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Blue_Eagle8 t1_izwgjz1 wrote

Overthinking kills happiness only if you don’t know how to use it properly. Chronic over thinker here and I have many situations ready in my head. I’ve saved many people from injuries and robberies because I overthink everything and I found flaws in certain situations.

I was also ready for the pandemic 3 months before it was declared a pandemic because I overthink and had understood that the epidemic in China will soon spread throughout the world.

Just don’t let it cause you anxiety. It took me 3 years to control anxiety.


anoelr1963 t1_izwldqn wrote

Hmmm...let me process that....


mandatory6 t1_izwlpbn wrote

They don’t wan’t you think. They wan’t you to stop asking questions and finding out the truth behind all the lies you are told everyday.


yallneedvaseline t1_izwn9lh wrote

sees this post 🥰

realizing that I am in fact not happy and haven’t been since 2019

overthinking intensifies


tunacan94 t1_izwoofg wrote

Do it don't think about

Unless it's dangerous then think twice about it


PlayHumankind t1_izwq441 wrote

So true!! That's how I was able to quit drinking for self medication. Finally realized it doesn't actually work it just makes it worse lol took over a year to finally realize that and quit


B4SSF4C3 t1_izwqvw4 wrote

It also separates the body from the mind, withers your intuition, and makes you miss opportunities. Same for overanalyzing.


frupp110 t1_izwvrs0 wrote

Warning should have a colon after it. Now I’m sad.


twobangs t1_izwyf4k wrote

This is one of those tropes that's kind of true, but then people use it as an excuse to just be a shitty person, without "overthinking" about what they're doing or the outside effects, in the form of zero personal accountability.


drillar t1_izwyswd wrote

Fake billboard posts kill my happiness too. Especially when the words are crooked. Why does the O crossover the division in the middle of the sign? There is a line that could of been used to align the text properly...


A-purple-bird t1_izwz8c7 wrote

No, no it doesn't.

Also r/wowthaksimcured op


Blue_Eagle8 t1_izwzfuq wrote

You can channelise overthinking to serve you basically and then it becomes a super power of sorts that will still waste a ton of your time and energy but will lead to something


s33k t1_izx137c wrote



Plant_Help345 t1_izx2cwt wrote

Is this a joke post? How is this motivating?


llMrExclusivell t1_izx34sw wrote

So now your going to make me overthink my overthinking?


sopikken t1_izx38jl wrote

I Don trust this sing


caseCo825 t1_izx3t0p wrote

Is this from the movie They Live?

Don't think, only consume.


Mindlez727 t1_izx4sft wrote

But ... I was correct about all of it... and when the truth came out ... I realized I wasn't over-thinking ... my subconscious was picking up on their dishonesty. I will never second guess or doubt my instincts again. And neither should anyone else.


Grzzld t1_izx5b8e wrote

Ignorance is bliss.


Grzzld t1_izx5de0 wrote

Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.


lazy_phoenix t1_izx6lhj wrote

And don't confuse overthinking with being smart. You can be smart and not overthink things.


Apoc73 t1_izx7b50 wrote

Ignorance is bliss.


BenjaBrownie t1_izx7hrl wrote

You're right, it's not that I am forced to spend the majority of my time and energy generating profit for someone who doesn't care if I live or die, it's the overthinking!! Wow, great advice, OP, that's not reductionist at all.


Jackal000 t1_izx85eh wrote

My ADHD-PI brain has left the chat


Majukun t1_izx9b1f wrote

Yeah, stupid people are usually very happy


Pollopio t1_izx9thk wrote

Ignorance is strength


XBattousaiX t1_izxtqz6 wrote

Can admit.

I'm still single because I overthink everything.

Worst part is, I know it, but can't seem to do things properly to address it.


OuchTownDown t1_izxulae wrote

This is huge news! For anyone out there who cannot afford your medication to keep you alive, all you have to do is stop overthinking it and everything will be fine!!!


Certain_Dot_4105 t1_izxv8ef wrote

But under thinking kills other peoples happiness 🤷‍♀️ can we just meet in the middle? 😂


endoire t1_izxz5zq wrote

The best thing my mentor taught me when working with me on my thesis dueing college will always stick with me: Perfection is the enemy of done. I feel these go hand in hand with each other


GeneralPokey t1_izxzdy2 wrote

What the hell is THAT supposed to mean?!?


derkpip t1_izy0kyp wrote

Florida state motto?


PSFREAK33 t1_izy541n wrote

Wish I could stop it...but the fact that overthinking sometimes reinforces itself when some thoughts are proven to be true is hard to kick the habit. Are we suppose to live in blissful ignorance? Are people who aren't overthinkers just oblivious and turn a blind eye to things they do wrong or should consider further?


zebrahdh t1_izy5v5t wrote

Yeah just be blindly blissful like cattle walking into a slaughter house. That’s motivating.


ionertia t1_izybb58 wrote

Yeah if you stop thinking, you can join all the zombies sleepwalking through life.


