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Shiningc t1_j6cmhsh wrote

Dafuq do you think "AI" is? Just a magical genie that will magically create everything?


Armano-Avalus t1_j6cpk9m wrote

Unfortunately alot of people that don't understand the technology will think it's that simple.


ParmAxolotl t1_j6cw8vr wrote

Is this why everyone's been hating on AI so much recently?


Armano-Avalus t1_j6cxexy wrote

Probably. Alot of people seem to be fearmongering since they think the singularity is actually 5 years away.


Ze_Bonitinho OP t1_j6dagwt wrote

What exactly do you think I mentioned that is so far-fetched?


Zemirolha t1_j6cnsnu wrote

If it has data and it copies logic from an excelent writter and director after some interviews, it is not magic; It is an inevitable result.

It is like virtually cloning someone.

Maybe it is easier having multiple bots with individuals logics than having a single one that understand all of them (at least on beggining of tech). Less chance of having bizarre and no history related scenes


Armano-Avalus t1_j6cq50d wrote

You seriously think that in the future AI can hear 3 seconds of Stanley Kubrick talking and suddenly it can make films just like him?


Ze_Bonitinho OP t1_j6d0h7b wrote

I'm not saying it can take the places of the most creative stances, only those who only follow orders. Every day AI technologies get cheaper while movie industry is one of the richest. I'm not saying that if you would put in it a lot of Tarantino movies you would have a Tarantino bot. What I am saying is that you could feed it with Harry Potter excerpts and it would create the most reliable Harry Potter face possible,way closer than Daniel Radcliff's. If you have technologies that simulate the movements of the human body you wouldn't need an actual human to act as Harry Potter, instead a digital Harry Potter. During fights agaisnt monsters he could be actually wounded without cutting scenes or VFX editions


ConfirmedCynic t1_j6ciswy wrote

Why stop there? You could specify your personal tastes on how the characters should look and sound (although there would have to be a few limits where it would otherwise interfere with the plot/dialogue), and the AI would generate that. Each person could watch their own version of the movie.


Jaxelino t1_j6cubxc wrote

Why stop at the production. Let me introduce you the "AI consumer"! Much better than your average Joe, AIs will be much, much more efficient at digesting all the new content


jalle007 t1_j6dpdwf wrote

Love this. AI producer and AI consumer can go fuck together


StarChild413 t1_j6cnvmt wrote

That just leads to the demise of fandom if not worse

What I mean by worse is my idea for a Black Mirror episode if they accepted fan-submitted scripts as the tech-of-the-episode is some sort of still-wearable-on-head-but-connected-to-brain-by-reading-brainwaves device that enables its users to have all movies and TV they watch warped in this manner (and all other media that refers to them, from social media posts to actor interviews changed likewise when they see them) automatically according to what it's determined via brainwave-reading that the user wants even if they don't know what they want out of it. However the twist is thanks to a "mysterious glitch" (that the hypothetical episode would leave unclear if was deliberate vengeance-motivated sabotage or not) the devices now work on the real world for anyone who got them so they're trapped in seeing their ideal reality while actually interacting with the real reality that's seen by those who didn't get the device/dealt with canon movie/show plots e.g. someone could stay in a tiny run-down apartment with an abusive partner because they see their dream relationship in a luxury apartment and see, like, bruise-free skin and what are actually hits to outsiders manifesting to them as kisses

I came up with this idea when Black Mirror S5 got such a negative backlash it was ticking me off though it was also inspired by how fans of certain series (book, movie or TV) literally pretend installments they don't like/find problematic didn't happen so I was like, you want to "I reject your reality and substitute my echo chamber" here you go


zombiifissh t1_j6gayls wrote

That sounds horrible actually. We're already separated into media bubbles, breaking those bubbles down to be small enough as to fit a single individual...

Haven't we already been watching the fallout of socially isolated people stuck in virtual echo chambers? This is not a good idea.


SatansMoisture t1_j6d6m1p wrote

Take your imaginary AI machine and start feeding it all the examples of the human heart: the contradictions, subtleties, intricacies, irrationalities, motivations and see what it comes up with, if it doesnt decide to kill itself first.


Ze_Bonitinho OP t1_j6da2wt wrote

I'm not saying those future AIs are going to be sentient or have conscience. What I'm saying is that they could perform better than actual actors. An actor is obviously acting. The best actors out their can reach a state of mind with a blend of emotions where their own current emotions get mixed with the characters they are playing. With a digital version of a character you wouldn't have a blend of emotions, instead a simulation of the actual emotions, because they are made relying on pure human emotions. A cry of sadness would always be based on human pure sadness, and so on and on. It doesn't mean the AI would feel it, it would just perform it, and in a perfect way because it is empty of their own emotions


SatansMoisture t1_j6dcqoc wrote

There would only be a massive bank of contradictory behavioural algorythims cross referenced with another massive bank of situations and relationships. If the AI can map all of that and not implode, its totally feasable.


