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Ochnee t1_is5deyf wrote

This seems wrong...?


QUIBICUS t1_is5g1t3 wrote

I'll stay in the red.


magi5e OP t1_is5higr wrote

You don't need to, but try to imagine how you would want to design your optimal Life... Because that's how you can live, and jumping out maybe is the hardest part. But there's a lot of help out there for exactly that...


ZSpectre t1_is5q0q2 wrote

I think this is particularly applying to people who are stuck in life. People who tend to be stuck here may be fearing the first step to break out into the unknown and out of their comfort zone (i.e. getting over social anxiety in order to meet new people and network, moving to a new area to be open to more job offers, etc.). Some people's comfort zone can be more detrimental than others, and it could parallel the mindset of having a security blanket all the way to having an addictive behavior that's been keeping them stuck. Letting go of that security blanket or those coping mechanisms can be very difficult and anxiety inducing for a lot of people.


Muscalp t1_is5smm4 wrote

Itβ€˜s called comfort zone for a reason


magi5e OP t1_is5sxo5 wrote

well yes, that's why it isn't easy to escape but that plays a part in why so many people aren't happy with their lives (even while in their Comfort zones)


magi5e OP t1_is5vu9s wrote

The state of fear is probably the most uncomfortable but everyone has to walk through it to reach their higher goals. If you need some help feel free to reach out to me


magi5e OP t1_is5w9pb wrote

well you are right, and it's good to also be aware of the limits of models but I think you conciously want to misunderstand the picture. Models always have their limits but it's way more productive to find the truth in it, the point that can help you advance


Old_guy_newideas t1_is63v26 wrote

This is great. Worked in information technology for decades. This is very applicable there. Also, this has some use in the Faith world.


sleeping-dragon t1_is65wbm wrote

Living this right now. Took the leap from IT to Operations. As our internal infrastructure / support needs died down I needed to keep myself busy. Now I'm dealing with organization wide budgets, facilities management, and leading teams. I'm probably on the line between yellow and light green.


lightmare178 t1_is66rk6 wrote

What if you went the other direction…


Bacnnator t1_is684td wrote

Just gotta beat the first boss so I can unlock free roam


rejuven8 t1_is69faj wrote

Because the comfort zone isn’t necessarily out of fear or more contracted than fear. It can be a new normal created from a previous growth zone expansion.


Inlhia t1_is69oxi wrote

It’s a little outdated and the graphic is confusing. But it’s a kid-friendly version on how learning works.

It’s based on Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development from the early 1900s.

Blended with Maslows Hierarchy of needs's_hierarchy_of_needs

To create Bloom’s Taxonomy in the 1950s.'s_Revised_Taxonomy.jpg

And distilled to the β€œConscious Competence” learning model.

These frameworks are the very basics of learning. Learning models are still evolving today but this is the best attempt humans have done at mapping how we learn.

There are more frameworks currently being tested but it takes about 20 years so….


Poknberry t1_is6e23b wrote

antidepressants work


SulavT t1_is6f54f wrote

I was in the red when I was in high school. Got out of my comfort zone and 10 years later… I’m in the green zone woohoo!


Fritzo2162 t1_is6k28c wrote

Wow. I created a circle like this in my head when convincing myself to take risks, but I could never articulate it. This is PERFECT!


TheWilrus t1_is6r8xe wrote

Why use off centre circles? This way it is simply a flow chart? The circles need to be centred to display the point in the way I think the author intended. Otherwise I'll just step left and leave the whole mess behind.


PIMP1729 t1_is7bgri wrote

This image represents my year, really I love it, now everyday I'm more search from my own project, really happy to feel identified with it


olak333 t1_is7c43s wrote

These kinds of posts are inspiring. I'd normally take a screenshot of this picture and rotate it as a screensaver picture as background on my tablet or something. But not today. Where's the section for just tired and fed up and static in life. Other ppl can't make me whole, but it's draining and hopeless sometimes. Rant over!


magi5e OP t1_is7de4g wrote

I love to see Life as a Game, since I implemented that thought even mundane tasks like washing the dishes, going for a walk can feel like a quest and be fun


magi5e OP t1_is7dr7s wrote

They are a great example for the way society thinks. It's a short term solution not designed to help longterm, but just like politicians only thinking of the next election, some doctors just think if the next recipe they can prescribe you. There are longterm solutions out there! They are just not as easy or comfortable


SulavT t1_is7e29q wrote

Switching my thinking and working on my mindset was the best thing I could’ve done for myself. I wish they taught this in the schools.


magi5e OP t1_is7ehgp wrote

Thanks I really appreciate that. Being able to express yourself and your thoughts clearly is a really valuable skill. If you are interested I could show you


magi5e OP t1_is7flor wrote

Thanks for the feedback. If you feel stuck in Life, like you don't know what to do, everything is just exhausting and you don't really see the point in things, it doesn't have to be this way, I can help you!


magi5e OP t1_is7fsow wrote

Yes I have the exact same thinking... That's why I wanna do my part and teach it to as many people as I can to reach my vision of the future


RightBear t1_is7fwkw wrote

This is a really weird graphic.


