Submitted by Douglasqqq t3_za3zct in GetMotivated
RedmannBarry t1_iyk54i2 wrote
Clever girl
Mypopsecrets t1_iyk5l1m wrote
No joke for years I thought this guy was John Cleese, thinking "oh, he must have grown out his hair"
KateBushFuckingSucks t1_iyk6697 wrote
Has anyone ever seen them in the same place at the same time?
CascadianExpat t1_iyk7b4d wrote
Why does everything have to be sexy? Why would I buy a “sexy” raincoat? On my list of characteristics I want in a raincoat, “sexy” does not make an appearance.
Mypopsecrets t1_iyk7w8p wrote
EnvironmentalSpirit2 t1_iyk9d3w wrote
There are no bad weather, just soft people.
someguyontheintrnet t1_iykcjux wrote
ExiledToTerminus t1_iykd2pj wrote
Well, if you can believe this photo , it happened at least once...
BurnySandals t1_iykd30s wrote
About a dozen years ago I saw him at an open mike in SF on a Monday night practicing new material. So when he was pushing 70 and more successful than most of us will ever be he was practicing on his day off. I think that's get motivated plus.
[deleted] t1_iykhywh wrote
LostPooper t1_iykjryp wrote
The weather on the news used to be a picture of a sun or cloud in the corner of the TV screen. At some point it turned into some fool trying to scare you for 20% of the broadcast.
Chromattix t1_iykk3ff wrote
In Sydney and much of the east coast of Australia we had "much needed rain" going non-stop for about seven months. It flooded and destroyed so much. Definitely is such thing as "bad weather" and it's usually when you get another day of the same shit you've had every day for the past month. Same goes for sunshine too - it's all cheery until you have a whole summer of it and your city goes into water restrictions, everything gets dusty and decades-old trees die from the lack of rain.
PandaMayFire t1_iykk9tq wrote
I love rainy weather, it's a personal favorite. It sets the mood for hot stews, soft music, something nice on the rocks, and tranquil sleep.
iPhoneCompass t1_iykt4c5 wrote
It’s -20 and it’s raining, stuck on the highway… I’m so glad I have this awesome raincoat that lets me live a little…
gumball_wizard t1_iykuj5a wrote
The Secret Policeman's Balls!
JillingJacks t1_iykycdu wrote
While in general I agree with the 'no bad weather' thing, I will hold onto my opinion that acid rain is the exception. Even soot-type weather is only inconvenient, acid rain is outright hostile. Hail is dangerous, much like lightning, but both can be beneficial.
I don't think I've ever heard nice things about acid rain beyond 'it wasn't as bad as it could have been' which is a depressing outlook honestly.
AccidentalMintFarmer t1_iykzpls wrote
Obviously this guy does not live in tornado alley.
JaceUpMySleeve t1_iyl24zv wrote
Someone has never lived in the Midwest.
sneaky_squirrel t1_iyl6mb3 wrote
I always thought sunny was really bad weather.
I'd get dizzy from excessive exposure to the sun.
Rain is the most comfortable weather.
ScareBear1313 t1_iylb0gr wrote
How is he EIGHTY?!?!?!?!
Oh my word.
Also, I love his wife so much. I have her autobiography. She’s the coolest.
Willsie777 t1_iylcbsx wrote
chipkoandolan t1_iylckpl wrote
I think the original quote was by Alfred Wainwright.
Jasminefirefly t1_iyld3pr wrote
That saying, "There is no bad weather, only bad clothing" is quite popular in Iceland, where I'm pretty sure they know cold.
Draeton_ali t1_iyld6e8 wrote
Damn and Rowan Atkinson, that's brit comedy royalty all in one photo.
GoblinOfTheLonghall t1_iylewic wrote
And isn't homeless.
VolvicApfel t1_iylhgdw wrote
Having high Temperatur and No rain is bad weather.
Flat_Difference3782 t1_iyli695 wrote
Sounds like a Barry Crump saying to me.
Professional_Ad_8 t1_iyljqel wrote
Coldest winter I ever spent was summer in Scotland:)
SloanWarrior t1_iylmsbg wrote
This is just how people think in Scotland. It rains so damn much that you don't really have a choice but to make the most of any weather.
[deleted] t1_iylp0yb wrote
precinctomega t1_iylrapw wrote
"If ye hadnae got yur wullies, Wheir wid ye be?"
