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Ill_Log9013 t1_j4wfkds wrote

Instructions unclear I shit myself on a date


[deleted] t1_j4whj6b wrote

This chart is likely a lot more profound than I'm able to give it credit for, right now. On account of how absolutely scared of everything I am at this point.


break_card t1_j4wkhas wrote

This flowchart also applies to snapping ones own penis like a glowstick.


CheckMateFluff t1_j4wkiv3 wrote

There are some things you should not do scared. Like being a surgeon, or Crain operator


companysOkay t1_j4wl93c wrote

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking and we’re about to be landing scared


JDBCool t1_j4woigd wrote

Do it with minimal effort and get chewed out.

And look at it again and think "how can I improve minimal effort so that I won't get chewed out".

Innovation 101. Laziness is key.

Not a joke, why did we automate things? We don't want to do it ourselves, so we made machines to do it for us.


Think_Edge5920 t1_j4wrbe0 wrote

My brain is more like

I want to do this -> I don't want to do this


richeyr t1_j4wuovm wrote

Once you've got a task to do, it's better to do it than live with the fear of it. - Logen Ninefingers


Solutar t1_j4wuqo7 wrote the sit up bench were alot of strangers....


tilalk t1_j4wyz0m wrote

Finally, motivation to end myself (this is dark joke don't be scared )


menickc t1_j4x1hja wrote

I have to go to prison next week so... terrified.

Edit: I made this post knowing it would be a little misleading but seeing all the support is 1) awesome and 2) makes me feel a little bad.

I do have to go to prison but it's only for a day. It's part of training for my job (which is not prison guard or anything like that) and apparently I will be with the inmates and I've heard horror stories. Obvious verbal assault but I think I can handle that (I pray I can handle that) but people have had things thrown at them (excrement and other bodily fluids) and lots of threats. Haven't heard of any physical attacks yet though.

Sorry if anyone feels lies to just wanted to clear that up.


Tortsol t1_j4x3d86 wrote

If this is true good luck to you man, the only thing that’s going to save you is your perspective. It’s going to be extremely difficult to change your perspective facing something that difficult but you can do it.


TheLaziestAdam t1_j4x4uct wrote

I'm extremely needle-phobic but I need some blood tests.

I'm gonna go to the hospital scared in a few weeks, but I'm gonna go, wish me luck!


MisterPuffyNipples t1_j4x4v51 wrote

I don’t want to do this but I have no choice and I’m still scared, also doing it everyday gives me anxiety

It’s my job :/


GeekyGirl15 t1_j4x58mq wrote

I love this! What a wonderful contribution to the internet!!


Beliahr t1_j4x7926 wrote

Wait, you can do things NOT scared?


Traumfahrer t1_j4xczj7 wrote

Better way is:

Realize you are scared and what you are scared of.

Do it with that realization and respect your fears.


MH7331MH t1_j4xe2xh wrote

Time to fuck a blender 😎


Unfixed0earth t1_j4xebb3 wrote

Tbh I find it easier to do “scary” things, rather simple chores 🥲


VeryMoist_in t1_j4xeevl wrote

Better to do it than to live with the fear of it.


Mr_master89 t1_j4xevs2 wrote

Fear is a survival instinct, if you're scared of something maybe there's a reason.


JDBCool t1_j4xf3a6 wrote


He totally did, the smarter people are the ones who know how to laze properly. (Do it without getting caught/find efficiencies)

"Lazy" people that most corporations seem to use as their "poster models" are actually just "slower". They just need a bit more time to figure stuff out.

Used to work at a warehouse where labour was a big thing, "lazy" people were those who were slow and didn't follow properly.

The smart people where able to keep pace, but in a more relaxed state, because they knew how to not tire themselves out.

To put this in a tangible perspective. The "lazy" worker would box things and tape them 1 by 1. (Take more time, get less done. Because hourly wages)

The smarter worker would box everything in 1 go, then tape them in 1 go. Basically be in a position to do a repetitive task. By being repetitive, you can do the same motion and think less.


hiricinee t1_j4xfgb0 wrote

Doing things scared is much more fun. Some of my best experiences. Doing things normally doesn't have the thrill.


aoc_ftw t1_j4xi6vw wrote

"DO IT SCARED" - Shia LaBeouf


BarkinDolphins t1_j4xjehy wrote

I'm going to punch that dick bear who keeps taking my honey in the face


BlackCloudMagic t1_j4xlo6m wrote

Any other visio people annoyed by the lack of a decision tree


Nightblade20 t1_j4xly1z wrote

Doing it scared is pretty crappy advice in most cases.

If you try to do a backflip scared, you will mentally sike yourself out, fault to commit, and land on your fucking head. Game over, all because in the moment you forgot how to make the rotation happen, or how to jump properly. You were thinking more about how afraid you are.

