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mrgamerwood t1_iqy3q8b wrote

any idea what episode he said this in?


ursuscinnamomum t1_iqy7257 wrote

I've heard this was filmed right about after his wife passed away. Hits home everytime.


AdonisGaming93 t1_iqy7wk2 wrote

I'm still waiting for the good times too


FluffyDiscipline t1_iqy9pnh wrote

So True....

Got to feel the sadness to appreciate the happiness....


gillika t1_iqyd2zn wrote

There's a great Alan Watts lecture where he says, if humans could choose what to dream about, eventually they'd even choose dreams where they suffered. We need it.


tangcameo t1_iqyfya3 wrote

Every picture has its shadows And it has some source of light

  • Joni

FreakyManBaby t1_iqyhyz3 wrote

gotta have a little good times once in a while so you know when the sadness comes


mamastax t1_iqykeht wrote

This always makes me sad!! To think Bob Ross was sad!! I cannot. Just sitting there, feeling low, waiting on the good times. My heart.


SaphirePool t1_iqyyqyh wrote

I waited about 25-8 years, I finally realized it's just not coming. 🤷🏻‍♂️ At 33 and I'm glad I stopped waiting. Life's constantly getting worse but its just freeing not having some idea that it's gonna get better or more fun or enjoyable.


Humble-Friendship228 t1_iqyz0wv wrote

It’s okay to have hard times. The difference between those who are successful in spite and those who aren’t, is believing and knowing that good times are always coming.


hanatheko t1_iqz35zj wrote

... omg try to find something that inspires you!! .... Become obsessed with it. I've been the happiest I've ever been for nearly 5 or 6 years now because I'm obsessed (almost to the point of madness??) with my passions. And then cool people start gravitating to you.


SaphirePool t1_iqz3de6 wrote

I have no money, no transportation, live in a very rural area... The things that inspire me are things very far out of reach for me. Plus I'm just not that passionate about anything. Except maybe voting for progressive politics and listening to stand-up comedy.


Bruised_up_whitebelt t1_iqz5mgy wrote

So umm I have a question, when can one expect these good times to come? Because I have enough sadness to last several lifetimes.


sneaky_squirrel t1_iqz9jvm wrote

The thing that gets me is when the good times don't come.



dingman58 t1_iqz9mj7 wrote

Laugh in the face of your sorrow. I love that. Sometimes I laugh at inappropriate times and I'm not sure why- maybe it's just the ridiculousness of it all, the complete arbitrary meaninglessness of everything. But people get upset and think I'm laughing at them, and I'm not, I'm laughing in the face of it all. Thanks!


PersonOfInternets t1_iqzeakv wrote

Not true, but that doesn't take anything away from it. Everyone's lives are full of highs and lows that aren't as clear cut as a loved one dying or anything you can chop out like that. Bob had a Buddhist kind of philosophy. He understood the nature of his suffering and even if he was depressed or things weren't going his way he always looked for the silver lining. With this mindset you can overcome anything.


ola-yori t1_iqzemjh wrote

This makes me so sad, especially considering how he was exploited by people he considered friends. And they’re still making money off of him.


sskoog t1_iqzeouz wrote

This was 1991-ish. Ross suffered numerous illnesses, and was diagnosed with [terminal] lymphoma for several years [more than one] prior to his 1995 passing.

I believe this is the "waiting on the good times now" reference -- 64% to 75% of lymphoma patients make it five more years, and that's the 'worse' variety [which Ross had].


eriles311 t1_iqzg02n wrote

I wonder I wonder what you would dream if you could dream any dream you wanted to at night. ….. you could dream the most fantastic adventures fight dragons. But then one day you’d want to be surprised. That maybe it won’t all work out then you’d Eventually dream where you are now. Living the life you are actually loving I got it way off but you get the point Actually here’s a link


Sci-4 t1_iqzmc9n wrote

I used to believe in good times


InvisoDeath t1_iqzn9yq wrote

Ok hold on. This man literally. Why do affro's exist? Can you sleep like that? No cowlick, no beyblade ass yugi cut? My man just styling on the fresh?


Vincent541 t1_iqzor7n wrote

This episode was the day after his wife died was diagnosed with cancer. Very sad moment indeed.

Edit: don't want to spread misinformation, apparently she was still alive, but diagnosed with cancer. Very sad nonetheless.


RapscallionMonkee t1_iqzpkhu wrote

Don't just wait for the good times, start looking for them. Make yourself find so.ething beautiful each day. Sme at every one you make contact with. Compliment people on something *even if it's just "Hey nice shirt". I was once in your shoes. I wA sad to the point of binge drinking so I wouldn't have to deal the sadness. It just made it worse, because then I felt sadness & guilt Keep looking! Volunteer! It makes you feel so good. Good luck to you! I hope you find some happy 🧡


Havain t1_iqzqqko wrote

I mean that's exactly what he means though, it's okay to be sad, there's nothing wrong about him being sad. Being sad about being sad is a vicious circle that's hard to break. Be happy that you're able to be sad. Be thankful that you can appreciate the light after darkness.


JanuryFirstCakeDay t1_iqztawk wrote

I randomly remind myself, and whoever im around, that right now we are not sick.

You can breath with no problem, with arent sore or unable to talk, or needing 8 pills a day.

Ok im still depressed but at least i donthave to deal with breathing at the same time.


