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chuckziss t1_j222wen wrote

Talk about misleading title… even in your summary comment, you state that the quantum computer (QC) didn’t actually reveal any new information.

No actual breakthrough was made, and it’s a bunch of hot air suggesting that the QC could have potentially helped. I get that there is hype around this stuff, but we have to stop sensationalising headlines


TheUmgawa t1_j226c0v wrote

I feel like you should have closed this with, "Boo that man! Booooo!!!" and then slap that downvote button.


chuckziss t1_j226h3j wrote

Perhaps I was a bit harsh haha. It’s still an interesting article, and I find the use interesting, but the title was a bit of a stretch


CantRememberPass10 t1_j2401s2 wrote

No this post is trash - it’s like all the articles talking about carbon capture as going to save us when the problem is… stop creation. Reduce reuse recycle but the BIGGEST PART is the REDUCE….


cyphersaint t1_j24pb8u wrote

Carbon capture is going to be a necessity. We're simply NOT going to completely stop creation, and we're not likely to get it down to the point where the environment isn't being negatively impacted. Furthermore, zero carbon simply isn't enough. Not with the length of time that carbon stays in the atmosphere.


imafraidofmuricans t1_j2513j5 wrote

In that case, we are doomed.


cyphersaint t1_j253sxg wrote

Why? Just because it's really expensive to scale up right now doesn't mean it's going to remain that way.


TiredPanda69 t1_j24uo3n wrote

In short

This subreddit is trash

I honestly don't know why I'm still here i thought i unsubscribed a while ago after reading about some other breakthrough technology that is definitely here and real but doesnt exist yet


itsmeyour t1_j22gjrl wrote

What type of things can QC do currently? Looking for an answer but getting tons of ad sites can't even find a solid statement


chuckziss t1_j22hzvv wrote

The three NISQ (Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum) applications that are promising are VQE (Variational Quantum Eigensolver), QAOA (Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithms), and QML (Quantum Machine Learning).

VQE is probably what Ford tried to use here, and it calculates the ground state energy of a molecule. Even using many QCs in parallel gives mediocre results for VQE when compared to super computers.

QAOA can be used for optimisation problems that are difficult for classical computers. We really don’t have enough qubits to out compete super computers, but there are some fun novel experiments you can design in matrix completion, or supply chain optimisation.

QML is honestly a joke. It’s just a tradition ML model with one quantum layer. I can go into more detail, but it’s quite underwhelming in the end.

The bottom line is that there really isn’t a good current application of QC. All of the above algorithms are out-competed by a decent classical computer.

I’ll gladly throw some sources your way if you’re interested in learning more.


itsmeyour t1_j22iihb wrote

Oh man, if its not too much work for you. Already I feel like you helped me understand the layout of the land. I think I remember for a while the basic "can we entangle and hold" was the mission. Very much appreciate you


chuckziss t1_j22jb9p wrote

I’m not sure about that quote, but my interpretation is that the mission is to store information in qubits for longer.

This is still largely true - current devices are bad at keeping information, and often you get qubit “decoherence” (decay/loss of information) such that you can no longer do anything useful with the information. - talks about VQA which comprise VQE and QAOA. This paper does computing with many devices at once. It demonstrates things well, but the end result is still solving a trivial problem. - all the qiskit tutorials are great if you want hands on learning, but this just demonstrates the state of the art in combining classical and quantum machine learning. The end result is just an MNIST model… which is very doable with classical computing on its own.

I’ll leave it there, but happy to continue the conversation.


CoolEnemy t1_j22jksd wrote

Yo i would really the the sources if you can


chuckziss t1_j22jou2 wrote

I replied in another comment - happy to add more specific sources if you want


ArcticCelt t1_j23f0kg wrote

>No actual breakthrough was made, and it’s a bunch of hot air suggesting that the QC could have potentially helped.

It's like for me to declare that "I browse reddit to find the motivation to do my chores and daily tasks and be more efficient."

It doesn't work at all but I still do it.


jam3s2001 t1_j2420f1 wrote

Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


flompwillow t1_j22d6sh wrote

I can’t wait for their result to get printed out….42.


Diablojota t1_j23y0vr wrote

But what’s the question? We will need to build another super computer to find out what the question is.