Submitted by ChefGirlRD1738 t3_11lqb4l in GetMotivated
[deleted] t1_jbdwggk wrote
straya-mate90 t1_jbdxwep wrote
AmargithHuld t1_jbe0h1b wrote
Should make a prayer service out of texts like these.
AmargithHuld t1_jbe0keo wrote
And, that’s when I cut him out of my life, your Honor.
I hear ya, though. Took me 5 years and there’s still pressure to ‘make up’.
This shit is never fucking easy.
yamaha2000us t1_jbe3ly1 wrote
Unless your the asshole…
DontUseYouStatements t1_jbe4kne wrote
For those curious about the source:
"Shannon Alder is a best selling LDS author. She has been published in 300 books by various relationship authors on amazon. Visit"
Smart-Car9019 t1_jbe5r33 wrote
Is it ok to send this to my gf who is kinda dealing with the ex ka trauma?
Jld114 t1_jbe8cst wrote
I needed to hear this today
z0mb1e87 t1_jbedk71 wrote
There’s a spectrum to this. Some people react too much to the world around them and need this message. Other people expect the world to react too much to them and need the exact opposite message.
SweetJ138 t1_jbedlq7 wrote
yep. i'm forced to live with the person because we're broke and have kids. i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
evilsway t1_jbefvtb wrote
Ligsters t1_jbegg3y wrote
Not to bring you down (no clue who you are) but to shine light to certain realities. If you’re having to deal with a partner’s emotions about a past relationship, they’re not invested in you. Trauma or not, it’s never healthy to invest in someone who hasn’t done the work to overcome past romances. The outcomes never benefits you.
Scoongili t1_jbehfnp wrote
Kind of a long winded way of saying "Quit being a little punk, and get over it."
[deleted] t1_jbemhxn wrote
This is exactly what I need right now
MagicMushroom_shaman t1_jbenwnf wrote
Was in there and checked but couldn’t see what book exactly is this from ?
RepeatUnnecessary324 t1_jbepj0r wrote
wait, so this one is about the words? I just tried doing the “magic eye” thing, looking at this image on my phone, and I saw a hand flipping the bird emerging from the text on this page.
Going to plan on taking a nap today just in case. 😬
kdavido1 t1_jbeqfti wrote
Or worse, the person who is causing the harm comes at this from the perspective of the ‘hidden gem’. I.e they are abusive but it’s ok because their feelings are valid, etc. I firmly believe that messages like this text enable toxic behaviour.
xGolDee999x t1_jbeslka wrote
Thank you for sharing.
garry4321 t1_jbew261 wrote
Until you realize that it was YOU who was being unreasonable and caused yourself to be hurt. Unrequited love is a bitch.
writerchic t1_jbeypqv wrote
Wow. Serendipitous that I saw this. I've been fighting with someone in my family who I am very close to (but who has historically lashed out at me repeatedly and gaslit me and done very mean things) for several days now after him suddenly again lashing out at me (literally out of the blue a day after everything was great), and he said something very cruel and unfair that has left me reeling. Our relationship is basically done after what he said and his refusal to walk that back, and in fact saying that I would have to admit to secretly wishing an extremely horrible accident to happen to him (which is 100% never the case- I love this person) or else I am not validating his reality. I kept saying I didn't feel that and giving him the chance to apologize, but it won't be coming. I'm heartbroken about it. But this text above is super helpful to me.
myself_wej t1_jbezkh7 wrote
But I still need a closure. How can we stop having hopes that maybe, just maybe it is going to work someday? Waiting and having hopes because of not having a closure is a perpetual pain. And on the other hand, regrets from just leaving might emerge at any time. I'm stuck right now, because I need a closure so that I can get over, but the 'ifs' and ' mights' are just giving me a hard time. Even though they show you they don't deserve you, you still want to hear it. Life is unfair..
UncoolSlicedBread t1_jbf6c8n wrote
This is why I'm a big proponent of writing letters to myself. I heard about this time after an excruciating young love breakup and it helped me heal so much faster.
PlayHumankind t1_jbf8m7y wrote
PlayHumankind t1_jbf8n3h wrote
PlayHumankind t1_jbf8o2l wrote
Much agreed!
writerchic t1_jbfast3 wrote
That can be true too. It depends on who gets this advice.
Noahs132 t1_jbfe5ww wrote
I needed this in my life right now. Thanks OP !
Amarubi007 t1_jbfgr2z wrote
Thank you. I needed this.
