regardless of readiness. It's awful what's being done to millions of kids.


TUGrad t1_is7p7qg wrote

Yes, I've read a couple of articles about this that discuss students who are still in ivy leagues.


PartyPorpoise t1_is8zm9p wrote

And for kids who genuinely do want to go to college and have a shot, they get screwed over too. They’re getting a low quality of education that leaves them unprepared for college and thus more likely to drop out. And since many come from households without a lot of education, they don’t realize that they’re not being prepared until it’s (likely) too late.


blackraven36 t1_is8olsm wrote

Ah yes you see obsessing about hitting “the numbers” has worked so incredibly well for everyone! And after no thought or deliberation we put this gloriously successful tactic into our schools!


clem82 t1_iso3vgz wrote

> who seems to have adjusted to Yale

True, I looked up a couple of interviews and they were doing a LOT of self taught curriculum to catch up. Rightfully so, but to do that given the circumstances is a trait that shows they'll be just fine. That type of self starting and adversity is amazing and always wins