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t1_j06av1j wrote

Learn who taught you to hate yourself. They probably had an agenda.


t1_j06g5fd wrote

That would be me.


t1_j0b7hdd wrote

I question that, friend. Most children don't have that kind of facility, this is someone whispering or shouting in your ear.

In my case, it was my dysfunctional family. You Always Have a Victim/Scapegoat if They Are Too Crippled To Leave!


t1_j0dj6ff wrote

I’m 48. I’ve made bad choices in my adult years that have led to a very sub-optimal life and I’m paying for it.

I’m very overweight and that is a direct result of bad decisions or lack of good decisions on my part.

I’m lonely and miserable because of social awkwardness/shyness that I didn’t deal with over the years.

I spent years getting low wages because I was too afraid to speak up for myself or look for better-paying jobs.

I know whose fault it is that I’m not happy: mine.


t1_j0g2ifr wrote

Awareness is the first step.

You ain't dead yet, friend. Don't give up on yourself.


t1_j0tl2x1 wrote

It comes and goes. Some days I think “why bother?” and other days I make long term plans. Especially with my recent break up, I really need to follow those plans.


t1_j06nwf4 wrote

Hmm, what’s on my agenda for today.. ah yes. Here we are. 1. Make Tom hate himself.


t1_j0b7bsr wrote

Well, in the case of my Ubpd father and Emom, "Make sure she feels incapable of the minutest of tasks so she never leaves home."