madlyswatter313 t1_jefgi96 wrote
I wish I had a fucking medal for how hard this made me laugh...
[deleted] t1_jefjbff wrote
Dependent_Comfort_93 t1_jefjopr wrote
Two nuns in a bath, one says
“Where’s the soap”
The other says
“It certainly does..”
*edit to explain the joke, it’s a play on the word wear. What might a nun be doing with the soap to wear it out?..
cantbenotrandom t1_jefl906 wrote
Dependent_Comfort_93 t1_jeflinh wrote
A play on the word wear..
VeritosCogitos t1_jefm1il wrote
You lost me on this one
averagebenzdriver t1_jefs1ft wrote
...and I thought she had nun
relpmeraggy t1_jefgbqv wrote
Given the fact that less than 5% of all nuns are over the age of 80…. (Thinks a bit) …….. Yeah this checks out.