Submitted by Lonely-Inspector-548 t3_10z2lu2 in GetMotivated
InformalPenguinz t1_j8199ht wrote
Two steps forward, one step back, is still one step forward!
k4b0odls t1_j81b0z2 wrote
Nope just a steady decline for me
beeskness420 t1_j81belc wrote
Derivatives be like.
FullVinceMode t1_j81coxo wrote
Progress downwards is still progress
k4b0odls t1_j81de1g wrote
Fixing to progress to a noose in my closet at this rate.
FullVinceMode t1_j81eflz wrote
Find your worst addiction, gaming/alcohol/drugs/porn and quit it for 30 days please.
And talk to someone qualified.
Vihzel t1_j81guic wrote
Only 376,382 steps to go until I feel happy enough to go out for dinner.
Pickledprat t1_j81h891 wrote
It's definitely the left one but thanks for the optimism.
InformalPenguinz t1_j81hamm wrote
Well Google says average steps a year is around 75k which seems low to me... anyway that's only 5 years till you can go out. If you break that down it's only 60 months..... also ubereats exists lol
[deleted] t1_j81hp57 wrote
gamerdude69 t1_j81jham wrote
Get Atomic Habits on Audible. I want 40% of all your future successes as payment.
405cw t1_j81kklx wrote
No, average miles walked in a lifetime is 75k. Average steps a year is just under 2.5mil.
InformalPenguinz t1_j81kqo8 wrote
Oohhhh I must've misread, thank you for the edit kind internet stranger.
405cw t1_j81kxz4 wrote
No prob! I hit just under 10k a day so I noticed it was off.
InformalPenguinz t1_j81l6t2 wrote
That's why I put seems a lil low.. I did not fact check my fact check. Classic rookie mistake
Archersbows7 t1_j81mauu wrote
The idea behind this is true and sound, but the way the green arrow was drawn is just stupid. The green arrow doesn't have any steps backward in it at all, it just has side steps and upwards. We all know that there's steps backward during growth.
Orsus7 t1_j81n7f4 wrote
Progress is never always up. It should look like the left but slowly going up more than down over time.
[deleted] t1_j81nub5 wrote
crujones33 t1_j81nwvo wrote
crujones33 t1_j81nzox wrote
Why Audible and not a book?
Because I’m wondering if I should get an Audible account.
Flushles t1_j81opaq wrote
This is what I feel like learning a second language then I hear people speak and understand them, except for Chileanos their Spanish is wild.
pvaa t1_j81r49m wrote
BrownGypsy t1_j81r64r wrote
Thanks, I needed this.
westernarc t1_j81rr3o wrote
I track my archery data and it's objectively the left one...
Resident_Advisor_292 t1_j81s9w3 wrote
All I see is my O2 sensor working fine, and my long term fuel trim going up!? Do I have a vacuum leak?
NinjaJuice t1_j81sfbk wrote
I got it backwards.
DeanCheesePritchard t1_j81ukg7 wrote
Libby is free you just need a library card. Wait times can be a little long though depending on your library. I had audible and liked it but it began to get a bit expensive over time.
k4b0odls t1_j81ukun wrote
Only if you promise to pay 40% of my debts when I eventually fail.
crujones33 t1_j81urb7 wrote
Yeah, expense is why I haven’t done it yet. I think there’s a monthly plan to get one free book a month. My old job did that and we shared it.
gamerdude69 t1_j81w99p wrote
gamerdude69 t1_j81wgik wrote
Imo because it makes the average person more likely to actually finish the book. I think if you are determined to finish the book regardless, reading is better. Especially in this case, because it's a book you'll want to reference for a while as you learn to implement this knowledge.
Lonely-Inspector-548 OP t1_j81whru wrote
I’m really happy you found this useful, I made it myself for someone else feeling low so even though it is really simplified I’m happy I got the point across :)
Outrageous_Writer_99 t1_j81wtjz wrote
Include some deep ass valleys, and yeah. Lol. Still moving up...
Null_error_ t1_j820brn wrote
Function vs integral of the function.