Queenofwands1212 t1_jbfh9kz wrote
When it’s a family member this can be the most debilitating thing. I’m wondering where this quote is from…. What book?
enemyofpants t1_jbfhkn1 wrote
I definitely needed this today.
Nintendogma t1_jbfj7y0 wrote
Exactly what I was thinking.
...seems like a philosophy that enables Karen-like behavior.
Ethario t1_jbfjx2g wrote
Sometimes its not the person that hurts you, but your own reflection in the message that does.
ChefGirlRD1738 OP t1_jbfnfwd wrote
Ain’t that the truth
mydietdrkelp- t1_jbfz6oi wrote
Nevertrumper2019 t1_jbgdt3m wrote
This hit me right in the heart ❤️🩹😭
Becauseimu t1_jbgi9kb wrote
What book is this?
MachaTea1 t1_jbgoldk wrote
How do you know if what you're feeling is a choice or not? I try and choose happiness but it's not always so easy. Do i just wait for the unpleasant feelings to subside? Can someone gaslight themselves to happiness? Are all feelings a choice?
teh_perfectionist t1_jbh1nmq wrote
Needed this today. Thanks OP
One_Original_9236 t1_jbh1vxw wrote
Crying. Needed this.
Well2far t1_jbh2ljy wrote
… where can i buy this book?
BankerBoy83 t1_jbh4she wrote
Seen this before but it really hit this time. I think everyone can relate how these words come across as both beautiful and true.
Deasify t1_jbh7t6v wrote
is this Hidden Gems by Sara Sheehan ?
DependentMedium7706 t1_jbhaglv wrote
Needed this… teaching is hard 😞
ms-e-mo t1_jbhbc6u wrote
Not 100% sure but it reads like something Melody Beattie would write
introverted_Luna t1_jbhd1to wrote
I needed to read that.
[deleted] t1_jbhe6gg wrote
Prestigious_Elk9231 t1_jbhgi2e wrote
Uncut Jaems
ImperatorXIII t1_jbhl8s1 wrote
I wish I had known this two years ago.
chevymonza t1_jbhmx97 wrote
Sigh, members are difficult to eliminate from one's life entirely. Forced to cross paths now and then.
walking_deadinsides t1_jbho14c wrote
I don’t think we owe anyone closure. I am perfectly capable of admitting If and when I hurt someone.
Last week I ended a friendship of 26 years without giving an explanation. My best friend is I’m sure hurt by my actions and she demanded an explanation. I do not owe her one. The toxicity, drama and violations of my trust is reason enough to put space between us without an explanation. She is really unaware as to what she did and I have no desire to hold her hand and explain what she did.
DibEdits t1_jbhpe08 wrote
Its like how can you heal a wound when the knife is still stuck in you?
walking_deadinsides t1_jbhqwrk wrote
100% yes. This resonated with me and my situation with my best friend. 26 years of ups and downs. We have taken 4 breaks in 26 years bc of her being insane and letting her BPD/Bipolar take over without any regard. This will be our 5th time and hopefully the final break. She snuck into my room while I showered with my husband to snoop on our conversation. I feel so violated and sick. How do I know she did this? She told me in her 10’page text rant/meltdown. I can see her posting this “hidden gem” or sending me this as a jab of sorts.
Crack-a-lakin127 t1_jbhtpcp wrote
I needed this so badly right now
Odd-Football-2086 t1_jbhx5wm wrote
i needed this
iZenun t1_jbi6fvu wrote
Untrue, I will never heal from the pain. I know this because I've carried it for years and years, and it's still the same as from the first.
Proper_Mortgage_1538 t1_jbict65 wrote
so meaningful
Michigainer t1_jbihb3x wrote
Deep and cleansing 😁
wadenotdead t1_jbihtwd wrote
Or they’re too sensitive to take accountability for what pain they caused you. It takes good character to understand their point of view with a scenario like that. Also maybe you aren’t accepting how you hurt them either.
or10r t1_jbilcy6 wrote
Bravo. I don't see this text saying that you should put up with bad behavior from the people in your life. Get clear of them. Just don't look for them to try and amend the harms they have done to you. Let them go. You cant run the race of life you are called to run carrying heavy burdens. Life is far too short and far too precious for that.
AmargithHuld t1_jbim3wq wrote
I hear you.
I was «lucky»
I was taken abroad by my husbands promotion, so I only see them when I go back.
About 2 years ago, I made it clear i was no longer interested in seeing my father or his side of the family, so I stopped flying over for Christmas.
Now I only go back for my mom and friends and during an event for her side of the family, where I endure my brothers - for now.