EddiTheBambi t1_iylsk7n wrote
We have the exact same in Sweden, and it rhymes!
"Det finns inget dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder"
If Google translate is to be trusted the Icelandic quote is "Það er ekkert slæmt veður, aðeins slæmur klæðnaður" which also rhymes and is surprisingly close to a slightly archaic Swedish direct translation "Det är icke dåligt väder, endast dåliga kläder". The only word without a corresponding word in Swedish seems to be "slæmur" which seems to come from Danish, the Danes originally having borrowed it from Germans.
Schaden666 t1_iylu61j wrote
Coming from a place with 300 days of sunshine a year and droughts rain is a blessing.
lost_throwaway121 t1_iyluig9 wrote
Hello hello, Montgomery Montgomery
[deleted] t1_iylvjl2 wrote
PM_ME_YOUR_MESMER t1_iylyvgk wrote
All this time I've been thinking it was bad weather.
I was just wearing the wrong clothes for a hurricane.
Intelligent_Series95 t1_iylzjke wrote
Yeah that's what I was thinking myself lol. Oh I've seen some bad weather and I love rain :)
I don't love trees bending and hail during twisters.
SelfLazy2406 t1_iym1krf wrote
i thought he was dead, oh well hell be dead soon
pandasashu t1_iym2k7o wrote
Yeah there is bad weather. He is talking about a light english rain. If its a rain with tons of wind and in the 30s/40s, not so nice.
Or how about a hurricane?
Not everything has to be good.
Warm_Philosopher_118 t1_iym2oaf wrote
But not going out in a sexy raincoat ;) I agree with all your points above though
Edit: typo
pinewind108 t1_iym3pdi wrote
Whoa, I had no idea Rowan Atkinson was so tall! Billy's a solid 6 feet.
pinewind108 t1_iym3z6y wrote
I flew into Oslo in October, and was in awe of the cold weather clothing they were selling there. That was some serious stuff. It snowed that week and I happened to see a group of school kids on a trip (maybe 5-6 years old?) and they were really decked out!
pinewind108 t1_iym44lu wrote
Actually, I think he lives in Key West now! (He said the warm weather helps with his Parkinsons.)
HoverShark_ t1_iym4t6q wrote
Just out of the spotlight due to Parkinson’s
Ink_25 t1_iym4teu wrote
You've been invited to become a moderator for r/Hamburg
Aber es ist halt wirklich so :D
EddiTheBambi t1_iym67te wrote
Yeah, having grown up in Norrland I'm well accustomed to dressing for winter. Mittens, not gloves, cover the face with a breathable bandana or mask, wear a warm hat and padded trousers. Don't forget the woollen underwear to keep the heat in and the sweat off your skin.
sonofthenation t1_iym89zb wrote
I hate weatherpeople who say what a beautiful day it’s going to be on a nice 60 degree day in Jan when it’s supposed to be 30.
MisterD90x t1_iym8htp wrote
Clearly never had to bike several miles to work, in high winds and rain, don't matter what you wear it still sucks ass
bhoe32 t1_iym8r9b wrote
It's mostly fro
pratticus12 t1_iym93uf wrote
Say that to the 60 mph wind gusts I'm currently experiencing. Then add rain to it and tell me it's not worse.
Parking-Mud-1848 t1_iymavpb wrote
It’s absolutely impossible not to read this in his incredibly distinctive voice
Kuczi_Peter t1_iymebsj wrote
There is no bad weather, yeah tell that to someone who works outside all year...
NorwegianGirl_Sofie t1_iymf4oj wrote
Rain is nice though. I love falling asleep to the sound of intense rain and when it's cold.
Rain + cold is the perfect weather.
PARKOUR_ZOMBlE t1_iymh871 wrote
“We don’t have balls!”
Thorzcun t1_iymhjoa wrote
It's popular here i Norway as well. Honestly i hate that phrase. Try telling it to some guy who lost everything to a flood or something
sukisuki2gp t1_iymhmqq wrote
Come to the middle east. Always sunny withiut w chance of rainfall.
anangrytaco t1_iymi8fd wrote
He looks a lot like that captain/officer from The Last Samurai
Onetap1 t1_iymiv7w wrote
Onetap1 t1_iymjfnm wrote
The proper clothing for such weather is a car.
