Submitted by eagleclaw901 t3_yd0ypn in GetMotivated
elleccceee t1_itpln53 wrote
Reason why I left work. I am just grateful for the restobar down at the 4th to keep me sane from the last 6months. The people who worked there became my friends, because there was literally no one in the office during my shifts. I thought it was okay at first until it went on for months. It was not difficult. It was unbearable.
optimist31 t1_itpsjlb wrote
Running away from problems is worse.
LonelyLoser24 t1_itpxbch wrote
So life is to expensive?
ValyrianJedi t1_itq0abn wrote
Strongly disagree on that one. There are plenty of things worth sacrificing some of your mental health for.
PM-ME_YOUR-ANYTHING t1_itq2dug wrote
Nah its just inflation
shrlytmpl t1_itq2x7r wrote
It ain't just black or white, bruv.
optimist31 t1_itq38pk wrote
Exactly my point bruv. Many people get mental issues from finances or loneliness. Worth it or not, it will eat away the mental health until faced.
rmc2318 t1_itq4gpb wrote
Then you obviously haven’t stressed your mind to breaking point. For nothing in the working world is worth your Mental Health. A lesson you may learn one day.
IamasimpforObi-Wan t1_itq4smu wrote
I very recently quit my job and started a new course of study at university because of this. I wasn't gonna end up like my colleague who jumped in front of a train one day before I left.
FreeFoot_ t1_itq6iit wrote
Right, but stressing your mind to a certain point is healthy. That’s how you develop.
ValyrianJedi t1_itq7ry6 wrote
I used to work 90-100+ hour weeks, currently work ~70 hour weeks, have to spend 100+ nights a year in hotels for work, have a super high pressure job where a quarterly quota is hanging over your head and the bottom 10-15% of performers who do make quota still end up being cut each year end, my pay is 70% commission and bonus so I never know how much I'm making next month until I make it despite having a truckload of costs, and now we have triplets on the way... Pretty sure I'm extremely familiar with extreme stress. If that stress is a trade for my family's financial security, my family's stability, my kids' educations, my kids' opportunities, etc. then I am more than happy to go through a boatload of stress for that.
nineth0usand t1_itq8etl wrote
Yeah, living is expensive
DubstepDonut t1_itq8iq4 wrote
Woooo shady guy with sunglasses has entered the room
kitalorian t1_itqa421 wrote
As someone who is permanently disabled, this is a WILD comment.
I have to work, or I die. Like most people. But I become psychotic with stress, which I push past (with doctor's help) because I HAVE to. Or else, once again, I DIE.
"Nothing in the working world is worth your mental health?" What about existing?
EthosPathosLegos t1_itqb8bg wrote
So school isn't worth it.
BufferOverflowed t1_itqdi32 wrote
I guess I can't afford my job and just have to be homeless or something?
ValyrianJedi t1_itqebo6 wrote
And usually causes even more mental health problems down the road.
optimist31 t1_itqf1gd wrote
Yes, for those that dont want to deal with it, of course. But I like to learn from my mistakes, gain experience and do better than learn to give up on small challenges.
TwoStepsSidewards t1_itqi2yy wrote
Not a fan of this one.
Life is not sunshine and rainbows, hard work is required to succeed. Some of which, cost physical and mental strains that are needed to be pushed through not avoided.
To each their own, but I'd prefer working on my stress resilience not my ability to drop taxing problems in my life.
pineal-gland t1_itqibpt wrote
i feel like everything costs me mental health so i quit a lot
Smart_Doctor t1_itqjkc9 wrote
I mean... my son is 4 years old and he has cost me a lot of mental health. Should I get rid of him?
MeltAway421 t1_itqkksp wrote
OP here telling me to stop dating 😅
im_dumb_AF_28 t1_itqlowp wrote
I say that about work....waking up. Being alive. Just ain't worth it no more
earthling_dad t1_itqm4fv wrote
I'm guessing OP hasn't had the experience of being a parent. If OP is a parent and their children have never once tested their sanity, then good for them.
