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[deleted] t1_j7pchla wrote

If we were to take the top 1% of the population by IQ, we’d be fine.

Sure there would be an endless number of stupid arguments and differences of opinion, followed by childish spats and tantrums, but all in all, we’d be in a much better place.

That’s still 80 million people but by the time those fuckers had finished with all of the ADHD, lunatic, self obsessed murdering lunatics, we’d be down to about a few million or so.



mf279801 t1_j7qhx43 wrote

I know you were joking, but might want to check your math (apologies if the math error was part of the joke)


aeusoes1 t1_j7qbkmt wrote

That sounds like a terrible experience. Wise of you to disqualify yourself.


[deleted] t1_j7rvu3t wrote

Oddly, I haven’t.


aeusoes1 t1_j7s7jh6 wrote

I see you've corrected your mathematical error.


[deleted] t1_j7s98a2 wrote

It seems a very odd view that making a simple error is an indicator of lack of intelligence.

Do you think that incredibly intelligent people don’t make simple errors when not really paying attention to what they are doing?

Because they certainly make incredibly large errors when they are paying attention.


aeusoes1 t1_j7smpku wrote

>It seems a very odd view that making a simple error is an indicator of lack of intelligence.

I was joking, but since you're getting defensive, I might point out that stating 800 million was 1% of 8 billion was merely the most obvious of the errors, sloppy writing, and spurious logic in your comment. I mean, just look at this gem:

>by the time those fuckers had finished with all of the ADHD, lunatic, self obsessed murdering lunatics, we’d be down to about a few million or so.

If you really can't see all the problems in just this sentence alone, then this is perhaps a real-life example of the Dunning-Kruger effect. And I'm not sure if I even want to touch on the intolerant inferences you were making about neurodivergence.

Perhaps you really are a genius belonging to the top 1% of the populace, a place I wouldn't even put myself. If so, you have done a masterful job of covering it up.


[deleted] t1_j7ss93p wrote

You do have a point.

Certainly not my best work.


aeusoes1 t1_j7st86f wrote

A few years ago, I had a doctor appointment and meant to leave work a half hour before to get there on time but instead left an hour and a half early. I was too embarrassed to go back. If that was my 1% genius test, I would have failed.


bdd6911 t1_j7pj0pd wrote

You got me. I started reading this and was like wtf, a lot could go wrong….then I finished reading and laughed out loud. You got me.