Poknberry t1_is7gqjv wrote

So a vet coming back from Iraq with night terrors is just taking the easy way out? Okay buddy

Don't let the bogus war on drugs brainwash you into thinking drugs are inherently bad, its the abuse of drugs that's bad, not the drugs themselves.


magi5e OP t1_is7h5e0 wrote

I actually like a lot of drugs myself and think every medication has it's uses, but they often don't solve the problem at its root but rather let you forget it exists for a short time. A vet coming back from Iraq needs therapy, needs to talk about his terrible experiences and deal with them over time


RightBear t1_is7h7zj wrote

Hey, don't take it personally! Thanks for making the content.

It's weird to me because I don't really know how the circles relate to the concepts. When you are in the fear zone (orange circle), is the "comfort zone" also supposed to be included in the orange circle? I'd instead think of it as moving away from a comfort zone and into a fear zone.

I guess I do like the idea that the "growth" zone is literally the biggest, and that when you are in the growth zone you still have elements of "learning" and "fear".


magi5e OP t1_is7hl8w wrote

I usually don't take thingts personally, I like to get valuable criticism. I think the circles should include themselves, because you will still have a comfort zone (even if it changes) you will probably still be afraid of something and you will for sure keep learning your whole life especially when you have arrived at green


magi5e OP t1_is7lxn0 wrote

Mine is building a Life Coaching practice where I help young individuals that are lost in Life to get things back under control and achieve their dreams

I love games btw. As a teenager I would play 10h of Minecraft or lol a day xD


donfuego008 t1_is7pspo wrote

I love a great meaning in this and powerful message! It’s is true to escape comfort with fear, zone five is danger zone, where I am at πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ


woodneel t1_is88mkp wrote

Nice links. Vygotsky and Bloom I hadn't heard of before. I love the historicity of your post, people always gloss over WHEN the theories they're teaching were formed, thus robbing the learner of the potential to critique and contrast said new learning in the context of the academic and social zeitgeist of the era.


Cylon_Skin_Job_2_10 t1_is88yb1 wrote

I appreciate the sentiment, but I think we have to look at it more like pushing out of comfort into β€œdiscomfort” but not β€œdistress”. If we bite off more than we can chew and get too overwhelmed, we pull back into comfort, catch our breath and go back out into discomfort again. In time, as we adapt, the comfort zone gets bigger and bigger and the things that once were uncomfortable are now comfortable, and so we push into discomfort again.

I don’t think it’s as simple as pushing past fear straight into growth and opportunity, but more like gradually decreasing what makes you fearful and gradually finding growth and more opportunity through this process.


Inlhia t1_is89jjc wrote

Our educational system is ancient compared to technology. But compared to time, it’s revolutionary.

The wide-spread access of the internet was only 15 years ago. It drastically transformed the world. It’s still transforming the world.

We’re all living in a time that history books will have chapters on.


Inspector-Tophat t1_is8og37 wrote

Missing depression zone, lost zone and screwed up zone.


Ash_Divine t1_is8qmrl wrote

I like my comfort zone very much but I know it harms me more than it helps me.


konvictjeans t1_is8slcw wrote

The green part always seems to pass me by.


ct1192 t1_is8vzzv wrote



Garlicvine t1_is9bjgl wrote

In the orange for a long time now.