If you try to do a presentation scared, you'll have your audience thinking harder about the words you fumbled and stuttered than the ideas you're communicating. People don't really piss themselves, but you'll likely have sweat marks on your back and your pits, some dripping down your face, some shakiness that indicates low confidence and doesn't inspire confidence from others, et cetera.

If you're firing a gun scared, you may just drop it, or forget your trigger discipline. Accidentally turn it towards a friendly target while you're gushing to them about how much that recoil startled you, or just point it at your foot while you squint to see if your shot landed.

Driving on the highway for the first time? If you're scared, you might be looking at the mirrors more than the road, or the road more than the mirrors. You might drift from your lane or forget to maintain speed.

Asking out the chick you like? Newsflash bro, you might be afraid because you know you smell like shit, your teeth are unbrushed, or you're wearing a stupid "eat sleep game repeat" t-shirt, or just because you're simply batting out of your league, or you're shooting for someone with whom you have no rapport, no prior exchanges, haven't even traded introductions yet. Your brain will know if something's wrong and tell you accordingly.

Fear is an instinctual response to unknown prospects. Ignoring your fear is done by silencing the logical part of your brain, which yeah might let you do it, but also will allow you to do it incorrectly and distracted, so in certain instances powering through can just cause harm. Sometimes, doing it anyways is just what you need to do, but if it's something you only want to do then it might be better to step back and think about it before you're in action and on the spot. That's why I would revise this advice to "prepare, and do it ready."

Listen in on your brain if you're afraid. Brains should be rational by design, so there will always be a real reason it thinks it's not so good of an idea. Don't override it, pick it apart, and prepare yourself in advance to remove that confounding variable from the equation.


bonerJR t1_j4xnlm6 wrote

Yo just last night I finished the wiring harness on my project car. It was petrifying in that I was scared my hours of work would burn or break. Stuff broke, but not the bad stuff!


GogglesPisano t1_j4xpy1b wrote

Bran thought about it. 'Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?' 'That is the only time a man can be brave,' his father told him.


W-h3x t1_j4xtvjl wrote

I definitely did it scared.

Was in a toxic living situation with a job that worked me to death... Wanted out. Packed all my shit up in Kansas City and took a job in Michigan I was barely qualified for. Loaded all my shit into a U-Haul & crammed my family into the front at 5am, and headed to where I am now.

Couldn't be happier. Great friends, happy family, great job, little to no stress... Honestly best thing I've ever done.

I was terrified to fail before I got here & everything would crumble. It didn't. I've got Lake Michigan right down the street & life is good.


alfredthedinosaur t1_j4xvvcx wrote

Doing it scared is how I learned how to skydive. And that unlocked a whole world of possibilities and new experiences for me, to the point that I feel it changed my whole life trajectory and outlook.

All of your examples (except shooting a gun, which i agree is a different scenario for this) all are responses that fear inhibit you from experiencing and learning. Learning new things is scary. For example, I was scared shitless first time I drove on the freeway. Now, I'm beyond proficient at it and ride a motorcycle. I was scared shitless each time I asked my girlfriends out for the first times, they said yes and i got to experience relationships with them. Sometimes you have to overcome the fear by doing it, or life will just pass you by.

To each their own, I guess. Some people are too scared.


Nightblade20 t1_j4y2dvg wrote

You decisively missed the point. Yeah indeed for sure fear can be overcome by simply doing it successfully for the first time, but in order to actually be successful you need to prepare, always without exception. I'm sure you had prepared yourself for all of that, motorcycle classes before you got your bike, skydiving lessons before you were in the plane with a reputable pilot and instructor, leaving the Minecraft t-shirt in the wardrobe before offering a date. Good for you, but you didn't succeed just because you decided to. You did because you were prepared, and you were prepared because you were afraid from the beginning. If you followed the advice in the image to the letter, you'd have thrown yourself out of the plane afraid, but confident in your ability to figure out the parachute. Fear is necessary to hold us all back from recklessness.

I do think you're right. Some people certainly are too scared. The advice to simply do things regardless of being scared just isn't helpful or motivating to those people though. It's a real succinct-looking message, but it doesn't help them actually deal with the fear. Fear can be paralyzing and disabling when you least want it to be, just an evolutionary flaw. Overcoming it takes a lot of reasoning with that fight-or-flight part of the brain to flip that switch all the way towards fight. And I'm not talking "mad-scramble-thrash-and-flail-for-your-life" fight, I'm talking "kick-ass-take-names-and-make-a-name-for-myself" fight. Nobody that holds your attention does so with fear in their eyes. He or she does it with a plan behind them, and with knowledge and skills further back in their head. Success isn't just manifested and neither is confidence, both are borne from preparation.


DJDoofeshmirtz3 t1_j519qon wrote

With all due respect, this is terrible advice for suicidal people