We’ll see how long that lasts.
But honest - it’s lifted a weight off my shoulders in a way I wasnt expecting.
And I finally get to enjoy the Yuletide ❤️
100% recommend ;)
ChefGirlRD1738 OP t1_jbkowoc wrote
You see how many peoples day have been made brighter by this right?
Happy nice people don’t go online to critique and complain about inspiring quotes. That’s what the assholes do
yamaha2000us t1_jbl0mxr wrote
Based on the comments, not so many.
ChefGirlRD1738 OP t1_jbl2h70 wrote
Comments are where unhappy people spend there days. Happy people only hit like buttons.
yamaha2000us t1_jbl2xj3 wrote
I am not happy?
If you know what you are doing, you never have to ask for forgiveness.
chevymonza t1_jblssc5 wrote
That sounds wonderful!! I tried to move to Europe after my first visit in my early twenties. Didn't work out, but I've been telling my husband that if his company ever has jobs over yonder, that he needs to consider it!
JollySky314 t1_jblumau wrote
I noticed some of those people who don’t admit their faults were always scared of many things. If they are wrong, their world is destroyed. So, admitting their fault is a matter of life or death for them. But as this author said, we don’t need to bother them. When I wanted to take revenge on someone, I just progressed and became happy by thanking the person for giving me a chance to learn about humanity because I knew that my happiness is the last thing they wanted to see.
Smart-Car9019 t1_jbmp22t wrote
Through the due course of our relationship, isn't it possible for her to heal? Show her what love is in its truest sense
Ligsters t1_jbmuw0w wrote
As a clinical psychotherapist and many years of experience in relationship dynamics, you’re dealing with some level of desire and attraction hidden in resentment and pain. On the surface, the healing process looks like overcoming resentment and pain, but deep down those emotions cannot exist without yearning and attachment.
Look at it this way to simplify it all to the most reductive level. If a random person passing you on the street who you didn’t notice even existed insulted you, you’d probably laugh and walk away. If your mother or father or anyone you had an attachment of love to insulted you in the same manner, it would hurt you deeply. The factor that makes the difference is your attachment to the individual.
If your gf wasn’t still in love or in yearning for her ex, she wouldn’t need proof of what love is. Your love towards her means nothing. That’s not what SHE feels. It’s her love towards you that she needs to feel. It’s her uncontrollable desire towards you that dictates what “love” looks like to her.
You can’t show someone love…it’s a feeling…that only she can feel…and she currently feels that for someone else. That’s the harsh reality you need to face regardless of how YOU feel about her.
My best advice is to walk away with respect and explain that you need her to overcome her past on her own before you can dedicate any part of you to her. She may cry, she may insult you, she may blame you. But the reality is that you’re only a shoulder to cry on, a crutch that is being taken away and it’s the only way for her to truly heal. To learn how to walk on her own again. And if you truly mean something to her, she’ll return because you displayed respect for yourself and for her. And that’s what she lacked in her past relationship which will click for her once she heals and she’ll respect and truly fall for you.
If she doesn’t come back, she was going to leave you once she finished drying her tears on you anyway. Take it from someone who has been through it and who has helped BOTH parties recognize this when doing relationship work with both sides of the picture.
Smart-Car9019 t1_jbmwl5a wrote
The thing is her ex has been a bitch to her, used her only for physical purpose on the context of a relationship while she thought the otherwise. She dumped his ass ass right away but she's still not able to overcome the trauma he has given her. She admits that she likes me alot but the thing is i don't know if it's right to continue this relationship because I genuinely like her alot, met someone like her after a long time that i felt such connection with. I just wanna get her out of this truama.
Smart-Car9019 t1_jbmwrtd wrote
And i don't like her because she's dealing with this shit, i liked before she even told me abt this ex.
Ligsters t1_jbmxjmx wrote
It’s all encompassed in what I wrote. Reread it carefully if any of it doesn’t make sense, but I don’t have the time or energy to dissect a relationship outside of my work. Just sharing my knowledge, hope it helps.
Smart-Car9019 t1_jbn1z3c wrote
Thnk you for taking your time. Appreciate it. Will give it some time on what u said. Cheers!
cattreephilosophy t1_jbndvby wrote
This was written by Sara Sheehan aka @soulmoonchild on Instagram!
Ligsters t1_jbnzzcw wrote
No problem!
vamanaswk t1_jbdu9zi wrote
That’s fine in and of itself. But the problem is not trying to get closure , rather being forced to continually deal with the same person over and over again