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NDodma01 t1_j2dpled wrote

Shouldn’t it say, greeted him and shook his hand


NDodma01 t1_j2dzil3 wrote

Looked him in the eye, said “I was able to get a sense of his soul.” That was not my eye, said the deeply offended alien KGB agent.


HunkyMonk t1_j2dqhit wrote

I assume that was assumed I think maybe. lol


RibaldPancake OP t1_j2dro4g wrote

No. We greet people in peace by extending our hand so it's implied. Stating it directly takes away from the punchline by already getting people thinking about "hand".


neoprenewedgie t1_j2esakm wrote

I disagree. Because shaking hands is such a normal activity, mentioning it doesn't draw any undo attention to it.


RibaldPancake OP t1_j2ess1y wrote

As a semiprofessional humor artist, I think it's sloppy to do anything to make the punchline less of a surprise.