Fuckoffassholes t1_itqmpze wrote
Bro. The correct spelling is RIGHT THERE IN THE POST.
MercifulVoodoo t1_itqmvou wrote
ValyrianJedi t1_itqn87r wrote
Yeah, it's genuinely blowing my mind that people seem to think "don't do anything very stressful" is good advice.
moon_fairy t1_itqo2hi wrote
gotghostco t1_itqqcvc wrote
Read this as massage so that tells you where I’m at
westcoastmaritimer t1_itqrjv3 wrote
😂 thought the same thing. Lots of effects mental health and grey hairs but most days it’s worth it.
dalyon t1_itqrn2l wrote
Did this post stutter?
gameartist3d t1_itqrwss wrote
Growth is impossible without resistance.
vodka_twinkie t1_itqry4h wrote
cries in law student
vodka_twinkie t1_itqs243 wrote
About $195k according to my current tuition rates
nestcto t1_itqt25r wrote
Agreed. It's just like working out at the gym. You don't try to bench 150lb on your first go, then conclude that its not worth it after you injure a muscle. You work up to it over time.
Strain is good, but injury is not and comes from too much strain in too short a timeframe. That's what should be avoided.
Artistic-Monitor4566 t1_itqv6vl wrote
I guess living life in a society is too expensive
zepuwner t1_itqwziq wrote
School really is too expensive
ItsDumi t1_itqy23e wrote
If hard work led to success, everyone with a 9 - 5 would be successful.
scobsagain t1_itqyf1k wrote
Yeah great except my job is causing the issues so should I be homeless instead?
[deleted] t1_itqylls wrote
Neurosaiki t1_itr07lc wrote
100% agreed, science has proven that short term stress is one of the essential factor of learning a new complex skill, imagine yourself struggling with calculus questions and giving up, you will never learn that way. Stress is a mode of a body where it do everything in its control to get the problem solved.
The better approach as you said is to work on stress resilience and being completely conscious about what is worthy of stress and what is not, enlightening youself with wisdom might help. Remember we suffer more in imagination than in reality, so keep in mind to that.
thaddeus423 t1_itr17rg wrote
Wonderfully articulated. Thank you for sharing.
TwoStepsSidewards t1_itr23k9 wrote
This is purely my perspective on life, but, a 9-5 is the bare-minimum in a professionals life and isn't something I would consider successful in the grand scheme of finance acquisition. Even if you're making $150k/anually, if you're not working for yourself I don't believe you're fiscally independent. Success would be getting to a place of independence not available through a 9-5.
The attitude that holding a single 9-5 in modern society is some sort of achievement is limiting the potential for anyone who believes it. Reality in most cases a 9-5 is a base-level requirement and you'll never be successful only doing the base-level work.
If you want to only do, Bench, Squat, Deadlift, at your comfortable weight for 10 years of your life, I wouldn't say that's you putting in "hard work" it's base-level work which everyone should be doing. You won't get to the top levels of success with that workout, but you'll still be above anyone who doesn't even put in any effort.
Life's full of variables and outliers which we can discuss, but this is my general principle of thought on the topic.
spacew0man t1_itr2duv wrote
Agreed. I have disabilities and mental health disorders and I’ve been in a state of chronic stress for many years because of it. If I followed the advice of this post, I would literally be unable to exist at all. Like, take care of your mental health, and make changes if you personally feel they will help your situation. But just quitting everything that costs your mental health? Existing costs me my mental health, lmao. I still gotta get up and do it just like countless others who have to do the same to survive.
spacew0man t1_itr392k wrote
This works in some situations, but falls flat in many others. Sometimes, you have to keep going even though it costs your mental health. In those cases, that’s when you learn coping skills and ways to protect your mental health despite being in extremely stressful situations.