Original-Ad-4642 t1_j820lkm wrote
People don’t think it be like that, but it do.
FriendCountZero t1_j820nfl wrote
I'd like to know your sources lmao
Commie-commuter t1_j821si6 wrote
This has more to it than sounds. Resting a bit is often known to increase efficiency in the long run.
noodles_seldoon t1_j822fea wrote
Stop making me cry, reddit.
jcreeks t1_j822pgr wrote
This looks like when i learned about derivatives
chronoboy1985 t1_j823ac2 wrote
2tan(x) + 3
Circadian78 t1_j823dws wrote
This made me smile, thank you 😊
Nam3alread7used t1_j823yej wrote
I wish
BigBoysenberry1 t1_j826r6y wrote
Unfortunately that’s the chart on my weight.
Fickle-Republic-3479 t1_j828h6l wrote
Yes! But man does it feel uncomfortable.
Vio94 t1_j8299b3 wrote
Inside each of those inclines and peaks on the left side is the graph on the right side. But it's definitely still the left side in the end.
Lonely-Inspector-548 OP t1_j829o09 wrote
Lonely-Inspector-548 OP t1_j829qf7 wrote
i didn’t mean to make you cry friend! i really hope this helped
[deleted] t1_j82bei7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j82bf6i wrote
[deleted] t1_j82bfxc wrote
[deleted] t1_j82bgoy wrote
[deleted] t1_j82bhbp wrote
[deleted] t1_j82bhsj wrote
[deleted] t1_j82bi8w wrote
[deleted] t1_j82bios wrote
[deleted] t1_j82bj6x wrote
[deleted] t1_j82bjri wrote
[deleted] t1_j82bkcc wrote
[deleted] t1_j82bktx wrote
[deleted] t1_j82blbu wrote
[deleted] t1_j82blvc wrote
[deleted] t1_j82bmh1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j82bmyy wrote
RasperGuy t1_j82cbcj wrote
Can confirm, my weight gain is definitely following the right graph..
helluvadrunkard t1_j82cg6h wrote
Nah, progress does go down pretty often. It’s normal.
Benny-Harvey t1_j82do36 wrote
No, its very much a downward spiral
[deleted] t1_j82e95y wrote
[deleted] t1_j82et9g wrote
Jov_West t1_j82f16e wrote
Zero dips at all, huh?
happygocrazee t1_j82f9ca wrote
This is simply and objectively false. Not every fallback is a "chance for success" or a "learning moment". Sometimes it's just a step back and you're no better or stronger for it later.
Not that one shouldn't try to stay positive but let's not peddle bullshit.
tritium3 t1_j82fboy wrote
Can someone explain the scientific reason this happens?
HawterSkhot t1_j82fvas wrote
Thank you so much. I needed this.
InquisitiveHawk t1_j82fvrs wrote
The left is still progressing too.
Shower_Handel t1_j82fxl7 wrote
Don't you hate it when you start making progress but then you
d e r i v i a t e
momosauky t1_j82hw7h wrote
God I hope so
OneOfTheOnlies t1_j82iy74 wrote
Yes but it's my chronic pain progressing
LicketyThrowaway t1_j82jymq wrote
I feel this (about something I’m trying to get better at right now) and really hope you’re right.
zaphod4th t1_j82jz3y wrote
sure sure
[deleted] t1_j82k4gh wrote
[deleted] t1_j82ki12 wrote
GelloniaDejectaria t1_j82lp47 wrote
IRL it can be a sloppy looking hybrid of both. Or it can be a massive plateau. Or even decline due to failing health.
vadorone t1_j82lroq wrote
Kinda missing one the most important progress which is straight to the dirt at some point
ANNOYING_TOUR_GUIDE t1_j82mjgz wrote
More like integrals
CheechIsAnOPTree t1_j82mqcc wrote
I really needed this.
andyrew21345 t1_j82myib wrote
If you practice a skill you’re not just going to get worse so idk how this is objectively false… it might be a little disingenuous because there is definitley setbacks or bad days, but objectively you will get better the more practice you put into anything. That’s my perspective anyways idk.
