
johnsolomon t1_jef69e3 wrote

I agree with this. I understand the urge to play devil's advocate but I do think the principle of this picture is a good one. It's implied that there's something better -- an opportunity -- at the top of that latter, so it's pointless to take the photo out of context.

At the end of the day, it's just warning people not to wreck their future to be comfortable now. It's something a lot of us need and I took something away from this reminder. I have a lot of dreams and I've honestly been sitting on my hands lately, so it was a useful kick in the butt.


johnsolomon t1_j4cnati wrote

So what, are these kids gonna get punished if they clap a buddy on the shoulder after winning a game or hug a friend when they're down? Sounds like they're just going to foster some really socially awkward teenagers

Additionally, I could understand it if it was a primary school, but doing it in a secondary school is a bit weird. Putting general physical contact aside, I don't even see how they can stop romantic relationships forming in a school jam-packed with hormonal teenagers xD Well, good luck, I guess