
WhiteRaven42 t1_jbmpa5r wrote

Never once has anyone unironically used the phrase "it builds character" for anything other than privation or bullying. I said it as a joke because it is always a joke.

The concept is only used to excuse cruelty. Life contains challenges and we learn from them yes. We certainly don't need to create challenges and foist them on people.


WhiteRaven42 t1_j63487s wrote

.... honest question. Why? I literally could not care less about this.

In addition to the issue having zero import to any human being on earth, it's also bullshit to talk about reasonable expectations. If you give someone information such as your email address and they've made no statement of any kind to you about what they are going to do with that information, you have no expectations of any kind. You gave the info, it's theirs now.