Infinite-Macaroon-93 t1_j82ni5t wrote
So true. Thanks. Needed this.
golgol12 t1_j82q6j5 wrote
How derivative.
(*yes, this is a calculus joke)
babychimera614 t1_j82qvc1 wrote
Because there will almost always be periods where you regress either temporarily or permanently if your upkeep is not good enough. Every time I've tried to get fitter and healthier, I've had a small amount of success followed by me rapidly putting on more weight than when I started. My math skills are well below when I was at uni, despite now being a math teacher, because I haven't reviewed the higher level skills in a long time. The continued growth shown in this image relies on consistent, increasing effort (as you get better, it gets harder to improve further) along with some luck (unforseen circumstances not getting in the way), and in reality, people frequently lack the motivation to achieve this. If you pause your efforts, you will often lose skills rather quickly. So it's somewhat demoralising if you know that you genuinely are not improving.
crazykentucky t1_j82qvz0 wrote
I needed this today :)
happygocrazee t1_j82r4vb wrote
I was looking at it from the perspective of mental health. I guess it makes a bit more sense in the context of practicing a skill, though it's still not totally true.
ManateeHoodie t1_j82rav9 wrote
OriCakes_ t1_j82rhpu wrote
"Learn to love the plateau" -George Leonard, Mastery
Jimbo33000 t1_j82rjww wrote
I felt like I was drowning the last 10yrs, but I’m actually doing alright…making more than my goal in college, from which I dropped out of, and it’s not too many years later. Keep on learning something everyday and doing something that scares you everyday…it stacks up.
Frase_doggy t1_j82typw wrote
>“It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life.”
Jean Luc Picard
ThunderChunk666 t1_j82u8ix wrote
Thank you.
[deleted] t1_j82w2dy wrote
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sth128 t1_j82wjzj wrote
As a sine wave I'm now having an identity crisis.
Shuteye_491 t1_j82wlvs wrote
Except financially, then the charts are reversed
a_clever_reference_ t1_j82wonf wrote
M13Calvin t1_j82x4lt wrote
Idk about than man... I have data that say the first ones true
Suck_my_fat_hairy_n t1_j82ypdu wrote
That's cap bro I hit like 30k steps on my 2ds in a day for those little orange tokens
dillonEh t1_j82zhud wrote
For me, the y-axis increase is purely wisdom. I haven't achieved or created much, but I've learned a lot on what not to do.
713984265 t1_j82zmni wrote
> Well Google says average steps a year is around 75k
Maybe average steps a week?
Zech08 t1_j82zsyr wrote
Normalization in progress makes it more like the left. Example of working out and hitting a new plateau or fitness level, which is now your baseline and you fluctuate and start all over (You are still progressing). This is why you note progress with values and not feelings (Of course this doesnt work well with certain areas that are inherently subjective).
Or on a long time scale it would be logarithmic, relative to certain factors, and you have an absolute limit.
R3dsnow75 t1_j8318ky wrote
I had to double check to see if it was a french philosopher or that Star Trek character. I was mostly certain it was from Star Trek.
yoyoJ t1_j832f6j wrote
[deleted] t1_j832mro wrote
HouseofEl1987 t1_j8353xs wrote
Tell this to my crippling student loan debt and rent increases.
sword_of_darkness t1_j835a4j wrote
Still progress
TimeTravelPenguin t1_j8363b5 wrote
My progress can be described by the function whose derivative is cos(x)
pastel2k t1_j836tt8 wrote
His progress definitely wasn’t in math
[deleted] t1_j836wwk wrote
You can get worse depending on how you practice.
[deleted] t1_j837v6m wrote
Calvin1991 t1_j83ajwv wrote
You should see my chess elo
silent-spiral t1_j83ba1t wrote
Thanks I needed this today
[deleted] t1_j83boap wrote
Keep your head up folks!!
dare_dick t1_j83d7t8 wrote
Like the stock of a successful company!
