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thaddeus423 t1_j8mliys wrote

The world is going to demand and expect certain things from you.

Those things could differ depending on what sort of walk of life you’re on.

If you tend to wander aimlessly with no goals or are uncertain what you want to be in life (or vice versa) things will happen to you that you do not like, and things will happen to you that you do like. The same can be said for someone who has goals and doesn’t wander, but they might have a bit more identity figured out.

It’s up to you to sort through these things with your thoughts and your emotions and decide who you are or what type of person you’d like to be.

I think it’s motivating because a lot of us are lost.

A lot of us are just making it up as we go, trying to survive, seeing what sticks to the wall when we throw it, and doing whatever we can to make our weird little hearts happy in an otherwise short and unforgiving life.

If you don’t know who you are, life will show you.

And while incredibly terrifying, I’m enlightened.


HaysteRetreat t1_j8nb8xq wrote

Your comment is more motivating than the quote to me.

Life or the world may tell you who you are but only if you know how to listen and don't confuse it with society telling you who it wants you to be.
Because that second bit is a trap that can kill identities and make for a miserable life.


thaddeus423 t1_j8ncrdc wrote

A very important, wonderful point.

Thank you, friend.


Trips-Over-Tail t1_j8ntmd5 wrote

This is one of those annoying life "advices" that assert that you need some nebulous skill to live, but gives no clue whatsoever of how to acquire this skill, or what it is.


kippypapa t1_j8oiwv8 wrote

In college, some people wanted to become doctors. They set out on a path and said that’s what they wanted. Others went to business school and just hoped to get hired somewhere. Whoever hired them told them what they were going to be. The latter sucks, just ask any corporate worker.


Trips-Over-Tail t1_j8ouj12 wrote

Yes, but the people who wanted to be doctors had gotten to the point that they knew what they wanted to be, and that hurdle is both very tall to jump and off in an unmarked direction.


kippypapa t1_j8owcvd wrote

It’s just an example. You can substitute doctor for anything. At least you’re taking a stance. The other person is just wandering around with less of a stance in life.


Kaoru1011 t1_j8pmchw wrote

Are you saying going to business school means you’re not sure of what you’re going to be doing? That’s not true, you can narrow down what type of business you want to do and you can also start your own business


kippypapa t1_j8ps9h3 wrote

Most don’t start businesses, most apply at a company then the company slots them according to their needs


Kaoru1011 t1_j8pucl4 wrote

Or you could also have multiple sources of income and have a small business. Many different ways to make a living


kippypapa t1_j8q0gdh wrote

Right but business administration students generally end up in corporations.


Kaoru1011 t1_j8q0z9d wrote

That’s bc it’s super broad, I’m in marketing which is more of an actual field


__me_again__ t1_j8nlp67 wrote

Thanks, ChatGPT.


hezzospike t1_j8rgpjy wrote

Nah that comment was definitely written by the user. It doesn't feel like a high school essay.