Not everyone can just quit because their job or school is tanking their mental health, but the answer isn’t to just suffer. You take up journaling, meditation, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, therapy, medication, literally anything you can to take care of yourself so you can get through that stress and make it to the other side. Life is hard, but humans are resilient and history shows how stubbornly we will press onward even in the most dire of circumstances.
TheBlackJewFromTexas t1_itr3vna wrote
The fact that directly after this post was an ad for a hoodie that said “if it costs you your peace then it’s too expensive” makes this message seem to come from some Reddit Algorithm higher power
LegacyofaMarshall t1_itr6cop wrote
Society is fucking expensive
andrewjcavasos t1_itr95ew wrote
"If it costs you peace of mind it might be too expensive" -Deep Reverence by Big sean
jojoskillz01 t1_itra7o2 wrote
Don't quit
cuntsatchel t1_itrartt wrote
any job
Electronic_Stuff4363 t1_itrc0fc wrote
Amen to that , whether it be a job, a relationship, a place you are currently in etc
TheEmperorsWombat t1_itrey71 wrote
Quitting is bad for your mental health
-CubanPete- t1_itrg10g wrote
League of legends players in shambles.
universalrifle t1_itrgdfl wrote
I can't afford to leave the house
_cedarwood_ t1_itrikcb wrote
As always, there's a caveat. Improving your mental health is not easy or comfortable. It's worth it
AndyDali t1_itrlag0 wrote
I hope it goes well for you, good luck.
mseand t1_itrolqn wrote
Username checks out
VICARD0 t1_itrp7z1 wrote
Yes, dispose of the little shit and enjoy a nice pumpkin spice latte on your brand new hammock. GETMOTIVATED
johansugarev t1_itrpj9w wrote
I’m considering buying a home that’s a bit too expensive for me. It will cost me mental health. But it might brings some peace too.
nemisis9058 t1_itrq88j wrote
So what if the process of living and taking care of yourself or others is starting to become too much mentally? What do you do then?
tanktametet-pwemskan t1_itrt7p0 wrote
so life is too expensive. driving a car on a road that has other drivers driving their car on it is too expensive. i could go on.
tanktametet-pwemskan t1_itrts3w wrote
after all that hard work, I've had two surgeries for hernia repair. Lost nerve function in my left hand and am losing my eyesight. gosh, I wish all I needed was simple stress resilience. get back to me when those taxing problems cause you permanent physical damage.
tanktametet-pwemskan t1_itrty21 wrote
>Strain is good, but injury is not and comes from too much strain in too short a timeframe.
I tried to tell that to life but it wouldn't listen. now I've got permanent injuries that will not heal. no it couldn't be avoided.
craigmadbricky t1_itru5ju wrote
The simple verse. "You can be right, or you can be happy"
tanktametet-pwemskan t1_itru80w wrote
short term stress? that's all the negative that happens from busting ass? bullshit. try some permanent physical injuries over and over for a couple decades.
bit_banging_your_mum t1_itruax3 wrote
Yeah by OP's logic I'd never leave the house
tanktametet-pwemskan t1_itrutjz wrote
growth for the mere sake of growth is pointless. growth to gain wealth is poison. im fkn sick of growing for the past 30 years of my adult life. the only thing that has grown in me is hatred towards life.
literally_pee t1_itrvqaz wrote
this quote is nice, but american politics have decided their priorities, mental health is not one of them.
I get what it means, if its stressing you out too much dont do it.
but that implies that stress is bad.
There is good stress and bad stress.
this is the core of mental health, trying to find the balance between overfeeling or underfeeling.
some numbers I found.
if I recall were at 40 school mass shootings this year.
55 percent of people that need mental health treatment dont get it.
80 percent of people with autism dont get treatment.
Rude_Session52 t1_itrw0zr wrote
So what do I do if like... most things cost my mental health? I'm partially kidding bc I actually really like the post. I just really struggle with what seems like EVERYTHING.
literally_pee t1_itrw994 wrote
then just get a job ya hippie
I'm on the spectrum, I think, so I hear this alot
literally_pee t1_itrwh5v wrote
100 percent.
a study showed that there was a more important trait than IQ at predicting success in children.
that trait is classic perseverance.
thank you for sharing.
literally_pee t1_itrwoj2 wrote
tell that to the inflation rate!
