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Paradox68 t1_j86aoo1 wrote

That’s not how my stock chart looks at all.


admiralkappa1234 t1_j8742e2 wrote

Its mine whenever I enter the market :( always late to the party.


DamnBatmanYouCrazy t1_j87i2aa wrote

Yeah thought this was wsb and the left chart was gonna be 'my time holding the stock' and right was 'the stock'


djlawrence3557 t1_j88okrk wrote

Inverse this guy’s happiness chart, and that’s about right for life and investing


StelioZz t1_j89odxs wrote

Or maybe a bit early but that doesn't mean matter at the end. Seeing the discount after you enter sucks but what sucks more is if you stop or even worse if go back.

Persistence and patience(time) in the market beats timing the market


PoignantOpinionsOnly t1_j87qi5g wrote

I think I first saw this on /r/WallStreetBets and it was pretty much the opposite.

A small little upturn as part of a ridiculously long downturn.


spandex_in_Virginia t1_j873ol3 wrote

Me either, but law of large numbers says it eventually will. Just always try to learn from your mistakes


futuregeneration t1_j87kvpd wrote

If you want to see progress, maybe not betting on the failure and success of others is a start.


Qewbicle t1_j89c4oi wrote

Zoom out. That's the whole point of this post, you have to zoom out more. I can't think of any market that doesn't have this pattern. Because after inflation, it costs more dollars for gas, food, home, and any stock. If any market is a flatline when things go up in price, then it went down equally, kind of like most people's work compensation rate. It either does not immediately go up, or it goes up at a lower percentage.

Even shitcoins move up, just at a lower ratio, which is the modern trending to zero.


Paradox68 t1_j89ctp6 wrote

Yes, in case you weren’t aware; some stocks do stay flat over time (losing money, as you said), and others actually go down over time (also losing money). So you can’t just “zoom out” in every scenario….


LalinOwl t1_j86p4bs wrote

Buy the dip - FOMO'ers, right before the market dip further into the crash