Because they can’t handle their spirits.
Hattix t1_jefu0qz wrote
Exorcists handle spirits.
Bumbleclat t1_jefu5e4 wrote
So can alcoholics
usefullycruise42 t1_jefuaq5 wrote
Too soon :(
Ragoune t1_jefv4g9 wrote
Hattix t1_jefv8l9 wrote
Then exorcists can't be alcoholics and the joke falls flat
Dottsterisk t1_jefvikk wrote
Should probably be:
> Why do exorcists make good alcoholics?
> Because they can handle their spirits.
VeritosCogitos t1_jefvozv wrote
Waa waaa
LazyiestCat t1_jeg0lii wrote
Well alcoholics dont hold their spirits they imbide them no?
Deviate_Taco t1_jegfcmp wrote
Isn't the whole point of an exorcist TO handle spirits?
Acoustic_blues60 t1_jegysti wrote
Employment interview:
"Do you have problems with alcohol?"
"No, I can down a whole case of beer without barfing."
[deleted] t1_jegz5vh wrote
Makcim32311 t1_jeftjp3 wrote
Why do not vampires like the butchers?
Because of the steaks.