-female-redditor- t1_itrxefb wrote
Mental health is different than stress.
Some amount of stress can be healthy, as you pointed out, but when you overwork yourself endlessly, it takes a serious toll on your mental health.
Lifting weights properly leads to healthy muscles and growth. Lifting weights endlessly without rest leads to muscle injury.
It’s important to know where your limits are, and not to over exert yourself, both physically and mentally.
If the activity you are forcing yourself to do is making you depressed so much that you find yourself escaping from reality (alcohol, drugs, eating too much, sleeping too much, etc), odds are high that you are pushing yourself too hard.
My job was extremely stressful and it took a serious toll on my body. Whenever I wasn’t working, I was trying to forget work so I wouldn’t be stressed. This lead to me gaining a lot of weight and getting drunk and high all the time when I wasn’t working. When I quit my job, I just naturally stopped all of those bad habits and ended up losing 15 pounds in just two months.
literally_pee t1_itry7dv wrote
that's the problem in america, people have to make a choice.
homeless and miserable or employed and miserable.
it doesnt help that there is a war going on between employers and emplyess.
or that mental health centers are backed up for months, some years.
thankfully mental health apps offer a bundle of features that were helpful to me.
like you said, its important to put in the work for the life you want. Honestly this is abetter quote than the one op posted.
my point is that the quote from op is a nice sentiment, sure.
but it has the same tone deafness as "let them eat cake" I'd argue.
literally_pee t1_itryiqf wrote
exactly it comes across as tone deaf imo
"let them eat cake"
literally_pee t1_itrywb6 wrote
then you should be grateful you had parents that encouraged you to persevere.
not everyone was so lucky.
Insanity8016 t1_itrzfo2 wrote
What if everything that you need to do will cost your mental health?
ValyrianJedi t1_its06rp wrote
My dad drank himself to death when I was 13 and my mom used to sell food stamps for painkillers and booze money, and left me couch surfing for a month when I was 10 when she ran off with some dude after Woodstock 99. Don't think I was all that lucky on the parent front ha.
literally_pee t1_its07ih wrote
any tips or tricks for someone feeling similar?
I get stressed out thinking about even calling my doctor.
EricYorbasTaintSmell t1_its0zwy wrote
He's studying to be a train conductor now
NewSouthTraders t1_its1i60 wrote
Does anyone know what font this is?
EricYorbasTaintSmell t1_its1pui wrote
What load of nonsense in your reply. By that same token, anyone who works more than you can look at you as doing the bare minimum, slacker.
Maybe a one size fits all approach to your perspective is the problem with your outlook.
What do the boots taste like? Never actually licked them myself
kitalorian t1_its2jt8 wrote
I think of it like this:
If you weigh the outcomes between contacting a doctor again or not, which choice produces less stress in the long-term (because today is just right now)?
The temporary, but immediate and insistent stress of a phone call? And then hopefully help, maybe some meds, more support?
Your mental health declining until doing all of the above things is harder and there's more stress because you haven't been able to keep up with life around you?
Absolutely no hate, I've been there, but what makes me do the healthy thing for myself nowadays, after failing so many times, is knowing through failure which outcome leads where, and parenting my slightly-broken mind to do the thing that will hurt me less overall. Because how can I complain when I'm not helping myself, ya know?
I hope you feel better <3
Quick edit: also, stress and anxiety around doctors is normal. Don't be hard on yourself about feeling those things, just don't let them hold you back from getting healthier and feeling better things
literally_pee t1_its2u7z wrote
I apologize, I'm not assuming to know anything about your path in life.
perhaps I meant, you should be grateful instead that your brain perseveres. And can handle that sort of load.
that's the most important skill to have. It allows the wonderful growth of every other trait.
my brain lacks that capacity, so I'm on the road to recovery.
literally_pee t1_its33il wrote
ur gona make me cry, this was so helpful thanks 🥺I really appreciate it
aunttjemima t1_its3ub6 wrote
What if it's a toxic parent but I can't afford to move because rent is so fucking ridiculous.
