Submitted by dasarpan007 t3_10mon1g in EarthPorn
SoloExperiencer t1_j645mk2 wrote
Beautiful stuff. Very well done!
martfra t1_j64adw8 wrote
Those plants look evil
[deleted] t1_j64gt2i wrote
[deleted] t1_j64in5b wrote
TheTallerTaylor t1_j64v8qa wrote
Amazing shot! Can you tell us more about your technique to capture this? Is it a single exposure? Different focal length for the mountains for a perspective adjustment?
StonedBulbasaur t1_j64zvky wrote
you should uh... ask a therapist that question
Ph0enixRuss3ll t1_j64zzdx wrote
Bold of you to assume I can afford therapy in this capitalism dystopia
lowjaguar_07 t1_j652c4g wrote
Absolutely astonishing I love the purple background that reach the Alps.
dasarpan007 OP t1_j655d0k wrote
Yes, multiple shots with same shutter speed & settings, but focussed at different points as the plants in the immediate foreground are quite closed. Not different focal lengths for this image as those peaks are quite big, however, I use that technique from time to time.
toastibot t1_j655ic1 wrote
Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.
> Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.
> Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter.
Storyshift-Chara-ewe t1_j658dap wrote
Violet sky Troubled water Sweat in my eyes Getting stronger
yallready4this t1_j6592s1 wrote
Beautiful shot but my shins hurt just looking at that thistle
gigaswardblade t1_j659fui wrote
Why it ourple?
gigaswardblade t1_j659hnn wrote
Or attempt to eat you
Keepstarsapart t1_j65cnkk wrote
this would fit right in on r/SwitzerlandIsFake
Akon_DumbRapper t1_j65dfds wrote
Is that a WEED?!
gloridhel t1_j65dtjg wrote
Focus stacking?
thesmeggyone t1_j65e617 wrote
Can anyone tell me what those star type plants are towards the bottom of the photo?
[deleted] t1_j65ehgq wrote
thebageljew t1_j65emvn wrote
Tada knew I'd find this
eunit8899 t1_j65ff9b wrote
Most places have free therapy services available. Good luck I hope you get the help you need.
[deleted] t1_j65fglk wrote
dasarpan007 OP t1_j65fwu3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j65g305 wrote
dasarpan007 OP t1_j65g7j8 wrote
Everything in Switzerland will fit there, because they are too good to be true
cryptoparamour t1_j65gonm wrote
God did an amazing job!
WildlifePhysics t1_j65hhnn wrote
Feels very artificial (e.g. too much pink/purple and smoothing), but pictures of the Alps are always nice.
Ph0enixRuss3ll t1_j65ia8b wrote
Most places USA bleed a patient dry before actually helping at all. Free service isn't anywhere in this capitalism dystopia. But don't worry, I'm not going to off myself. All a person really needs is a backbone, a wishbone, and a funnybone. Lucky I've got all three.
johnny_cache123 t1_j65knlk wrote
Wow, I thought it was No Man's Sky for a second
brentndifer t1_j65l1dm wrote
Magentaaaaaa mountainnnnn
ipoopedonce t1_j65mn4g wrote
Can you give the focal length? And general angle to take these photos? Beautiful by the way
awfulfalafelwaffles t1_j65mpes wrote
maybelle180 t1_j65n559 wrote
It be like that sometimes. I have a similar shot of the late afternoon sky in Switzerland. It looks fake but it’s not.
dasarpan007 OP t1_j65o708 wrote
Most of these kinds of shots are taken at 15 mm (which is the widest I have available). The angle totally depends on what I want in my composition, for example in this shot I wanted that stream and the whole reflection of the mountain in the midground, so I was higher from the ground. In some shots, there is nothing interesting in the midground, and so I am more closed to the ground and immediate foreground. Hope it helps
[deleted] t1_j65qomu wrote
DoublB t1_j65qs31 wrote
What's the name of that lake please?