Chomusuke_99 t1_is9g1vc wrote

between comfort zone and anxiety fear zone. there is an achievement zone. that makes you feel like you have done something new and accomplished something. then you invest more and then the fear, low confidence and anxiety kick in. I experience this everytime I try to learn something new. like as simple as bottle flip challenge. first it's exciting. a few lucky shots boosts your morale. you try to make more consistent shot and feel like your skill is actually degrading the more your practice. then little by little you make improvement in a micro scale.


magi5e OP t1_is9ie43 wrote

they're all part of the comfort zone. Because you don't have the courage to break out even though your unconciousness knows there's more to Life, you are in a fight with yourself thus arising your mentioned problems.If you are suffering from them I would advise to you to get help. I am available if you'd like


Smackanacho t1_is9igig wrote

Love the concept, huge advocate, but this graph doesn’t make sense. It’s only by staying in the fear zone do we learn, and then grow. It’s not like you leave the fear zone and then learn.


magi5e OP t1_is9ipoc wrote

Once you pass through the fear zone, the first thing you learn is that your fear was unneccessary and that makes it so much easier to learn more. Do you constantly learn with fear in your mind?


FluffyBauce t1_is9jezb wrote

What if people taking risks to find happiness were never in their comfort zone and are now looking for their comfort zone.

I understand the term, but i hate how its used by all these so called life coaches and corporate douches.

Whats wrong with your comfort zone if you are happy there (for now).


magi5e OP t1_is9joy0 wrote

it's a model so it has it's limits, you are right... This is just how it is for most people
There's nothing wrong with your comfort zone if you are truly happy with your life, but if you want more out of it (like most poeple do) it often holds you back


PM_ME_UR_ANKLET t1_is9lteu wrote

I find the implication that you can't grow as a person outside your comfort level condescending.


magi5e OP t1_is9me9u wrote

Take the time to think about what you really want to do in your life, because once you work with passion, wou won't mind walking the extra mile it takes to be successful
Also I specialise in helping young adults reach their goals and unleash their full potential (first session is free)


magi5e OP t1_is9mjot wrote

it's a model, so not supposed to take everything literally, but your comfort zone is your comfort zone because you know it you like it and there's nothing new in there. growing means thinking, feeling, doing new stuff which all means leaving your physical or mental comfort zone


magi5e OP t1_is9mwof wrote

I specialize in helping young adults in getting their Life in order and finding a purpose to live the life they dream about. First session is free. Interested?


magi5e OP t1_is9nd4r wrote

okay that's fair. The offer stands though since I am still in my beginning phase and want to try helping different people, I actually have one other client of similar age, and I love complicated stuff


magi5e OP t1_is9ofxe wrote

Once you enter fear zone you will quickly realize that the fear was noch neccessary at all and advance to Learning, just keep going!
Also if you want some help I can do that


konvictjeans t1_is9qgzi wrote

More than I would like to admit to on any online platform. In short, I have felt depressed ect…for about 25 years and have taken countless meds/therapy. Nothing has helped over that period of time.also, I am broke and cannot pay for your services.


ANDRO-i-D t1_is9rv4g wrote

Nah I'd rather die young thank you.


m0rzor t1_is9t2sh wrote

caveat is the green zone becomes your red zone soon enough, then you have to repeat the cycle anew because society asks you to, and at some point you die.


thank you for coming to my ted talk


Dorsiflexionkey t1_is9tkeo wrote

Reddit: The place that motivates you until you read the comment section and end up wanting to die.


magi5e OP t1_is9tpmr wrote

sorry to hear that, I really hope you will find something that helps!
I am happy to help you in exchange for a testemonial where you state how I helped (if I helped). Any way I will gain experience and new insights.
Also I would love to hear your criticism on my comments so that I can improve on that as well


LukaszWiktor t1_is9waqn wrote

shrink zone seems the most accurate since it has two complementary meanings:

- to become smaller, or to make something smaller

- to move away from someone or something because you are frightened


magi5e OP t1_is9ycjf wrote

nobody said it would be easy
I don't know if this helps you, but have you tried building up some knowledge and skill in an area that you are passionate about in order to build confidence in it and maybe find a job there?


magi5e OP t1_is9yvul wrote

I get your point but I just believe that even when you are comfy you can feel negative emotions, that's how it was for me and many others I talked to. Also the model is supposed to motivate people and a shrinking zone doesn't really sound motivating. But I appreciate your input a lot!


ct1192 t1_iscqe3n wrote

comfort and fear are both feelings, learning and growth are just conceps, why does it go...feeling, feeling, concept, concept? can one not be comfortable or fearful as they grow and learn?

i think its a great representation of a flawed idea that you wont understand something unless you seek discomfort and experienfe fear first.


enduring_student t1_iscsimg wrote

I find this very interesting because I never thought of it like that, not specifically anyway...

Thank you for the new perspective.


magi5e OP t1_isf37sq wrote

True for most people, but once you truly connect with yourself and understand yourself you will get to the bottom of what YOU want