WannaBeTheVeryBest12 t1_its428x wrote
Sounds like you work a 9-5…
gameartist3d t1_its4wuj wrote
Life without a purpose sounds like anguish. Wealth is a by-product, not a purpose. Unless of course you want to accrue wealth for a purpose.
PMmeUrFavMusicVideo t1_its4xl6 wrote
League of Legends is not a free game
ADKTrader1976 t1_its6ffm wrote
It should read Mental Capital.
David_Umstattd t1_its6x2t wrote
Wise man once said:
“Rememba: don’t do drugs
willbeach8890 t1_its7m0s wrote
How to quit whenever things get tough
keeperofkey t1_its7nwa wrote
Sounds like my wife
theenglishsisters t1_its7ogs wrote
If it gives you peace of mind than it will help your mental health surely?
Woodbean t1_its8iqd wrote
It’s not for everyone.
That’s a problem we have here in the States: not enough credence paid to vocational training/education.
Very much needed and very lucrative, but constantly overlooked.
DigitalSteven1 t1_its8puv wrote
Every time I see this it always gives me the same reaction. Every action you take costs you your mental health. While we all want it to be, life isn't perfect. And if you want to live your best life, you will need compromise somewhere. And that won't feel good, but it's the only option you have.
Woodbean t1_its8wqe wrote
Quitting is the only way to really fail.
Everything else is just learning… either learning how to do something or learning a way not to do it.
Woodbean t1_its92rz wrote
Are you 100% sure you’ll never need the spare parts?
Sairoxin t1_its96pt wrote
So everything, depending on one's tolerance to life's stressors?
Everything costs you. If u truly do your job you give yourself with each day. I work in hospitals and give a bit of my mental to console my patients.
It's more about managing yourself and not giving too much. Give a little, but be mindful not to give too much or else you burn out too soon.
monalisasnipples t1_itsaahx wrote
everyone quits their job
monalisasnipples t1_itsabym wrote
What did you do??
SooperGenious t1_itsaye3 wrote
Skill issue
Ambitious_Potato91 t1_itsd0gl wrote
So am I supposed to… not live or something? Cuz I’m pretty sure that living is the leading cause of mental health problems…. Js 🤷🏻♀️
Goldstar93 t1_itsdrjk wrote
The golden rule number 2
poexalii t1_itsedzs wrote
Dead people have no mental health - the premise remains valid
Justcameformemeslol t1_itsef5z wrote
So you need to quit quitting..? Sounds like Quitception to me!
TheRealBillyShakes t1_itsfrkm wrote
“An eye (and even my mind!) is but a small price to pay for a dragon.”
- Aemond Targaryen, maybe
madamehelga t1_itsgfjx wrote
Me too! But I finally searched for a new job yesterday and they called me back today and got the interview next week!
[deleted] t1_itsgq2g wrote
Justkillmealready110 t1_itshfit wrote
Tone-deaf bullshit? On r/GetMotivated? Shocked
dplagueis0924 t1_itsi3db wrote
100%, every single thing that you love in life is going to cause you grief at some point. Working through that is what makes things that much more rewarding.
EmergencyPrior6123 t1_itsj4zo wrote
So I should quit college 😟
EmergencyPrior6123 t1_itsjh5r wrote
Tf- so quitting something that can boost ur mental health is good- but quitting itself is also costing u ur mental health? Help me. Trying to understand this is costing me my mental health 🥲
EntMe t1_itslme1 wrote
Alright kids, get back into my balls.
dibbiluncan t1_itsm3lu wrote
Law students everywhere:
Beckys_cunt t1_itsm8hh wrote
That's simply not true. just because you're at work doesn't mean you're working hard.
justanotherfixture t1_itsn2zn wrote
Sadly my landlord doesn’t care about my mental health
somesketchykid t1_itsoue0 wrote
Good luck fellow human
madamehelga t1_itsox07 wrote
Thank you!