WeeklyMeat9 t1_iqzu5fs wrote

shortly after his wife's death


cldw92 t1_iqzyr0l wrote

Humour is one of the greatest defenses against sorrow

Sometimes the situations we find ourselves in are so absurd, that when we take a step back we realize how insanely unlucky we are.

And yet still things can get worse. Life is weird.

On the flip side there are times where we just luck out too. It probably all evens out for the average person.


StrokeGameHusky t1_ir0130g wrote

It’s a true American story.

Man uses his passion to teach and to make others happy, then some greedy assholes get him to sign his rights away to the point his son can’t even use his own last name to teach art.

America! Yeah!


cougarclaws t1_ir01bs1 wrote

can we please just have a channel of 24/7 Bob Ross?


AmazingBarfingDick t1_ir06x7r wrote

Reminds me of the parable of the Chinese farmer:

“There once was a Chinese farmer whose horse ran away. That evening, all of his neighbors came around to commiserate. They said, “We are so sorry to hear your horse has run away. This is most unfortunate.” The farmer said, “Maybe.” The next day the horse came back bringing seven wild horses with it, and in the evening everybody came back and said, “Oh, isn’t that lucky. What a great turn of events. You now have eight horses!” The farmer again said, “Maybe.”

The following day his son tried to break one of the horses, and while riding it, he was thrown and broke his leg. The neighbors then said, “Oh dear, that’s too bad,” and the farmer responded, “Maybe.” The next day the conscription officers came around to conscript people into the army, and they rejected his son because he had a broken leg. Again all the neighbors came around and said, “Isn’t that great!” Again, he said, “Maybe.”

The whole process of nature is an integrated process of immense complexity, and it’s really impossible to tell whether anything that happens in it is good or bad — because you never know what will be the consequence of the misfortune; or, you never know what will be the consequences of good fortune.”

-Alan Watts retelling the parable

We can believe the world is conspiring against us, believe that only favorable things are happening for us, or accept that the game isn’t over until it’s over, and what set you back years ago could be setting you up years from now, and vice versa. What’s happened can’t be changed, what will happen is unknown. All we have is today and really, just this moment, and what we make of it.


trippstick t1_ir0a9fq wrote

Its fucked up but you gotta read what you sign or hire someone you trust to do it. Evil will always come after you unprepared. However if you expect it and do the homework you can make it out of here with dignity and sanity intact.


Vesuvias t1_ir0aqat wrote

This was me a few weeks back when my grandmother passed. It comes in waves. It’s made me snap out of my headspace and connect with people. I am thankful two years back I picked up the phone and started calling her weekly. She was something special to me - brought so much light through her firey self. Miss you Grams.


infosec_qs t1_ir0cbt6 wrote

> The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.

  • Kahlil Gibran

Sonova_Vondruke t1_ir0dx6g wrote

Been waiting on the good times for like 25 years.


fapping_bird t1_ir0fbbt wrote

I read this 4 years ago. And 4 years later I’m still waiting for my good times to come. Don’t think I can do this anymore.


enkorv-ibakfickan t1_ir0hs79 wrote

”If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome”.

  • Anne Bradstreet

Volfgang91 t1_ir0jdnk wrote

I always wondered what was going on in his life that prompted him to say this. I hope it was all OK in the end.


Hripautom t1_ir0jpx3 wrote

Just FYI there is a Bob Ross channel that just plays his paintings all day. Sling has it.


GropeYourGroin t1_ir0ka02 wrote

I have this kind of mindset on my every day life. Even during my commute, stuck in traffic, I try to find beauty around me to give me a little spark of joy.

For me it's usually the clouds. I think they're very neat. Beauty and happiness are everywhere, sometimes it's just about turning off the filter in your brain and viewing the world like a newborn would to see the beauty around us


writingc t1_ir0n92h wrote

Well said.. I am waiting on the good times too 😭


Mbaby1989 t1_ir0pdid wrote

This is one of my all time favorite quotes.


Mbaby1989 t1_ir0pgqv wrote

This is one of my all time favorite quotes.


smaTc t1_ir0xj1r wrote

That man was a saint


Arthas_Litchking t1_ir0y8vo wrote

wasnt this episode shortly after his wife died? It mskes me always sad.


Delbuns t1_ir1gff7 wrote

Except if you watched the documentary it’s pretty much implied they forged his signature or tricked him into signing when he was mentally incompetent.


NewPCBuilder2019 t1_ir1h0km wrote

I find that the people I know that objectively drew the roughest lot seem to break towards actually having a good outlook on life. Like, we spend our whole lives in this anxious state about how bad things CAN get that when you actually do catch a string of shit, you suddenly realize how good things were and can be again or something.

Some way to harness this for everyone, man. Would be neat


Ronniesdesigns t1_ir1ilvf wrote

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this episode was filmed, shortly after his wife passed.


Pakutto t1_ir1rk08 wrote

My leg just broke a few weeks ago, and I've still been down as I'm trying to deal with it, basically skipping my favorite season while this thing heals.

But this way of thinking? For a moment, it made me stop thinking "I hate these bad times" and instead think "wow, I'm so excited for when the good times come again"

Thanks for the post :)


doodoobailey t1_ir1vn4n wrote

Didn’t he say this when his wife was sick or something


caleb9311 t1_ir1vsi1 wrote

There was such a beautiful vibe to someone as respectful and balanced as bob


kinislo t1_ir24ra5 wrote

Aww, Bob…. 💔