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Legend_Unfolds t1_irslz1o wrote

Strong disagree. Single men are in abundance, and there is so little demand for us. It feels like most women are either already taken, already being pursued by (sometimes several) others, don't want commitment, or rate you too low for them if they do want commitment. Single women seriously and realistically looking to date do not remain single for extended periods.

I wish the same could be said for men. I see so many young men like myself lamenting over the same thing, and there is nothing to console them.

And if you do get a chance, factor in that you have to like them too, and be close enough, and have lives that can fit at some point...

...I'm getting sick of the reality of this hopeless game.


RDAwesome t1_irtgg10 wrote

I am not an Idris Elba-looking guy but I've never really had issues finding dates. You'd be surprised how much more responsive women are if you don't carry negativity around like an anchor. I think dating apps definitely favor women, but also guys get in their own way SO often.

Worst case scenario, two desperate guys dating each other means that scale gets tilted twice as far in guys' favor


SatoshiFlex t1_irtp12s wrote

You're sabotaging yourself with a victim mindset. Do you think that thinking like this projects any attractive qualities? I promise it doesn't.


manksta t1_irwampl wrote

I know plenty of women who share this same level of desperation that you portray here so stop pretending this is something exclusive to men. The moment you change your current paradigm will be the moment it stops being a self-fulfilling prophecy.


aioncan t1_irtr2p0 wrote

Ok …transition to be a woman then


TotallynottheCCP t1_iruhxll wrote

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if this was a big part of most guys' motivation to transition.