then the bird that prevents them must be the Swallow
killingGumbo69 t1_iy0kv8x wrote
This pun is so fowl.
Beginning-Ebb-9942 t1_iy0rnou wrote
Then why the hell isn't he paying all this child support?
bluelion70 t1_iy19a2q wrote
An African or European swallow, though?
Dickcheese-a1 t1_iy1e99r wrote
Rodney Rude (aussie comedian) always joked about the stork that carried some bloke ,should be shot smuggling dope.
_Chromedome t1_iy1j7d5 wrote
European swallows are a different kink
ErebosDragon t1_iy1k37p wrote
Take my upvote
ButtyMcButtface1929 t1_iy1mwa0 wrote
What? I don’t know that . . . WHAAAAAAAAaaaaa . . .
meeyeam t1_iy1n6q3 wrote
Was it carrying a coconut?
bluelion70 t1_iy1ov7r wrote
I mean, it’s a simple matter of weight ratios. A 5 oz bird cannot carry a 1 lb coconut…
Internal_Fennel_849 t1_iy1qjtt wrote
As long as it doesn't all start with a carrier pigeon.
warcriminalchurchill t1_iy2chpv wrote
Spit is love, Swallow is true love, gargling is just showing off.
End_G4ming t1_iy2cq0d wrote
deepseadinko t1_iy2eiao wrote
Is that "Imperial" or "Standard" volume measurement of Swallows?
No-Advertising9172 t1_iy2jbpg wrote
This post makes me raven mad
cal-brew-sharp t1_iy2n3zc wrote
Doesn't matter. It got laiden.
Free-form_Suffering t1_iy2riqk wrote
Nicely stolen...
fcmeder t1_iy38vkc wrote
a Poconos Swallow
TastyCoals t1_iy3jbo9 wrote
Stop egging OP on.
ImportedBavarian t1_iy4f2wv wrote
Either that or the rubber duck.
Unpaidwu23 t1_iy0jqb2 wrote