TwoStepsSidewards t1_itsptvk wrote
> By that same token, anyone who works more than you can look at you as doing the bare minimum, slacker.
I don't understand how you got to this perspective. It's really a spectrum. You can be a millionaire but not a billionaire. Both are successful, but one is greater than the other. Which in return, the billionaire could say the millionaire is a "slacker" in certain degrees of finance, even though both are successful compared to average income earners. But a 9-5 worker will never be able to tell a millionaire they're a slacker, because they're not as successful fiscally.
The original comment is about how "everyone who works a 9-5 if they work hard should be successful then" which the reality is having a 9-5 is not working "hard" in comparison to someone fiscally independent. It's the bare-minimum, again, everyone should be getting some fitness in through the week as bare-minimum, a lot of people don't do any. That doesn't make the people who do the 3 times a week walk successful in fitness, it makes them the bare-minimum. Now may that bare-minimum be difficult for the individual? It sure may, - but in comparison to the grand scheme of fitness it is not, above average. Where working a 9-5 is average.
>Maybe a one size fits all approach to your perspective is the problem with your outlook
My outlook? The fact you should work beyond the average and desire independence is holding me back? I don't understand how you would think that when the other avenue is just, "do the average 9-5" unless you believe a 9-5 is not average. I'm unsure as you didn't feel inclined to highlight any opposition, you just put up silly insults.
>What do the boots taste like? Never actually licked them myself
This is really odd as you're the advocate for a 9-5 but calling me the bootlicker? Your position is, 'work for someone that's paying me far less than they are getting paid, because that's success" where mine is "9-5 is the starting point, aim higher and work towards it because working for the man won't get you success.' Could you explain how my ideology is "bootlicking" while yours isn't?
Myshoesareloose t1_itsqugd wrote
Sometimes I feel like you guys do this on purpose, take a good but not perfect advice and apply it to the worst of cases to make it seem not good anymore. Believe it or not, there is nothing in this world that would apply for everything or everyone.
Just_A_Thot_For_U t1_itsr4tu wrote
Well it’s easy when the advice is toxic positivity…
warden976 t1_itst2fj wrote
I actually really appreciate this one because sometimes I have trouble letting something I put time, effort and talent into go and cut my losses. Instead I will let it consume me as I try over and over to make it work. I have to tell myself it’s just not worth it. I eventually get there but it’s a process.
Perfidious_Coda t1_itst8au wrote
What if I got more mental health? Is there an amount of mental health I can get so I can afford spending it? Also where do I get mental health?
JacksFlaccidMember t1_itste19 wrote
Good quote
Insanity8016 t1_itstv2m wrote
Goggins would definitely disagree with the image post as well. One might also point out, that even through hard work, and through suffering physically and mentally, you may still fail all the same and end up right back where you started, or worse. And that is heartbreaking, to say the least. But the message lies in trying again.
xQx1 t1_itsv03v wrote
Nobody said anything about getting rid of such problems, they just said they're too expensive.
Children are too expensive.
If you didn't know that 5 years ago, I'm sorry.
As parents, let's shout this from the rooftops:
#virgins of Reddit: Having children is the practically worst thing you can do for your financial future. It is hands-down the worst financial decision most people make in their life. They are also incredibly emotionally draining (sometimes).
They are frightfully expensive in terms of time, money and emotion. Many parents need serious psychological help as a direct result of trying to balance their kids needs with their own.
That said, almost all parents say it's worth it.
denzelclocker t1_itsv0b8 wrote
But it feels too good. And therapy to escape it is too expensive.
xQx1 t1_itsvfij wrote
>If hard work led to success, everyone with a 9 - 5 would be successful.
