Submitted by Typical_Furry1234 t3_yh6e94 in Jokes
1, because they are quick and efficient
Submitted by Typical_Furry1234 t3_yh6e94 in Jokes
1, because they are quick and efficient
You know what really grinds a German's gears?
Nothing.Their engineering is perfect.
One of my friends told this jke in front of 10 people of various nationalities and the only one who did not get the joke was the German...That just made the joke even funnier :)
Nein! Nein! Nein!
I'm German and I understand the joke and I think it's funny. You need to know the international clichés of Germans to understand that joke.
They usually just plunged the continent into darkness
Please don't be nein...Please don't be nein...Please don't be nein...
It isn't nein! Thank you, OP!
OP's joke is 100% German.
no humor.
Well I had to take a train in Frankfurt yesterday. It was delayed by 10 minutes 7 times. After waiting 1h10 on the plateforme the train finally arrived. They said it was « complicated » to convey the train from the depot… 🤦♂️
There is a german expression about people who never laugh: „he goes to the basement to laugh“.
It's hard to see germans as efficient if you are used to german bureaucracy and companies like DB.
Yeah, it really doesn't seem like a particularly efficient country anymore. Trains are definitely not reliable anymore for example. Bureaucracy is stifling. Anything goes wrong gets blamed on COVID.
1, because they are quick and efficient and have no sense of humour, so they don't waste time with jokes.
Really? Tell that to the Panther tank's transmission...
Saw articles with germans complaining they're neglecting their infrastructure...
The German train system is a great mess though, something like that is normal
I'd have changed that light bulb much earlier but there was a towel already on it
When efficient people mess things up they are very efficient at that as well. That's why you want your lazy people to commit all the mistakes - they give up before they cause a mess so great that the efficient people can't fix it anymore.
Is that a challenge?
I think the punchline is, "because we(germans) are efficient and humorless"
As a German, i loughed loud at calling us efficient 😆
It was designed that way, customers are just not worthy of our engineering genius.
They would do it quickly, too, because Germans can Nazi in the dark.
How long does it take a German to change a lightbulb?
Depends on the size and number of committees it must go through for request, approval, environmental assessment, safety concerns and training.
I heard your version too
Nien. Light bulbs build by German manufacturers do not burn out. But they're not light bulbs, they're heavy duty bulbs.
They’ll have a fresh light bulb in double quick time, but no energy to power it.
Everyone makes fun of German efficiency, haha, just keep laughing as you use all my gear
But surely the German bulb does not needing changing. It is well built and simply never breaks.
Germans do not change "light" bulbs as they are all very heavy and sturdy at they lay forever.
Hahahahahaha lmaooooo
I have a German friend and we were on a flight from Europe to Australia and next to us was two German women. There English wasn't great but they heard our accents and asked if we could tell them about Australia. Well as my friend spoke German he translated back and forth. Well they asked things they could do so I asked my friend to ask them what they do for fun. He started translating and stopped looked at me and said there isn't a German word for fun and then burst out laughing.
I heard it was nein
BlackberryMuffinMan t1_iucb4u9 wrote
The joke as I know it goes: only one because we are efficient not funny.