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Clarksp2 t1_iteylsq wrote

I just really hope I’m still alive when we finally do find other life (regardless of civilized, moving, or microbial)


thetruthteller t1_itfwabr wrote

Rendezvous with Rama


Poop_1111 t1_itgf1gj wrote

Read 2001 but never heard of this. What's your opinion on it?


skaven81 t1_itgnrut wrote

One of the most memorable and enjoyable series I've ever read from Arthur C. Clarke. And I've read nearly all of his books. Absolutely worth the read.


TraceSpazer t1_itgtvka wrote

Thanks for the recommendation.

Added to my list.

Currently working through Brin's Uplift Saga and enjoying that as campy as it is.


Buscemi_D_Sanji t1_ith7xje wrote

One of the best books I've ever read. There isn't some crazy conflict, just scientists exploring something for the most part. Plus there are three more that show what's actually happening.

If you remember oumoaoa, that thing that came into our system from interstellar space and was rotating like it would if it was hollow inside and needed to provide centrifugal gravity... You'll see how everyone who read Rama was kinda secretly bugging out.

I also recommend Childhood's End, also by Clarke and imo his coolest book. It's short and seriously great, one of the best endings of anything I've read.


Poop_1111 t1_itj9qbv wrote

ohhh thanks! loving all the recommendations i'm getting


Buscemi_D_Sanji t1_itkx123 wrote

No problem! I also recommend Heinlein, Vinge, Niven, Verne, Wells, and Asimov of course.


Slave35 t1_ith3ymy wrote

It was good. One that really stuck with me was The Mote In God's Eye.


vegainthemirror t1_itheo0d wrote

I'm joining the other commenters. It's a really good book. Bought it based on a recommendation. You know, how it is with older Sci-Fi novels and how they feel severely outdated? Rama isn't. The only thing that feels outdated is how competent and disciplined the entire crew of the Endeavour (the ship that explores Rama) is. We're used to drama, incompetence and personal agendas etc. nowadays, Rama goes a different approach. Very Hard Sc-Fi, very refreshing, a lot of mystery surrounding Rama's purpose and nature. I'm torn between what Clarke novel I like better, 2001 or Rama. Definitely worth a read


Poop_1111 t1_itj9mj1 wrote

wow thanks i'll definitely give it a read


DubC_Bassist t1_itf3c91 wrote

Microbes? Do you want Aliens, because this is how you get Aliens!


nate1212 t1_itfpwtc wrote

I’m pretty sure this is exactly what they’re saying they want


DookieShoez t1_itfumcn wrote

Its an Archer reference


lucidrage t1_itixckb wrote

>Its an Archer reference

I am the bone of my sword?


DoomRide007 t1_itf1pqo wrote

I’m kind of on the line. They could have helped us OR they could just clean house. We are so ducked right now and they could be waiting for us to wipe ourselves out.


MuhammedJahleen t1_itfghp7 wrote

Ehh I woulda imagine most races would go through what we are now it’s all about how you rebound when shit gets tough


R3AP3RGAMING t1_itg5p33 wrote

It's the same concept why we don't intervene in primates. We don't know what would happen. We could tech them to light fire for cooking and heating and they could turn around and start hurling flaming pitch balls into African villages. I believe they disabled nuclear Arma in the 60s to prevent a war and they may even do it again but I doubt they will ever try to give us technology or even knowledge and I'm certain we will have to reach out to them first or they will stay quiet and on the side of our conciousness.


jesjimher t1_ithalsl wrote

Most likely they just don't care, same thing as we don't care about the ant nest in our backyard. We don't worry about their wellness, nor we think about contacting them or trying to help them with better technology.

In order for them to wanting to contact is, they might need to be just slightly more advanced than us. But then the chances they can get here are next to none.


HallucinogenicShroom t1_itguelw wrote

are you saying getting blown to bits by aliens wouldn't be spectacular?


DoomRide007 t1_itgullh wrote

As a third party viewing yes, as a parent who’s seeing the shit slowly crawling towards you? No


Azuregore t1_itgbnz6 wrote

You think aliens would be cool to find until you find red and vlakc markers all over the fuckin planet.


_Puppet_Mastr_ t1_ithyquz wrote

Well, they're quite possibly already here and have been for a looong time. If a space traveling species exist, and made it here already, they'd definitely be able to conceal themselves from us. Or, they evolved before us here on earth and like to experiment on monkeys and poof here we are. Or a combo of 1 and 2.


PunisherASM129 t1_ith4yzg wrote

You mean something as amazing as this story from a few weeks ago?

NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover finds diversity, hints of microbial life in ancient lake bed rocks

By Emilee Speck, FOX

September 15, 2022 7:53pm


ph30nix01 t1_itg2t87 wrote

I feel we should create a new type of consciousness and go into space together.


HerefoyoBunz t1_itgks4f wrote

But then they be like “cool, yall are like cave men to us, have no appreciation for this world, we gonna kill you and take your planet over, and make it better”


oldskoolplayaR1 t1_ithd0uj wrote

Feel exactly the same, even if it’s the smallest of the smallest bacteria, anything is a result


IceCreamMeatballs t1_ith4svb wrote

I genuinely believe that scientists have had proof of alien life for decades but are keeping it top secret in fear of how the public would react


Captain_Dunsel t1_itj6es5 wrote

Have an UpVote :)

I read somewhere that there “were” alien worlds out there and were destroyed, just how we’re doing it to our planet now. Technologically advanced but depleted their world’s resources until it killed them. Kinda like a planetary scale Easter Island; where the decline of the palm and the rapid deforestation that took place on the island caused societal collapse and population collapse.


zig_zaz t1_itgs7h1 wrote

You are alive. It’s happened.


lovemycereal t1_itgu4rp wrote

What dude!!? We already found life. Go google it dumb ass


Clarksp2 t1_ith23me wrote

Thanks for the compliment sir, but what life have we proven to have found outside of earth? Link it please


0x077777 t1_itg1890 wrote

They've already found microbial life on other planets


Codboss4407 t1_itg8vdo wrote

No, we haven't found any life on any planet yet.