In 2022 economic terms, everyone with a 9 - 5 is successful.
1Eternallylost t1_itsvg1q wrote
Mental health? I lost that over 60 years ago, and I'm only 55.
zagesquire t1_itsvkyi wrote
What is the definition of mental health? Like going crazy? I am a lawyer and it seems that there is no way you get to keep your “mental health” every day. There are jobs that are very demanding but worth it.
[deleted] t1_itt0c1h wrote
joebidengarlicbread t1_itt37mk wrote
Anyone know what font this is?
mr---jones t1_itt4cd1 wrote
Huuuuugely debateable. Hard things rarely aren't mentally exhausting. If it's going to pay off in the long run often it is 100% worth it. Grinding my ass off long days at work, now I got a cusby spot making 6 figures.
Had I not traded "mental health" for grindset mindset I'd be in a much worse place, feeling much shitter about myself
Suspicious-Elk-3631 t1_itt4chz wrote
For real. This is the kind of coffee mug quote crap they try to sell you at Hobby Lobby. Most people can't just stay home when they need "me time" or drop everything and get a new less stressful job and still pay the bills. Life is hard, take care of yourself and others the best you can and make do. I'm fun at parties.
Suspicious-Elk-3631 t1_itt4hmp wrote
Tree fiddy
hezzospike t1_itt4m09 wrote
I respect Goggins' accomplishments but he (very self admittedly) has some screws loose. He's pushed himself to the point of serious bodily injury on many occasions. Good for motivation in small doses, but not someone to replicate.
Grimville t1_itt5loi wrote
Some extreme training there
jimbop79 t1_itt89pn wrote
I’m having the worst day in over half my life, over something ultimately within my control. But I feel so stressed, lost, and hopeless.
I haven’t given up yet, but it’s hard not to conclude that hard work, honesty, decency, responsibility, and compassion simply aren’t as valuable as I’d like them to be.
But I’ve decided decided to make some changes today, sacrificing things that I really want in order to keep my sanity. It sucks feeling this way, like no matter what I do, things will never get better. Maybe a change of lifestyle will do me some good.
Secret-Plant-1542 t1_itt9k56 wrote
In college, I worked at fast food where most places were paying $7, they paid $10. And they constantly bragged about how much they pay, while taunting to you that you're "lucky" to be working there and they only hire the best of the best. Real cult shit.
I used to finish my shift and drink 3-4 beers to relax. I'm in my late 30s and now have a few medical issues because of my college drinking problem.
chynabrack t1_ittaa58 wrote
I left a new job last Sunday because the owner kept stressing my team so much, that I almost yelled at her for the first ever since I started working as a chef few years ago.
The pay was slightly above average, but my sanity is worth much more than above average pay
BalooDaBear t1_ittao9i wrote
I mean, overall I like school, I do well, and I definitely want the degree...but omggg is it not good for my mental health sometimes (especially since I struggle with ADHD and anxiety) 😅
In life, a lot of the best things for you will have periods where they really push on your mental health, that doesn't mean they aren't worth it or you should drop them.
Imperial_Swine t1_ittat4d wrote
So life?
[deleted] t1_ittbmgv wrote
goldencookie__ t1_ittc1w8 wrote
I had the same thought.
Krakatoast t1_ittfmv8 wrote
Idk man, my primal urges say otherwise, anyone wanna loan me a quarter million so I can fulfill my instinctive drive?
Well also I don’t want one kid to be lonely… I’m here today to once again ask for your support, a half million over 18 years should do the trick
Ofc /s
I really think a lot of people get caught up in the moment and don’t think about that. Ofc life has too many variables to predict and children can be great for some people, but the idea of having an extra half million at retirement age by literally just not having children is… kind of wild. Ofc a lot of ppl become more driven and responsible with children, but the idea kind of boggles my mind.