TheTallerTaylor t1_j65s9yu wrote
Thanks for the field report!
akusokuZAN t1_j65tzbb wrote
I will attempt to carry this with me for the rest of my days. Hopefully, in the distant future, on my deathbed, the chance will opportune for me to ask, wearily: Why it ourple?
Cactus_Anime_Dragon t1_j65udpv wrote
akusokuZAN t1_j65ufcw wrote
It's not that it's fake, it's that they're using cheats. Money cheats, visual cheats, bunker cheats!
[deleted] t1_j65v33v wrote
Wrongsumer t1_j65wn23 wrote
Paramount pictures wants their location back!
that_guy_you_kno t1_j65wv9d wrote
So not a single exposure.
[deleted] t1_j65xrbm wrote
KimberleyKitt t1_j65zr76 wrote
What are those pretty alien flowers called?
kronenhalle t1_j661mdc wrote
I miss Switzerland
eye_spi t1_j6630u8 wrote
Is this a distinction made possible by digital cameras/photography? What limited experience I have is from traditional film, and I have trouble envisioning what you say in that context.
ProfoundWanderer1 t1_j663ljm wrote
You are to photography what Thomas Kinkade was to artwork….
Aromatic-Stranger901 t1_j6650lk wrote
Beautiful and peaceful, thank you for sharing 🙂
ShacklefordVsSeagal t1_j6653b5 wrote
Or smokeable
that_guy_you_kno t1_j665ixw wrote
You're either incorrect or lying to people. An exposure is a shutter cycle. If you blend multiple shutter cycles into an image it is not by definition a single exposure.
that_guy_you_kno t1_j665tc2 wrote
It's not. He's either incorrect or lying.
that_guy_you_kno t1_j665wgt wrote
It is not a single exposure. He is either incorrect or lying.
Kitchenratatatat t1_j665x99 wrote
It’s like the flowers are enjoying the spectacular view too
Avrose t1_j667d1l wrote
I miss that country so much
stm72 t1_j668r3z wrote
which town is this taken from?
TrebekCorrects t1_j668ybv wrote
Yes that is, by definition, multiple exposures but at different focal planes.
ditto_ditto__ t1_j669xvh wrote
What does it look like unprocessed?
FLATLANDRIDER t1_j66bjtd wrote
Yea this person is wrong. If you ended up with multiple files that you then stacked/blended together to make the final image, then the image is by definition a multiple exposure image.
To put it another way; the camera sensor was exposed multiple times to capture the image, hence being a multiple exposure image.
FLATLANDRIDER t1_j66bmxd wrote
The sensor was exposed multiple times to take the image though. It's a multiple exposure image.
TrebekCorrects t1_j66ccxb wrote
When I read their initial setup, I wondered how tf they could rack focus from the plants to the mountains during a single shutter click without lens warping or any blurring.
Peppered63 t1_j66dx75 wrote
Gorgeous! Love it no matter how it was shot. Really interested to know about the plant on the right. Very cool looking. Is it like a pricier bush?
jltyper t1_j66e6sz wrote
This is what paramount pictures looks like irl.
b4st1an t1_j66gcy2 wrote
[deleted] t1_j66gpab wrote
dasarpan007 OP t1_j66hoz9 wrote
FLATLANDRIDER t1_j66hsqo wrote
Thank you.
ironicallydead t1_j66hxd3 wrote
I literally had a dream where I was driving through the Swiss Alps and the sky was purple and I never forgot it. Looked so much like this
jazzofusion t1_j66k5eu wrote
Wow! Love it. Was it morn or eve?
patthekiller99 t1_j66kktn wrote
I think those plants look cool. Great photo!
grayrains79 t1_j66kwya wrote
TIL that photography is a lot more complicated than I thought it was.
2FDots t1_j66l0dk wrote
Needs more processing.
Iluvmango t1_j66lj3r wrote
I think it involved LSD and a black light.
