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ttt443412644 t1_iu4nhhs wrote

Can we please appreciate how much a couple of prentheses add to this joke!


jonnytuananh t1_iu4o4cy wrote

I once passed a midget prisoner clambering down a prison wall.He SNEERED at me, the lttle bastard.Thought to myself: ‟well, that's a little condescending”


Dickcheese-a1 t1_iu4q0mn wrote

Seen joke on Jimmy Carr compilations on YT ,somewhere around 2005, he was wearing a grey suit and looked quite chubby.


blightr t1_iu4q10n wrote

"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'."
-Bob Newhart


Kat28943 t1_iu4qv4p wrote

Maybe you're taller than everyone.


Waitsfornoone t1_iu4zba5 wrote

People keep telling me I'm an asshole.

(That means I'm not only full of shit, but also talk shit to them).


-WasabiPea t1_iu52af6 wrote

Aahhhh.. I’m sure you’re just imagining it


Make_the_music_stop t1_iu53sn3 wrote

Anyone else here able to spell "condescending narcissist" correctly on the first try? Yeah, I didn't think so.


Stimmhorn90 t1_iu55xoi wrote

I watched a snobby hustler walk down the stairs the other day. It was a condescending con descending.


phred_666 t1_iu5atvs wrote

You’re a condescending person.

You’re a condescending person.

You’re a condescending person.

You’re a condescending person.

You’re a condescending person.

You’re a condescending person.

You’re a condescending person.

You’re a condescending person.

You’re a condescending person.


T3hArchAngel_G t1_iu5ep67 wrote

And here I thought you might be collecting water.


Miklith t1_iu5htaa wrote

I thought it meant a criminal with his finger on the down button in a lift


Jock-Tamson t1_iu5sj87 wrote

TIL my use of parentheses makes me seem arrogant and condescending (well that and the arrogant condescension)


MpVpRb t1_iu5vhqj wrote

or it means a prisoner escaping by going down a ladder


dbhathcock t1_iu62r6t wrote

I thought you were an inmate walking down a staircase.


Supa66 t1_iu69y17 wrote

This reminds me of why it's just so difficult being better than everyone else. They all just assume that I'm pretentious.


Bo_the_oboe t1_iu6oxch wrote

No I was referencing the musical you mentioned in your comment. I happen to be male and i dont hate myself, btw. Sorry to continue the train of sarcasm with a tongue-in-cheek reference that's my bad i guess.

Also what the fuck does vegan have to do with anything?


Brewtality76 t1_iu6z94t wrote

I believe that anyone that doesn’t know what introspection means needs to take a long hard look at themselves.


deludedinformer t1_iu6zra0 wrote

I thought it meant you are a Prisoner in an elevator?


Keith-Mayo t1_iu7ihf4 wrote

"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'."

Bob Newhart


Icy_Wildcat t1_iu7j114 wrote

Looks like you're still talking up to me, dwarf


Look_Specific t1_iu7o27d wrote

I would explain the pun, but doubt any of you could understand it.


writeorelse t1_iu7t9sq wrote

You should hear about the short guy who escaped prison by climbing down the outer wall.

He was a little con descending.


pjs1975 t1_iu7z1hy wrote

Hey, did you know that 'Mansplaining' is short for "MAN EXPLAINING"?


shanksisevil t1_iu8dm8u wrote

Aweee.. the op learned a new word. Good for you honey!


skepticalscribe t1_iu8nqvd wrote

I burst out laughing so hard at that. Hit home in an amazing way! 🤣


DutchOfBurdock t1_iu8zrhl wrote

I got told that too and got fired as prison guard.


RandomWeeb239 t1_iubf6sc wrote

So was I

Edit: so basically I thought that you were acting condescending so I figured that I would join in. So I acted condescending towards you assuming that you didn’t get the joke (which you very much did). Look I’m sorry if I was just rude and not being good enough at this ok. I even put in a /j so that it was obviously a joke