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SFLADC2 t1_jcq8wuj wrote

The annoying thing is before I started using it my sleep was soooo much worse. It sucks I'm tired during the day, but this is better than running on less than 8 hours of sleep.


Dr_Bunsen_Burns t1_jcsne7k wrote

8 hours is a false dogma.

Also, that you sleep good now is probably the placebo effect.


SFLADC2 t1_jcsntzd wrote

I've heard the placebo argument but I find it a bit questionable. On occasion my brother who has downs has trouble sleeping and we give him it and it works really well. He has no idea what he's taking or why, so in that case it seems effective.


Dr_Bunsen_Burns t1_jcsshrb wrote

So now you are comparing yourself to someone that has a complete different body and strange genetics?

Also, are you sure he doesn't know and or want to see results?

Because the only recent study is a meta study that asks for a good trial since it may help, nothing concrete.

As I said, 99.99 % 9f the supplements give more melatonin than the liver can remove in 24 hours, thus destroying your melatonin cycle and even making sleeping worse.

From all the people I know that used it(myself included) with or without works the same.


SFLADC2 t1_jcu34rx wrote

My brother has a mental disability, not "strange genetics". He also is nonverbal, so it would be pretty impressive if he figured out what we gave him.


Dr_Bunsen_Burns t1_jcuf7to wrote

So downs is not 3 chromosomes on the 23th pair? Do you even know what it is?


SFLADC2 t1_jcuga1j wrote

I know what it is, but it's not like he's some kind of xman mutant. There's no evidence of it changing sleep patterns.


Dr_Bunsen_Burns t1_jcuw5u5 wrote

But he has strange genetics, just like I said. Nit sure why you take reality as an offense?

Also, is there research done on the sleep patterns? If not, your claim is bogus.