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Illustrious2786 t1_jbk7pjr wrote

Bicycling, ebikes, mopeds, dirt bikes, motorcycles, etc.


WhiteRaven42 t1_jbkhhe2 wrote

What climate do you love in?


Illustrious2786 t1_jbkj960 wrote

What climate does the Dutch live in?


WhiteRaven42 t1_jbkku09 wrote

That would be mild temperate. And also very flat.

Leave aside places like Chicago or where I live, Denver (both hilly and ice prone), the populous Northeast would be pretty much torture 4 to 5 months out of the year.


Mallardduckquick t1_jblc607 wrote

Rain rain rain and fucking wind. But we are not made from sugar so don't be a cry baby and get on the fucking bike even when it's raining, snowing, storming, or high windspeeds. You will be fine


WhiteRaven42 t1_jblrt24 wrote


You weren't serious, were you? Life is too fucking short to waste time and spend it miserable. FFS. What a terrible suggestion.

You might as well tell me it builds character.


RideRunClimb t1_jbm4azi wrote

Well, it does. I'm not going to tell you to get on a bike, because I think commuting on a bike is a stupid risk to take. But subjecting yourself to suffering does "build character" i.e. it makes you both physically and mentally more resilient to stress.


WhiteRaven42 t1_jbmpa5r wrote

Never once has anyone unironically used the phrase "it builds character" for anything other than privation or bullying. I said it as a joke because it is always a joke.

The concept is only used to excuse cruelty. Life contains challenges and we learn from them yes. We certainly don't need to create challenges and foist them on people.


theluckyfrog t1_jbmxmvj wrote

>>We certainly don't need to create challenges and force them on people

Ironically, that is exactly what climate change is doing to millions (billions?) of people.


RideRunClimb t1_jbmyx8q wrote

I've literally never heard it in that context. So whatever man lol go be miserable and run from opportunities to grow yourself in the name of comfort.


[deleted] t1_jbmgcf3 wrote

I actually really like this statement. People have gotten very soft.


DoctorBlock t1_jbouxv1 wrote

The softest people in the world are always the ones talking about how soft people are.


theluckyfrog t1_jbmxgdy wrote

I mean, I work at a city hospital and I see at least 20 employees come in by bike every day, even in the ice, snow, rain, etc. Since they do it voluntarily, I doubt they feel they're suffering.

Me, I walk to work. In all of the above weather. I just wear layers. No appreciable suffering.


Tech_Philosophy t1_jboe3p3 wrote

> Life is too fucking short to waste time and spend it miserable.

Not OP, but suffering comes from within. The folks in Minneapolis seem to have no issues biking during the winter. Damn cheerful people.

I think there are other ways to help the climate besides biking in the snow, but the objection here is even more trivial than the initial suggestion was.


[deleted] t1_jblo3wb wrote



Halonos t1_jbm1vuv wrote

because riding an e bike or any type of bike is laughable when you live where you can freeze to death being outside for ten minutes

edit: guys i’m just saying biking isn’t practical for everyone* I agree SUVs are retarded. I saw a lone woman get out of a brand new Denali the other day at the grocery store and the thing was practically a school bus.


wubberer t1_jbnnd9z wrote

Because you americans are all a bunch of wusses who cant even be bothered to duck a little when getting into a car, let alone travel further than a few meters from your home without one.... I use my bike 365 days a year, from -20 to 30+°C and its perfectly fine.


Halonos t1_jbom3sx wrote

Canadians* actually. thats cool though i’m glad everything is within biking distance of your home and they actually plow your roads


iShakeMyHeadAtYou t1_jbmn6hn wrote

I give you Finland. If cities in NA actually bothered to do any kind of proper bike infrastructure (and actually maintain it) biking in the winter would be very possible, and could even be enjoyable. And I say that coming from one of the harshest winter climates in North America.


MadMuffins t1_jbnacc6 wrote

They make these crazy things nowadays called clothes. You can put them on your body, and it actually traps in the heat that you produces to keep you warm. I know it's hard to believe, but people all over the world go outside for longer than ten minutes, and they don't die.


Halonos t1_jbor56m wrote

Things get a little different when its -30, -40.


Hugmaestro t1_jbnz2hu wrote

I bike in -25*C for more than 10 km per day... when the road is plowed it is not difficult at all. People are just weak


Enorats t1_jbnabiy wrote

Because it's a tremendously stupid recommendation, at least for people living in the US.

I'm practically a best case scenario person when it comes to this sort of thing, living a mere 5 miles or so from work, and even I couldn't trade my vehicle in for an ebike.

For most of the year temperatures here are either in excess of 90 to 100 degrees, or well below freezing. Even if you're comfortable with a lengthy ride in the heat, around half the year is simply too cold to ride something like that comfortably.. and about a third of the year is too cold to ride safely.


Sellazard t1_jbo2u4p wrote

The problem is not individual choice of transport, but rather lack of infrastructure and willingness to pay and vote for politicians that will provide said infrastructure. I don't want to pay for miles and miles of concrete wasteland near malls. I want mixed zoning laws for developers so I can get my bread in the same building I live in and all the other necessary stuff nearby.


wubberer t1_jbnnj1p wrote

Mimimi I cant survive without air-conditioning...


Bot_Marvin t1_jbnulqo wrote

Yeah precisely. I’m not choosing to bike in the cold when I already own a car.


Impressive-Ad6400 t1_jbnrmbd wrote

Old people, people with disabilities, people with small kids, people with special needs, etc.