LisaThorpe t1_izyhtw0 wrote

“Ignorance is bliss…”


harryhoudini66 t1_izyjiw1 wrote

“We suffer more often in imagination that in reality.” — Seneca


Darktrigger2 t1_izyk3g1 wrote

I overthink so much and it ruins everything in my life. It’s a constant struggle especially when you barely give yourself a chance. I feel like my heart has more control over my body then my brain sometimes.


ryoon21 t1_izyl3dd wrote

The ol’ “ignorance is bliss” message. Not exactly motivating lol


sprybug t1_izyqgh7 wrote

What idiot spent money on that?


giant_red_lizard t1_izz2yht wrote

Great, now I'm overthinking the purpose and implementation of that sign.


addrien t1_izz6iw1 wrote

And under thinking kills the happiness of others.


Curse_of_madness t1_izzhqgc wrote

That really depends on a lot of factors. Like, I'm feeling happy when writing my book. But I'm forced to overthink things so that I don't miss plot holes and a lot of other things. So in that instance, overthinking is essential for my happiness.


StiffNipples94 t1_izzigzc wrote

I've thought about this and it turns out to be true.


al3237 t1_izzlhcy wrote

Aye mate, ill overthink about that, cheers


itwhiz100 t1_izzo12o wrote

But keeps you employed just a little longer -fml


Wise_Cheetah_9159 t1_izzquxx wrote

That is a thought I think we should have on the night table, taped on the fridge, as wallpaper on the cell phone, and a note near the desk at work. Sometimes we let many important things pass us by, and we fail to act because we get stuck thinking, "what could happen?" Better to take action and learn from what happened.


PaidRenegade t1_izzuo1k wrote

Fuck this is so true. I’m one of those over analyzing types. Lol at the people in these comments overthinking the sign.


erlesage t1_izzvhzg wrote

Warning: awareness reveals the dystopian hellscape we have wrought


AerisDragon t1_izzzt2w wrote

me with anxiety and depression

Sure thing bud.


giostarship t1_j00210f wrote

This sounds like a slogan that would be said in a dystopian society.


bigwag t1_j0030ff wrote

Rudolf Steiner disagrees


11fingerfreak t1_j005uv9 wrote

> Warning: Thinking kills your happiness



mrmightypants t1_j005z3x wrote

Reminds me of “YOLO.” Was a nice idea when it meant to be adventurous, try new things, etc. Then it became an excuse to do whatever the fuck with no concern for how one’s actions affect other people.


dew20187 t1_j0084di wrote

This is a no brained but my brain does not want to understand that concept. Oh well, guess I’m perpetually screwed


Origami_Theory t1_j00jr31 wrote

Well damn... Me and my ADHD will see our sad selves out then.


Sol_idum t1_j00mgjk wrote

Failing also kills your happiness


reisenbime t1_j00ncou wrote

What is dead may never die.


nootrac_ t1_j00pnqn wrote

Now I’m overthinking about how overthinking will kill my happiness


hantar7788 t1_j00r24k wrote

Usually my mind is full of thoughts, it overthinks stuff....however I sometimes have moments when my mind is those moments


Aerikuh t1_j00r9w2 wrote

Thanks OP. NOW I'm thinking about overthinking. This is absurd.


Nevermemory t1_j00raut wrote

I'm going with false, because if it's true then I'm permanently unhappy, which is sad because I'm pretty sure I can't really stop thinking.


agent_wolfe t1_j00rpls wrote

“I want to be happy! But how do I stop thinking? Oh god know I’m thinking about thinking. Oh god now I’m thinking about that! I can’t stop, help, I just wanna be happy!” - my usual 10pm panic attack


BakerDiff t1_j00rtjh wrote

I don't know how to react.


Gabemiami t1_j00tsvn wrote

“Worry is a misuse of imagination.” – Dan Zadra


oOzonee t1_j00ue7s wrote

Most people who say that don’t actually refer to over thinking but rather just not closing your eyes. At least that’s the experience I had with people saying something like that.


Harry_Flowers t1_j00wacb wrote

This is a bad one… in a country ridden with idiots who don’t think enough, let’s not add fuel to that fire.


doctorthemoworm t1_j0115zj wrote

It's just too bad that most of us overthinkers already know this, and folks with anxiety really aren't gonna have much control over that without therapy and possibly medication.


GregPond t1_j011bf0 wrote

Blessed is the mind too small for doubt


thefirenation01 t1_j0146vs wrote

Can definitely attest to this I remember reading this line somewhere about how overthinking and anxiety is the interest you pay to a bad thing that hasn't even happened yet


FiascoFinn t1_j0164f5 wrote

Had this chat with my boyfriend once. Overthinking is obviously never good… but it can often be better than under-thinking 😅


Muscalp t1_j017ded wrote

People take advice and reminders given in good faith and treat it like therapeutical guidance and then say „wowthximcured“. Maybe just stop being a cynical ass or get off the sub.


Muscalp t1_j017hga wrote

As always, people here can‘t stop being smartasses


Grzzld t1_j01d7r5 wrote

Lateralus by Tool. Best way I can describe Tool’s music is the scene in the movie Contact. The blind guy is listening to the signal and he realizes there is more than what is first realized. Lateralus is an example of that as they use the Fibonacci sequence for some of the measures. It’s built around the golden ratio. Then the juxtaposition of the lyrics which is to stop overthinking things. It’s good stuff.


TheToxicTea t1_j01njpu wrote

I know but I can’t seem to stop doing it :/


Somorev t1_j2df4n7 wrote

My last wife certainly could have used this advice...