CrumblingCake t1_j83fm9t wrote
The left one is acceleration and the right one is distance
CrispySaratas t1_j83gep2 wrote
I see, you never played ranked rocket league xD
BeakedSphinx2 t1_j83ghhu wrote
that would be sin(x)
MRHBK t1_j83goji wrote
No I am progressing like the red line. Or more like the green line of it was rotated 90 degrees.
TimeTravelPenguin t1_j83gz7z wrote
You are correct. Please help.
feidujiujia t1_j83h3p0 wrote
For me it’s the other way around
Mad_Raisin t1_j83hq0o wrote
How exactly would you label the axes so they work as intended?
IrrationalID_12 t1_j83hybb wrote
This more then true and you won't even realize it when its too late or looking back
soiramio3000 t1_j83i8xh wrote
I feel like the first graph and I KNOW that this is exactly how things are happening because unlike you I have got actual data to back up my claim that I am not progressing at all in competitive pokemon.
siler7 t1_j83igp5 wrote
How the hell do you know?
Hey, next, tell me what my favorite color is.
Orni t1_j83lc65 wrote
I've been trying to loose some weight recently. The graphs, unfortunately, fit.
lioudrome t1_j83n2u0 wrote
Love it : you percieve the derivative instead of the function
valerioi098 t1_j83nhe1 wrote
So true!
autoHQ t1_j83o66x wrote
Man. I wish.
My life has gotten worse and worse with each passing year. Health issues, losing pets, family and friends. Losing optimism as the realities of life set in deeper and deeper. Getting older and more achy and shit just takes longer to heal.
If this is how fast life has declined for me now, and I'm not even that "old", I'm terrified to see how bad life will get when I'm in my 50's and 60's if I make it that far.
autoHQ t1_j83oar8 wrote
I actually have that book but haven't gotten around to reading it. What is so great about it? I flipped through the first chapter or so and it just seems to be your standard self help book.
autoHQ t1_j83oc8k wrote
Yeah, that sucks ass. Life is cruel as fuck.
SexandCinnamonbuns t1_j83oxcv wrote
FalseTebibyte t1_j83qamh wrote
Still waiting on disability
Nobody cares about the problems I went through
Food Stamps still not active, won't even call to schedule the interview
This is all a lie.
MCMainiac t1_j83qtzg wrote
Jokes on you, the left one is the derivative of the right one!
evilanimegenious t1_j83rqow wrote
I do just over 8k a day walking to and from work 5 days a week and I'm on my feet all day while I'm at work.... Makes me wonder how many I really do in a work day 🤔
ToonLucas22 t1_j83s8l0 wrote
Technically speaking, the function of the first graph can be interpreted as the derivative of the function of the second one
VG88 t1_j83stvh wrote
God I hope so.
[deleted] t1_j83t66j wrote
Barkonian t1_j83tbit wrote
Or not.
SweatingSeltzerGirl t1_j83vpth wrote
how do you know
Nippahh t1_j83xhlz wrote
Depends on how much you zoom out
[deleted] t1_j83yfz5 wrote
3rrr6 t1_j83ysm0 wrote
It's kinda, a mix of both. I'm currently learning to program and have been doing it on and of to the last 10 years. If I stop programming for even a month, I forget so much of what learned BUT i retain the logical reasoning to solve the problems. Like, i know i need to use a for loop here, i just don't remember how to make one.
If i take a break from a project, i pretty much HAVE to refactor when I start again because I'm still not great at preparing the project for my future (dumber) self.
binary_ghost t1_j840ica wrote
I was just thinking about this, I have come a long ass way but can never seem to really take stock of it. Any tips from those who have been through this??
vaulterduff t1_j841von wrote
I'm feeling this right now. Working on a project where I produce and experiment everyday for 100 days. Wrapping the first week and felt frustrated until I looked at overall how far I had come. Reading the book The Practice by Seth Godin has been motivating for me.
Hendlton t1_j841z55 wrote
Coincidentally, that's also how you track a stock portfolio!
Fiesteh t1_j842dxg wrote
Left side is my body weight before Covid lockdown. Right side is my body weight during Covid lockdown.
RollerDude347 t1_j843bhe wrote
My job requires a lot of walking. 30k steps minimum a day. Honestly I've never felt better.
