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WhoopieGoldmember t1_j33sgug wrote

Because it's a sub about the future and the future is pretty much doom and gloom. It would be a stretch to consider that FUD though. FUD is intentional. Just talking about things that are happening and scientifically predicted to happen isn't FUD.

You don't like to hear it, and that's fine. You can choose to see the world through rose colored glasses if you want, but sharing insight to what the future will likely look like isn't intentionally misleading information. It's the future reality we face.

You saying that the page talking about the future should stay away from doom and gloom is more FUD than the people posting/commenting about it.

For all we know you could be an Exxon shill going "hello fellow plebs what's all this climate change will destroy our planet talk that's kind of wack isn't it? Anyway let's all get back to work."


HeronSouki t1_j33ty87 wrote

>the future is pretty much doom and gloom

Hard disagree. The future is awesome and exciting!


radicalceleryjuice t1_j33vga9 wrote

The future is definitely exciting, and we get to influence how awesome it will be for how many. My favourite discussions are when people are willing to look at how serious the looming issues are, while also looking at the awesome ways forward and how to choose the latter.


sudoku7 t1_j33w4il wrote

And thankfully, we won't be around to be proven right or wrong.


Iron_Baron t1_j33vsji wrote

A billion snow crabs just cannibalized themselves into near extinction due to the state of the ocean temperature and lack of food resources.

Crabs around the world that aren't dead have their shells slowly dissolving alive as the ocean acidifies due to increased carbon dioxide dissolved into the water.

Coral reefs are dying, and will take the entire ocean food web down with them, which includes much of humanity. We're literally in Earth's sixth mass extinction.

You have a strange idea of awesome and exciting.


HeronSouki t1_j33yxuv wrote

We're making breakthroughs in nuclear fusion which will me an amazing source of cleaner energy

We're making incredible advancements on AI, which will speed up progress in many areas including R&D

Clean Energy, VR, AR, medical improvements, this is all part of the future


Iron_Baron t1_j347s6a wrote

Utterly irrelevant. We could go zero green house emissions today and it wouldn't stop climate change. It's too late, the oceanic gyre effects are already destabilized and we can't unmelt Antarctica or the artic. Both poles will continue to shed/not form sea ice, further speeding up warming and desalination of the oceans, as fresh water alters ocean current cycles and destroys breeding and feeding grounds for the foundation of all life on earth, plankton.

The green house glasses already in the atmosphere (not to mention the glasses emitted by thawing permafrost that are so vast as to be incomprehensible) have passed the tipping point of irreversibility. The doesn't even touch on the methan hydrates frozen at the bottom of the sea floor all over the planet that are now melting and entering the atmosphere. There's enough down there to alter the air so much that the sky could literally catch on fire.

The species extinction rate today is 10,000% higher than Earth's historical base line. We are in a mass extinction and have lost tens, likely hundreds of thousands of entire species, forever. That doesn't count the hundreds of thousands of species so devastated by habitat loss, hunting, and poison environments that have left them with populations too small to be sustainable.

The things I've mentioned just barely scratch the surface of how screwed the planet is. I could spend all day listing what we've lost forever and what's irrecoverable. Almost all of the Gulf of Mexico is a hypoxic water desert, barren of essentially all life, where it isn't covered by the many oil spills that coat the ocean floor, invisible to us, but wrecking the sea flor for decades.

Anyone not depressed about the state of affairs is irrational or oblivious. There is no Chicken Little, this isn't being alarmist. Much of the planet is dying, if not already dead. Shop, work, and vote with that fact in mind, if were to mitigate these affects, at all.


WhoopieGoldmember t1_j33vdbf wrote

Yeah I guess that's subjective. I'm not sad for the fall of civilization, either, so to me it's also not doom and gloom. I pretty much hate the civilization we've built on the backs of more deserving humans.

Reading about western economic collapse is basically softcore erotica to me. The ecological collapse makes me sad but the economic collapse helps me sleep easy knowing that humanity will, in time, get exactly what it deserves.


Surur t1_j348taw wrote

Strangely there is a sub for your fetish called collapse. Who would have thought...


WhoopieGoldmember t1_j34dwx1 wrote

I find it interesting that you can't see the overlap between the sub about collapse and the sub about the future now that both are here.


Surur t1_j34gp1e wrote

I doubt you get many people optimistic about the future in r/collapse. Maybe all the pessimists can stay there and try not to overlap.