[deleted] t1_j66lutg wrote
[deleted] t1_j66m6wm wrote
dirty-E30 t1_j66o1th wrote
Can anybody identify those plants? I want to order some seeds!
c_alsup t1_j66ox2j wrote
Love the purple
NekoArtemis t1_j66rgm2 wrote
Google lens says cirsium spinosissimum, the spiniest thistle. Looks right. Grows in the right environment.
[deleted] t1_j66wk9g wrote
madwh t1_j66xxg4 wrote
Is this from Avatar 3?
[deleted] t1_j66z03b wrote
GTAdriver1988 t1_j671o7l wrote
That's because Switzerland is fake. Check out r/switzerlandisfake there's tons of evidence there.
dirty-E30 t1_j672ewx wrote
Thank you!
[deleted] t1_j672hxa wrote
[deleted] t1_j673qae wrote
sprahk3ts t1_j679ikr wrote
You see it too. Well done good chum
Hyval_the_Emolga t1_j67cjol wrote
What kind of plants are those?
[deleted] t1_j67d86n wrote
ratbwoy t1_j67dl5q wrote
Must… not… smoke…….. unknown plant…
dasarpan007 OP t1_j67dn0x wrote
Already corrected
lonely_dude__ t1_j67edi8 wrote
Fake Switzerland isn't a real place
[deleted] t1_j67h9vd wrote
barangala t1_j67hk3o wrote
Cirsium spinosissimum - Alpen-Kratzdistel or in english Thorny Thistle
Relay_Slide t1_j67i1il wrote
This photo has been touched up so much OP might have to do some serious time.
ZalmoxisChrist t1_j67j7au wrote
They look like something out of The Voynich Manuscript.
Fiyanggu t1_j67j837 wrote
Are they triffids?
WishYaPeaceSomeday t1_j67kroe wrote
I dunno yall... what if billionaires could get another billion ruining this view?
justme002 t1_j67nvhs wrote
Thistle is a warm weather plant here! That’s awesome!
the_lastone_left t1_j67o7cf wrote
It wasn't peaceful since you spend the morning stressed out on Photoshop.
regretting1445 t1_j67pre5 wrote
"The sky was all purple, there were people running everywhere🎵"
I love it. Beautiful photo! 💜
swampwanderer t1_j67pvli wrote
I've played enough god of war: ragnarök to know those things spit poison
Indomie_At_3AM t1_j67qdvc wrote
Honestly looks like it could've been a good photo
TareXmd t1_j67s70d wrote
I thought that was PixelArt at first view
LinnunRAATO t1_j67vjg0 wrote
It does kinda look edited. I have seen hot pink skies, but I don't think they ever cast pink light on the surroundings? Not to say it's not possible, just my observation.
mattress757 t1_j680rla wrote
Nope that’s the feywild.
Onlytimewilltellthen t1_j6866n8 wrote
Idyllic country.
Feeling-Committee-93 t1_j6886jb wrote
in which area did you take this picture?
[deleted] t1_j68hpv0 wrote
skywalker218 t1_j68ifdm wrote
Perfect pair! Nettles tea, and that gorgeous view that was provided for you!!
Suitable-Jackfruit16 t1_j68qpbl wrote
When I see Switzerland I sometimes wonder why my ancestors even left.
[deleted] t1_j68rk0f wrote
cyreneok t1_j6923zu wrote
highly recommend artichokes
jwhoch t1_j696i7o wrote
Not gonna lie, those plants look exactly like what I see in a grassy yard when I'm on mushrooms.
maybelle180 t1_j6a0lej wrote
I dunno, maybe my eye isn’t that good- I can’t tell if it’s casting pink light or if the purple is just overwhelming since it’s above and below the landscape. Here’s mine, totally untouched, for comparison.
LinnunRAATO t1_j6a4vlj wrote
Aw, pretty photo. Yes, the lake and horizon fog could be attributing to it.
ramon395 t1_j6agl0p wrote
No_Sale_4613 t1_j6dmct4 wrote
Where cake?
BeautifulCoffeee t1_j6h31c8 wrote
Woah nice! i love the colors!
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