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OP t1_j8ogag2 wrote

Hi ,

About the person "here right now typing this" - YES, you can treat that as the Regular You and you start the solo IFS from there. The Regular You is just whoever you are right now as long as you're not blended with one part that has tunnel vision. (Again, the Regular You is more of a mixture of parts)


>"I'm currently afraid to do IFS haphazardly due to overwhelm, but I also am confused how to move forward and address this fear when I also am getting in my own way trying to keep track of the process to ensure I don't trip a wire and become overwhelmed. I'm aware that I exist doing this right now and I don't know what to do about it, because to not do it could mean blindly walking on a bomb."

That's a good place to start, but I would emphasize that the solo IFS journaling is a dialogue. So if you were talking to someone inside, how would you express that?

You could also check if that fear about doing IFS haphazardly would be willing to talk directly to you.

Like: "What are you afraid will happen if we get overwhelmed?"

It might not be willing to do that, in which case you'll be at least partially blended with it, which is a fine place to start.

Just remember that you're arriving at this solo IFS space to talk to what's inside. To meet another. To dialogue. To connect.


t1_j8ohrr7 wrote

Thank you very much for your replies. I'll see if anything changes in my next official session.