MisterD90x t1_iymjp4n wrote
True I guess :D
wonko_abnormal t1_iymmtr4 wrote
just not a beige raincoat ...or anything else for that matter
aloneontheinternet t1_iymtgyg wrote
"If you're gonna get wet, might aswell enjoy the rain"
bajsgreger t1_iymu5jd wrote
Det finns inget dåligt väder. Bara dåliga kläder
RedditIsDogshit1 t1_iymytbo wrote
Fuck that. Rain coats suck.
[deleted] t1_iyn0d5b wrote
not_a_burner_kthx t1_iyn2pnz wrote
No women, no children.
Wind-and-Waystones t1_iyn3egn wrote
There's a good chance he did, or maybe walked, when working on the shipyards in Glasgow
Bitter-Basket t1_iyn43kl wrote
Stolen. Old Norwegian saying.
ACuteMonkeysUncle t1_iyn4fwv wrote
If you need special clothing to deal with it, it's bad weather.
FreyasCloak t1_iyn6v44 wrote
Upvote Billy Connolly any day.
w_cruice t1_iyn7pv7 wrote
Wish I could internalize this. I tend to be negative far too much. As in, it should always be sunny, but not TOO bright, warm but not hot, rain when I don't need to go out, etc, etc, etc. I need to be more stoic about this, just accept the world as it is, and dress accordingly. 🙃
MisterD90x t1_iyn7rvm wrote
Yeah more than likely had it a lot worse than I do, I just like to moan :D
Dawg_Prime t1_iyn8r4s wrote
the 9th ward would like a word with you
feckless_ellipsis t1_iynhtdu wrote
Peter Cook as well.
my-name-you-reddit t1_iynnn0x wrote
He apperantly hasn’t been in Norway
isthataflashlight t1_iynsp54 wrote
“Every day is beautiful. Only the weather changes.” - Random dude in a chip truck.
Maccabee2 t1_iyo18xz wrote
That saying is from Norway.
Mendel247 t1_iyo2c87 wrote
I'm an English teacher. My 11 year old Finnish student asked me in October what the outer trousers you wear over your normal trousers "like a jacket" are called. I had to explain to her that while they exist there are just so many names for them because they're just not common enough to have one universally recognised name like a coat or jacket does. We decided we'd use ski pants. She was amazed we don't all own several pairs in the UK. I can completely understand why she'd feel that way given how cold it is there
stormrockox t1_iyo47pv wrote
Just looking at him you know he oozes optimism
Aurelius314 t1_iyo5fek wrote
Houses=! clothing my good dude.
Aurelius314 t1_iyo5nh2 wrote
You just need another sweater, and a rainproof jacket. And better shoes with thicker socks in them.
Aurelius314 t1_iyo5u18 wrote
You should visit Bergen, which had close to 250-300 days of rain per year, give or take.
Aurelius314 t1_iyo60n1 wrote
Nonsense. You ever went sunbathing in jeans?
Dimplestrabe t1_iyoen7c wrote
I read this in The Big Yin's voice.
He's our Morgan Freeman.
EddiTheBambi t1_iyooo1i wrote
I never thought about that. Interesting! In Sweden we call them "täckbyxor" or "termobyxor", "cover-pants" or "thermo-pants" respectively. Looking into It I found that sometimes "salopettes" can be used in English, the word is likely borrowed from French, perhaps Canadian since the climate is cold enough there to warrant their use.
Mendel247 t1_iyoqgp7 wrote
I've never even heard of salopettes!
Fir_Chlis t1_iyp8kim wrote
Jesus, dude. Billy grew up in Scotland and worked outdoors in the shipyards - he wasn’t unaware of inclement weather. Don’t be so literal.
Fir_Chlis t1_iyp8zve wrote
He has. He used to do a brilliant bit about being baffled by Norway. A whole ten minute piece about it being so cold that he woke up one morning with an ice cube in his bed so he threw it in the fire and it went fart noise.
Fir_Chlis t1_iyp979s wrote
He did. He started his career as a welder in the Glasgow shipyards.
Jasminefirefly t1_iypuc7e wrote
Nordic languages are so fascinating to me. Thanks!
my-name-you-reddit t1_iyqn3u6 wrote
Yeah i know. But, at the same time most people here constantly complain
SageByrgenwerth t1_iyk4qlt wrote
Spoken like a man who hasn’t had walk to buy cigarettes during a blizzard at -40 º.