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lifeaintsocool t1_jc10aop wrote

I'm curious if it has to do with the major blow Alzheimers research took when it was discovered that a big chunk of our understanding was based on fabricated data.


Winjin t1_jc13dp9 wrote

Probably it is. We're basically back a couple steps in our understanding. Though with the ultra rich growing older, we'll probably see research funded by them to make it faster


QiPowerIsTheBest t1_jc1k9r0 wrote

Pretty sure the ultra rich have always been getting older and replaced by younger generation? What would be changing now?


JefferyTheQuaxly t1_jc1s4o5 wrote

the boomer generation is unaturally wealthy. millenials are poorer than our parents solely because of how much wealth the older generations are currently hoarding. on top of the elderly making one of our biggest segments of our population since a ton of children were born after WW2. also on top of science advancing at one of fastest rates in human history making it possible to start funding these crazy research projects or methods of increasing longevity.


FatalExceptionError t1_jc1m2u5 wrote

They’re hoping the state of modern science combined with their immense west will give them extended or even eternal life.


NovelStyleCode t1_jc2yows wrote

It wasn't anywhere as big a blow as people made it out to be, the truth is that researchers had been suspicious for a very long time and many other avenues were being investigated simultaneously,