Not to mention the thousands of hours spent. I mean if someone spends 2 hours a day (total) on two children from 0-18, thats 45 full 16hr days a year, or 2.25 years of full 16 hour days… and about a half million dollars from 0-18
I understand why people have kids, but wow…
dweebkween7 t1_ittg1bd wrote
So twuee
scobsagain t1_ittg4bv wrote
Good luck!
aSharkNamedHummus t1_ittgpwp wrote
There’s a term for positive stress: eustress. Examples are doing puzzles in your free time, or earning a degree. It’s like exercise for your mind.
[deleted] t1_ittik0d wrote
Charming_Love2522 t1_ittiopm wrote
There seems to be an r/unethicallifeprotip in here somewhere
Woodbean t1_ittipdg wrote
I support higher ed - I have a master’s degree myself - but academia’s not for everyone and vocational education is an equally worthwhile pursuit.
FjotraTheGodless t1_ittk941 wrote
My ex must have seen this quote, because he told me he was never going to get himself hurt helping someone else again after breaking up with me when I told him I was feeling suicidal
Neurosaiki t1_ittkyug wrote
I highly recommend JR Rudland research paper on how stress is a paradox and a necessary evil. But this all comes down to how you define stress
Neurosaiki t1_ittlahq wrote
I have worked 9-5 and did a business and trust me as a businessman you are working 24*7 and its hell lot hard than 9-5. I think you are suffering from victim mindset.
BalooDaBear t1_ittmmi1 wrote
Oh yeah, I've experienced that too. A lot of the stress from getting this degree is noooot positive though, it makes me extremely anxious and fucking hate myself sometimes.
aSharkNamedHummus t1_ittnlc9 wrote
Oh I absolutely agree that degrees can fuck you up mentally, and even physically. I’m a chemist. I’m also 3 years into an ulcerative colitis flareup that started because of the (di)stress from organic chem class back in sophomore year. The senior classes made things far worse. I was constantly swimming in homework, trying to meet deadlines, and giving up sleep and any semblance of a social life. I had a near-perfect GPA, and I was downright miserable. Luckily my first job out of college has been extremely low-stress, and it’s magnitudes easier than college.
Hang in there, chief, I know it’s not easy. Please, for the sake of your own well-being, make time to hang out with friends and/or family, even if you have to let your grades slip a little. Perfect grades aren’t worth it. Whatever field you’re shooting for, it’ll get you much farther to know someone on the inside who can recommend you to the boss. Good luck with your degree!
BobbyLeeBob t1_ittt6mt wrote
CokeNmentos t1_ittw83b wrote
Wat, toxic positivity? lmfao we even blaming positivity for our problems now lmfao
EricYorbasTaintSmell t1_ittxsza wrote
Strange... I don't feel like a victim. Are you projecting?
Just_A_Thot_For_U t1_ittyor0 wrote
Hey I’m not blaming anything on how stupid you are, it’s just you lol
IamasimpforObi-Wan t1_ittzl2g wrote
I was a teacher
rotating_pebble t1_itu06v1 wrote
Lol yep, I assume it's only priviledged teenagers making these comments
Next_Faithlessness87 t1_itu16k1 wrote
CokeNmentos t1_itu1jtl wrote
Wat the heck are U talking about. Just gonna block lol
[deleted] t1_itu3dzi wrote
[deleted] t1_itu3ifw wrote
prettyboylee t1_itu569q wrote
People like feeling sorry for themselves and being the victim
CokeNmentos t1_itu5gqk wrote
Yeah haha same as all the BS like 'its ok to be not ok' who cares mother trucker nobody wanna be not OK for their whole life sometimes you gotta fight in order to win
KTFCommander t1_itu77ue wrote
That goes for toxic family and friends as well
[deleted] t1_itucslb wrote
pineal-gland t1_itvgpi6 wrote
No, I really feel relief when I quit something very stressful, which happens to be a lot of things.
fadoxi t1_itpi99l wrote
I have non.
Thanks for reminding me.