Ze_Bonitinho OP t1_j6detp0 wrote

No, because you are talking as if a character would have entire libraries of human behaviour. What I'm talking is way simpler. There would be digital characters built for specific movies and those specific movies would demand specific behaviors. If a character had to show sadness it would be fed with lots of information on how the human body is under sadness, how it walks, how it moves its head, how its lips move seconds before crying. If you cry because you are sad, it looks one way, if you see Tom Hanks crying, you are seeing someone acting as if henis sad. Obviously Tom Hanks is a greay actor and it can perform it with reasonable reliance, but it is still not close to perfection. If you have a digital character, all its facial movements would mive based of how human muscles move in real life when humans are sad, it would be a perfect representation of sadness, and way cheaper than casting Tom Hanks. Also not every actor is a Tom Hanks, but in the future, a technology like that could be applied at every face

It doesn't have anything to do with a digital psyche, it is just a prompt of movements based of human behavior


SatansMoisture t1_j6dz05c wrote

So it sounds to me like you are wanting A.I. to operate as a sort of CGI 2.0 with physical characteristics and behavior preloaded into predetermined emotional states of being?


zombiifissh t1_j6gap3k wrote

Sounds like it would be a poor imitation of something humans can already do. Why bother trying to replace people with AI (especially the creatives??) when we could be using AI tech to solve world problems.


Tenter5 t1_j6d9okq wrote

Maybe for bland superhero movies but for anything that takes a shred of coherent creativity “AI” will fail miserably at.


WaycoKid1129 t1_j6edhvz wrote

Yea but I would rather see the movies with real people, that’s what makes it real for me


Zemirolha t1_j6cnclo wrote

Wasnt something like this what Bruce Willis said some weeks ago?

Maybe it is already like that on many cases


Adev22 t1_j6csvm1 wrote

Hopefully ai also works out there is an audience waiting for good non-superhero movies too. What a terrible decade for film we’ve had!


Nightshade_Ranch t1_j6d2jkw wrote

Yes yes resistance is futile. All your base are belong to AI, make your time. We'll all be swallowed by AI, let's all freak out about it all the time.


SunshineAllDayLong t1_j6ev2x6 wrote

They are going to have to improve. I saw some just the other day, didn’t know it was AI generated, but felt really icky watching it. My daughter says it’s called uncanny valley.


Several-Main6576 t1_j6fec60 wrote

All AI stuff is generated by historical data. Humans generate knowledge out of the blue. It will just be another tool, and this is a massive hype. Another bubble, markets will eat the money, leaving again millions of believers broke. Impact is meaningful but no way will end wars, hunger, jobs, etc. it’s another tool, with impact yes, but other types of jobs will be generated.


rock-n-white-hat t1_j6fvqap wrote

Live theater has been around for thousands of years. I don’t think AI is going to do away with human actors. What would be cool is using AI actors to create movies for more niche stories or ancient myths that would never be able to have the budget necessary to pay real actors. They already do some of this with business training videos.


rock-n-white-hat t1_j6fw40d wrote

You could argue the same thing about professional sports. AI could generate virtual athletes and simulate sporting events. I doubt anyone would watch it though.


teabagalomaniac t1_j6dgohl wrote

I'm looking forward to a time when I can upload my friend's images and voices and assign them to specific characters in movies.


dangler001 t1_j6gc8yo wrote

Here's what I think will happen-

  1. Some famous actor will do a really high-end full body and face scan. Then they will license out their likeness. Think Angelina Jolie in that 2007 (I think) Beowulf cgi movie. For the time being she will have to still voice the project.

  2. Sooner rather than later, she will be able to read a specialized script to get all her voice inflections and modulations inputted into a system that will be able to generate her voice. I think they did this with Val Kilmer's lines in Top Gun: Maverick.

  3. Also, sooner rather than later, other aging celebs will jump on the Scan and License train. I accidentally watched one of those new Bruce Willis movies, the dude barely moved or talked. It was really sad.

  4. At some point, there will be a system that allows AI to construct sets. Think of the Unreal Engine and all of it's assets. So, a script can call for a [Mid-20th century American living room], and the AI would build this in UE (or whatever), and then the Set Designer and Director would go in and tweak it to their liking.

  5. In a decade or 2 we could be seeing movies with the Scans of 'aged out' stars on virtual sets, with 'lesser' actors acting with stand-ins/tennis balls on sticks on green screen sets. Think Sky Captain, and the World of Tomorrow. (I guess there are loads of shows that do this now 🤷‍♀️).

  6. Eventually, these 'lesser' actors will 'scan in' as extras and side characters. Probably with their faces and voices changed. Something akin to what they do with Mo-cap now.

  7. As virtual character generation gets better (in the next decades) the 'lesser' actors won't be needed.

  8. As time goes on, there will be totally AI generated/CGI stars (look at the obsession some people already have with anime characters).

  9. The call for 'Scanned Stars' will die out, due to- people caring less and less about the 'Angelina Jolie's' and 'Bruce Willis'' of the world; and (of course) the studios would love to not pay the fees for Stars. So, they'll push for 'S1mone' to be the next big thing.

  10. Eventually, all major studio releases will be AI/CGI, and an industry of 'Organic' independent movies will grow.

  11. I think there will be some way to select a movie to watch, and then select from a menu: which 'actors' you want, and which style you'd like to watch it in (Anime, photo realistic, etc...)

  12. You may even be able to tweak the story and other elements of a movie: Rating, various 'Triggers', more Comedy than Romance/more Romance than Comedy, etc...

  13. If (when) all this happens, FanFic and Self Published scripts will be able to be fed into the app and generated. Hopefully, spelling the end of Major Studios.


StarChild413 t1_j6hhge5 wrote

why does this sound like you're happy if the whole industry goes under if it just means you get all movies the way you want them and never have to hear celeb news again