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JoshSimili t1_j0koux2 wrote

Along highways, yes I can see the existing highway rest stops changing from being focused on a gas station to being centered around charging stations.

But within urban areas, I think the existing gas stations will simply vanish. There's no way they can compete against charging at home or while your car is parked and you're going shopping or working.

I think the real issue is how exactly we will get such a large amount of electrical power out to gas stations along remote stretches of highway in order to power the charging stations. Especially if heavy trucks are going to be charging there too. Each rest stop will basically need its own substation.


TerpenesByMS t1_j0mcygb wrote

For trucks I can see energy supply expansion being a significant hurdle, but for most passenger cars the energy draw won't need massive rapid upgrades.

Really this whole shift is happening pretty gradually, so paced-out upgrades and energy company planning all come into play.