Kiroto50 t1_j843n39 wrote
So cosine squared is the derivative of the progress function.
jerkface1026 t1_j843yzo wrote
If you repeatedly fail at juggling knives, you are not improving with fewer fingers.
gamerdude69 t1_j844k1h wrote
It breaks down the mechanics of building habits that actually stick, so that you can build the life you want.
Meowopesmeow t1_j847r9z wrote
I think you've got my chart upside down there
strangemud t1_j84aywu wrote
My graph is pointing the other direction
strangemud t1_j84azxc wrote
My graph is pointing the other direction
strangemud t1_j84b0s0 wrote
My graph is pointing the other direction
strangemud t1_j84b3ph wrote
My graph is pointing the other direction
strangemud t1_j84b7g7 wrote
My graph is pointing the other direction
[deleted] t1_j84bb54 wrote
im not sure about it
[deleted] t1_j84bci5 wrote
im not sure about it
andyrew21345 t1_j84bsjh wrote
You typically don’t start with knives. I literally know how to juggle so this only proves my point from where im standing.
drkstlth01 t1_j84i603 wrote
Looks like the S&P500
[deleted] t1_j84iljd wrote
questionsandqueries1 t1_j84rpkl wrote
ugh i needed this
[deleted] t1_j84sret wrote
onigk61 t1_j84tcah wrote
Health #1!!!
guardian_98 t1_j84v9hv wrote
We got this people.
thing_yt t1_j84ztg3 wrote
Absolutely this.
The chart on the right is just as inaccurate as the one on the left.
pogosticksrule420 t1_j8506v0 wrote
This cheered me up a surprising amount! I'm feeling down about not having a job after I just graduated, but this made me realize I've come a long way. Even on a low day im in a better place than a few years ago
DrMK37 t1_j852lj4 wrote
Yes that's what james clear said in atomic habits. You think if you make 1% improvement everyday that you progress in a linear fashion but the truth is you improve exponentially. If you make progress about 1% everyday in a certain field you will end up by improving 37 times than your previous one.
EmilyClaire1718 t1_j853s73 wrote
It’s true! And sometimes it’s 4 steps back, 2 steps forward , 2 steps back, 5 steps forward.
It’s easy to focus on the backtracking because it sucks! But if one just keeps at it and trying as hard as they can, the steps forward are guaranteed
405cw t1_j855p1f wrote
It's worth getting a step counter!
frivol t1_j855wyq wrote
I've definitely noticed this with learning languages. Studying relentlessly means I'll have to unlearn more bad habits later. (Human, not computer, languages.)
Gratiskatze_ t1_j858ymg wrote
Most phones have a built in counter these days, maybe not super-accurate but gives you an eatimation.
Camarila t1_j85fw2e wrote
The left one felt like being a mom for the first time with a baby
DifferentRegular4549 t1_j85g0hv wrote
It is possible to spin your wheels and not go anywhere. Having goals with externally verifiable and objective criteria helps
Also you are fighting against time (age, decay, entropy) so even maintaining can be a victory, albeit a somewhat depressing one
-hx t1_j85iptw wrote
A healthy amount should be 5-10k a day so that's already 3 million steps a year if you're proactive about it.
I think google is obviously counting people that hardly reach a thousand a day.
-hx t1_j85iy3e wrote
Same with programming! Breaks help with understanding what you're doing no matter what you're learning. Also, sleep!
RedditIsDogshit1 t1_j85ksc7 wrote
Wow what a great post. Like a breath of fresh air
Sepidy t1_j8616b7 wrote
Very good illustration 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
ThatCalisthenicsDude t1_j89382n wrote
BeakedSphinx2 t1_j89umuz wrote
Sofialovee t1_j8a5evm wrote
Consistency wins everytime
Shiroimibojin t1_j8e1elb wrote
This is toxic positivity.
[deleted] t1_j8l52al wrote
Jaxsune_Miku t1_j8ocgz5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j9anv94 wrote
DiscrepencyDestroyer t1_j811tj9 wrote
This is a great visualization